Chrissy Jack – IPL Women’s Athletic & Evening Gown Pro
“Enjoy life now. You aren’t getting any younger.”
Age: 38
Height: 5’5.5″
Ethnicity: White
Relationship Status: Single
Name three music artists you’ve been listening to lately:
Motley Crue, Van Halen, Volbeat.
Favorite Books/Magazines:
Anything by Michael Connelly or Dean Koontz.
Favorite Movies:
Dumb and Dumber, Die Hard.
What is the motto or mantra you try to live your life by?
Enjoy life now. You aren’t getting any younger.
What keeps you busy?
The gym and my dog.
What is your view on tattoos?
I have one, and I like them as long as I can cover them with business attire.
What three clothing items can’t you live without?
Yoga pants, leggings, and jeans.
What is your dream job?
One that allows me to work remotely so I can travel and that keeps my mind busy.
What do you do to stay in shape, or are you just a genetic freak?
Leg day three times per week. I love it and hate it at the same time.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Food: Pizza.
Dream Car: ‘71 Chevelle.
Are you a fast or slow driver? Depends on the car, but I drive slower in my Jeep.
Favorite part of your body? Abs.
Favorite part of a man’s body? Arms.
Bars, clubs, both or none? Dive Bars.
Favorite beer, cocktail and/or shot: Any kind of wine and wheat beer.
Favorite city/country to party in: Las Vegas.
Are you excited about the release of this issue of VIGOROUS with you in it?
Absolutely! Love the cover girl too! Christina looks amazing!
First thing that comes to mind when you hear…
…“Donald Trump“: 45.
…”Winter“: Cold!
…”Spring“: Flowers.
…”Marijuana“: Weed.
What’s next for you?
I am training hard for my Pro Debut in the fall, and I hope to travel more this year. VIGOROUS
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