NATURALMAG: Heather Brice Earns Her First IPL Pro Evening Gown Title
“This is such a fantastic division! I aim to bring an air of sophistication, grace, confidence, and femininity to the stage.”

IPL Pro Kelley Duncan Halford Lands Her Second SEAM Magazine Cover
“Being selected for my second cover of SEAM Magazine is a surreal experience. I am living my dreams in real-time and inspiring my children. I am feeling deeply grateful and blessed for these moments of blessings from God.”

INSPIRE Magazine: Betsy Brown – 50s Are The New 20s!
“I made a commitment at 53, that by 54 I would be back to the weight I was in my 20s! Well, here I am. I hit my goal weight for this show!”

New IPL Evening Gown Pro Megan Breza Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!
“It is an honor to be featured on the cover of NATURALMAG! And to represent what the body is capable of achieving as a natural competitor.”

NATURALMAG – New IPL APEX VI Athletic Masters, Evening Gown Masters & Evening Gown Open Pro Lanet Spence
“Every division was tough. I have so much respect for all the competitors who stepped onto the IPL APEX VI stage.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – Megan Roark – IPL Bikini & Evening Gown Pro
“I was super excited to be on stage as a Pro…I tried to have the energy of how proud I was of myself to get there…”

VIGOROUS Magazine – IPL Bikini & Evening Gown Pro Megan Roark
“Tattoos? I love them! I have plenty. They are a great way to express yourself.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – IPL Pro Bikini & Evening Gown Champion, Maggie Mckeaver
“…once I warm up a bit, that’s when my alter ego comes out.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – Lexi DeCristofaro: IPL Figure, Bikini Model, Fitness Angels, Sports Model & Evening Gown Pro
“Live every day like it’s your last.”

SEAM Magazine Fashion & Modeling With IPL Pro Champion Lesley Beck
“I think just to keep doing it and continue to step out of my comfort zone. I’m a firm believer that age shouldn’t stop you from living out your dreams. It’s so much fun.”

NATURALMAG – Ive Fultz Wows In Evening Gown!
“I enjoy showing off the beauty of Bodybuilding in such an elegant way.”

NATURALMAG – Maggie Mckeaver Dominates Pro Bikini & Evening Gown
“Honestly, I am very surprised at myself and still can’t believe it. It is really mind- blowing.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – Kathleen Acuna – IPL Athletic & Evening Gown Masters Pro
“Be the best version of yourself that you can be.”

VIGOROUS Magazine Fall 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Bikini & Evening Gown athlete, Andrea Pacheco

SEAM Magazine Fashion & Modeling With IPL Pro Chrissy Jack
“I enjoy choosing outfits that really bring out my personality…”

SEAM Magazine – Masters Athletic & Evening Gown Pro, Katie Acuna “Is Too Legit To Quit!”
“I had to make a decision and either live in pain or try to do something about it.”

SEAM Magazine – Maggie Mckeaver: IPL Bikini & Evening Gown Pro Champion
“Do what YOU love. Not what others told you to love.”

SEAM Magazine Fall 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Bikini Masters, Evening Gown Masters athlete & Top Transformation Winner, Sharlene Jones

New IPL Pro Katie Acuna Lands The Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine’s First Issue!
“Being on this cover is a dream come true! Finding mental, physical and spiritual healing in fitness saved my life. I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing league with so many inspirational athletes!”

IPL Bikini & Evening Gown Athlete Andrea Pacheco Lands Cover of VIGOROUS Magazine!
The experience of landing this magazine cover is like a fairytale! It truly makes me feel accomplished, empowered and motivates me to push my fitness journey to higher limits.

IPL Bikini Masters Athlete & Top Transformation Winner Sharlene Jones Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine!
“Fitness training is so much more than just hitting the gym to achieve a desired look. It’s about learning to optimize the mind/body relationship to achieve gains in every area of your life.”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Sports Model & Evening Gown Athlete Jessica Carbajal
“First is to love yourself, and second is to pay attention to your thoughts.”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Pro Chrissy Jack
“One bad day isn’t a pattern and it doesn’t mean you have fallen off the wagon. Just recognize you are human. Pick yourself up off the floor, put your game face back on and keep going.”

NATURALMAG – Nikki Leary – New IPL Evening Gown Open Pro
“I love dressing up and showing that I can be both sexy and Athletic…It was the most amazing feeling to earn my Pro Card!”

NATURALMAG – Competitor Spotlight: Katy Stanton
“Taking care of your mental and psychological health is just as important as your physical. You should never stop developing your mind, body, spirit.“

NATURALMAG – Competitor Spotlight: Nicole Urbanski
“Getting up there and taking my physique to the stage was/is an experience of a lifetime!”

NATURALMAG – Merrill Norrdin: IPL Pro Masters Evening Gown Champion
“As soon as I put on that dress, there was a total transformation for me! I felt strong and sexy! I knew I could bring it on stage too!”

