Fashion & Modeling With IPL Pro Chrissy Jack
“I enjoy choosing outfits that really bring out my personality…”

Thirty-eight-years-young IPL Athletic and Evening Gown Pro. Bikini, Fitness Angels and Swimsuit Model Amateur.
What do you like most about modeling?
I enjoy choosing outfits that really bring out my personality and then going through the photos after the shoot with my sister to pick out the ones that really shine.
What is your greatest weakness, as a model? What are you doing to improve on it?
I would certainly have to say that my greatest weakness is looking natural and not tense during photo shoots and for the model walk in competition. I think most of it stems from not wearing heels often, and so I have full length mirrors up around my living room to practice posing and just walking back and forth in heels to get more comfortable.
When it comes to modeling, what are your goals?
To gain more confidence in my own skin and boost my stage presence in competition.
What is your favorite clothing style to wear?
I would have to say athleisure. It’s comfortable, and the gym is basically my second home anyway.
…”I would have told my 20-year-old self to start Korean 10 step skincare in my 20's.”
What are your favorite jeans?
Lucky Brand.
What are your favorite shoes?
I try to bargain shop when I can, and I’ve been finding very reasonably priced cute boots/heels on Shoedazzle.
What is your fave store?
I like New York & Company for work attire, and Dick’s Sporting Goods for athletic wear.
When it comes to wearing makeup, are you light, medium, heavy or none?
Usually light.
If you could only apply one makeup item for a month, what would it be?
CC cream so I look like I have a fresh face, but also get the skin care benefits.
If you had $5,000 to spend on any one fashion item, what would it be?
Red bottoms (Louboutins), but then I’d be afraid to wear them anywhere.
What purse do you use the most?
I like to be practical and carry a tote so I can carry my laptop, water bottle, change of clothes…whatever I need (kitchen sink, etc.).
Heels or flats?
Depends on the occasion. I only tend to wear heels sparingly, but when I do, I usually wear them for hours on end and remind myself why I prefer flats most days.
Anything else you would like to add?
If I could go back in time, I would have told my 20-year-old self to start Korean 10 step skincare in my 20’s. SEAM

About the interviewers:

Our team pens fun, interesting, informative articles and collaborates to create compelling questions for our interviews.

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SEAM Magazine Fashion & Modeling With IPL Pro Chrissy Jack
“I enjoy choosing outfits that really bring out my personality…”

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