New IPL Fitness Angels Masters Pro Champion Angela Huckaby Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“Landing the cover of NATURALMAG is an exciting opportunity to represent not only natural bodybuilding but carnivore-based competition prep. Being relatively new to competition, with less than a year under my belt, this truly is an achievement and an honor!”

Natural Bikini Magazine: Raven Riddle – New IPL Masters Fitness Angels Pro
“This competition was more like finding who I am today with this new title of Mother. And also like, ‘sheee’s baaaaaack.'” [smiles]

NATURALMAG: New IPL Fitness Angels Pro Kirsten Coté
“This whole experience has been unreal! I was astonished when I received the Pro Card for the Open class. Overall, just such a wonderful experience.”

IPL Pro Kelley Duncan Halford Lands Her Second SEAM Magazine Cover
“Being selected for my second cover of SEAM Magazine is a surreal experience. I am living my dreams in real-time and inspiring my children. I am feeling deeply grateful and blessed for these moments of blessings from God.”

NATURALMAG – IPL APEX VII Masters Bikini Model, Angels & Sports Model Champion Lesley Beck
“That’s when the emotion comes in as well…just that feeling of accomplishment. I still sit back and can’t believe I’m an IPL Pro.”

SEAM Magazine – Cover Story – New IPL Fitness Angels Pro Kelley Duncan Halford
“My superpower is my divine femininity…I cherish the sensual sensitivity only a woman can offer.”

New IPL Fitness Angels Pro Kelley Duncan Halford Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine!
“I am humbled for being selected by the all natural IPL for the cover of SEAM Magazine! This experience has raised the bar for my next shows and additional divisions I will enter in the future.”

NATURALMAG – Kelley Duncan Halford – New IPL Fitness Angels Pro
“Sacramento was a bucket list check off as a mom of three. But Maryland was the desire to become an IPL Pro Athlete and Cover Girl in the future.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – IPL Pro Danielle Pela Delivers Career Best!
“I did change up my training slightly, backed off of my normal crossfit schedule and focused more on bodybuilding as well as steady state cardio. I also made sure to start practicing my posing at least 6 weeks out.”

Natural Bikini Magazine Spring 2023 Issue
Cover: IPL Bikini Model, Fitness Angels, Figure, Athletic & Women’s Sports Model Pro, Lexi DeCristofaro

IPL Pro Bikini Champion and new Fitness Angels & Athletic Pro Iris Bias Lands Cover of VIGOROUS Magazine!
“I am in shock and filled with the utmost gratitude being featured on the cover of VIGOROUS! It is truly an honor that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Let this be an example of things to come. Keep pushing forward!”

VIGOROUS Magazine – Lexi DeCristofaro: IPL Figure, Bikini Model, Fitness Angels, Sports Model & Evening Gown Pro
“Live every day like it’s your last.”

VIGOROUS Magazine Winter 2022/2023 Issue
Cover: 2X IPL Pro Bikini Champion and new Fitness Angels Pro, Toma Salari

6X IPL Pro Champion Sunny Eclipse Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine!
“As an athlete and during my competition prep, I’ve discovered that my physical training has been my main spiritual practice. It has been my sanctuary for my mind when chaos was stirring, as well as my playground for my mind, body and spirit. Thank you, IPL, for providing this Natural Drug-free opportunity for all the athletes.”

SEAM Magazine Fashion & Modeling With 2X IPL Bikini Pro Champion Toma Salari
“My goal is to look better than I did last time! It’s me against me. Self-improvement is my forever goal.”

SEAM Magazine Fashion & Modeling With IPL Pro Champion Lesley Beck
“I think just to keep doing it and continue to step out of my comfort zone. I’m a firm believer that age shouldn’t stop you from living out your dreams. It’s so much fun.”

2X IPL Pro Bikini Champion and new Fitness Angels Pro, Toma Salari Lands Cover of VIGOROUS Magazine!
“I am delighted to see another gorgeous magazine cover! This cover feels like another award for all the hard work that I have put in. All of my accomplishments and for never giving up.”