NATURALMAG – Christyn Wright – New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro
“The Evening Gown division is by far one of my favorites. I’m excited to compete again at the Pro level.”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Tracie Fretty: New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion
“…my prayers were answered as I worked hard to achieve that goal. It was so worth it!”

NATURALMAG – Tammy Shuff – New Evening Gown Masters Pro
“We, as athletes, work so hard to get our physique stage ready. It’s a great opportunity to showcase that in another IPL category, feeling extra elegant in an evening gown.”

NATURALMAG Spring 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion, Tracie Fretty

VIGOROUS Magazine – Christyn Wright: IPL Masters Evening Gown & Masters Bikini Pro
“Everything (good and perceived bad), happens for your greater good. Keep going!”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Amateur Bikini & Evening Gown Athlete Brittany Barats
“…you can be your biggest cheerleader. If you love yourself first, that confidence shows and shines so others can see.”

SEAM Magazine – COVER STORY – Hiral Pancholi – Wife, Mother, Accountant, Pro Athlete
“I realized that this was not about losing weight anymore. It became a passion and desire to be the best I can be!”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Bikini & Evening Gown Open & Masters Athlete Ana Zambrano Klebau
“I will keep working on myself and make sure I grow. Not just in my physique, but mentally and professionally as well!“

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Amateur Bikini & Evening Gown Athlete Nicole Urbanski
“Self-love is the first love! Believe in yourself, chase your dreams and know that anything is possible.”

SEAM Magazine Spring 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Masters Fitness Angels, Sports Model & Evening Gown Pro, Hiral Pancholi

IPL Pro Hiral Pancholi Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine!
“Dreams do not become reality through magic. It takes sweat, hard work and determination.”

SEAM Magazine – Cover Story – Fitness & Family: Megan Roark – IPL Bikini Mommas & Evening Gown Novice Champion
“My daughter loves to sit on my yoga mat with me and ‘stretch.’ Soon enough she will be working out with me!”

SEAM Magazine Winter 2021 Issue
COVER: IPL Bikini Mommas & Evening Gown Novice Champion Megan Roark & Daughter Amelia.

New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion Tracie Fretty Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG!
“…I was on and off stage so many times and had so many wins, I could barely wrap my mind around it. When I saw that I made the cover of NATURALMAG, I knew my prayer was answered. This journey has been amazing, to say the least.”

NATURALMAG – Competitor Spotlight: Brittany Barats
“Sitting at a desk all day makes it so much more important that I get up/out and exercise everyday.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – SoCal Bikini Beauty, Daisy Stiles
“I’m not going to lie, I never thought I would get to this point after weeks of meal prepping and training.”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Gaby Marquez: APEX Pro Evening Gown Champ!
“Yay! It feels so good to be the IPL’s number one Evening Gown Pro!”

VIGOROUS Magazine – Cinthia Beltran: 8X IPL Pro Champion
3X IPL Fitness Angels Pro Champ, 2X Bikini Pro Champ, 2X Sports Model Pro Champ, 1X Evening Gown Pro Champ & VIGOROUS Cover Girl

NATURALMAG – Chameleon In Cali – Simona Nelson: New Fitness Angels, Athletic & Evening Gown Pro
“I have two favorite divisions. Fitness Angels because it’s such a gorgeous division and Athletic because it is a moment that shows all of your muscle.”

Natural GAINZ Magazine – IPL Evening Gown Athlete, Therese Pingol
“I feel very accomplished and proud of myself from what I put out on stage.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – IPL Bikini, Evening Gown Pro & 2X Fitness Angels Pro Champ, Brittney Truman
“When you are confident and comfortable in your own skin, it shows through in every part of your life.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – IPL Bikini, Sports Model, Evening Gown Pro & Fitness Angels Pro Champ, Lylian Mutta
“Free yourself and believe!…Life is meant to be enjoyed…Might as well dream big and go for it, right!?”

Natural GAINZ Magazine – Cover Story – IPL Evening Gown Pro, Jane Rebosura
“I had no doubt in myself. As long as I did my homework, I knew I had a high chance of earning that crown!”

Natural GAINZ Magazine – IPL Evening Gown Pro, Simona Nelson
“I knew what I wanted to improve, discussed it with my coaches and hit the ground running.”

SEAM Magazine – Cover Story – Anna Carranza: Mother, IPL Fitness Pro, Fashionista!
“I feel like I have come a long way, and this makes the blood, sweat and tears all worth it for me!”

NATURALMAG – Elli Sigala Wins APEX Pro Evening Gown!
“I felt like I really got out of my comfort zone, and took some risks.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – Most Improved! Celia Kooistra
“Hard work and a lot of patience is what it took, along with relaxing and just having fun at the show.”