SEAM Magazine Fashion & Modeling With IPL Pro Chrissy Jack
“I enjoy choosing outfits that really bring out my personality…”

New IPL Pro Lexi DeCristofaro Lands Cover Of Natural Bikini Magazine!
“Seeing myself in a magazine, let alone on the COVER of a magazine, is absolutely surreal to me! Never in my life did I anticipate seeing myself in this way! Competing had been a dream of mine, so I am so glad I allowed myself to get out of my comfort zone and even more glad that it was with the IPL!”

IPL Pro Champion Megan Johnson McCullough Lands Cover of Natural GAINZ Magazine!
“I used to be a cardio queen, chasing the ‘skinny look’. But now I love looking athletic, fit and strong like a cover girl!”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Pro Chrissy Jack
“One bad day isn’t a pattern and it doesn’t mean you have fallen off the wagon. Just recognize you are human. Pick yourself up off the floor, put your game face back on and keep going.”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Pro Christina Wilson
“Go after your dreams, manifest what you want and truly believe that they will happen and they will come true.”

SEAM Magazine – COVER STORY – Hiral Pancholi – Wife, Mother, Accountant, Pro Athlete
“I realized that this was not about losing weight anymore. It became a passion and desire to be the best I can be!”

SEAM Magazine Q&A With IPL Bikini & Fitness Angels Pro Champion Deseret Fournier
“I have never felt more sexy or in tune with my body.”

SEAM Magazine Spring 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Masters Fitness Angels, Sports Model & Evening Gown Pro, Hiral Pancholi

IPL Pro Hiral Pancholi Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine!
“Dreams do not become reality through magic. It takes sweat, hard work and determination.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – SoCal Bikini Beauty, Daisy Stiles
“I’m not going to lie, I never thought I would get to this point after weeks of meal prepping and training.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – Cinthia Beltran: 8X IPL Pro Champion
3X IPL Fitness Angels Pro Champ, 2X Bikini Pro Champ, 2X Sports Model Pro Champ, 1X Evening Gown Pro Champ & VIGOROUS Cover Girl

VIGOROUS Magazine – Cinthia Beltran: 2X IPL Fitness Angels Pro Champ, Top IPL Bikini Pro & VIGOROUS Issue #15 Cover Girl
“I’m a very adventurous person, so everything that will give me adrenaline I am in.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – Cover Story – MORE! Kristen Davis: IPL Bikini & Fitness Angels Pro
“Do not worry about being camera ready all the time. The best shots come from candid moments.”

NATURALMAG – Chameleon In Cali – Simona Nelson: New Fitness Angels, Athletic & Evening Gown Pro
“I have two favorite divisions. Fitness Angels because it’s such a gorgeous division and Athletic because it is a moment that shows all of your muscle.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – New IPL Fitness Angels Pro, Lauren Oglevee
“Fitness Angels was a dream. I absolutely loved putting on those wings. I felt confident and beautiful.”

NATURALMAG – Cinthia Beltran Earns Pro Fitness Angels Title #2!
“I’m enjoying every moment and for me it’s all a dream come true. Oh my god! That day was very special and magical to me.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – IPL Bikini, Evening Gown Pro & 2X Fitness Angels Pro Champ, Brittney Truman
“When you are confident and comfortable in your own skin, it shows through in every part of your life.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – IPL Bikini, Sports Model, Evening Gown Pro & Fitness Angels Pro Champ, Lylian Mutta
“Free yourself and believe!…Life is meant to be enjoyed…Might as well dream big and go for it, right!?”

NATURALMAG – Elli Nichole Wins APEX Pro Fitness Angels!
“A lot of time went into the costumes and posing for Fitness Angels. I think that’s what did it! I spent a lot of time and energy working towards my vision.”

SEAM Magazine – IPL Figure, Fitness Angels & Sports Model Pro – Sherri Elizam
“I want to be a model of change, hope and love to others.”

NATURALMAG – Lori Silva Impresses In Three Divisions: Angels, Athletic & Bikini
“Words can’t even begin to explain all the excitement, confidence and emotions that ran through my body…”

Natural Bikini Magazine – Anna Carranza: IPL Fitness Angels Pro
“I was feeling a fallen angel vibe and felt that I nailed it.”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Abigail Comstock: New IPL Fitness Angels Pro!
“…make everything yours. Add your own twist and your own flair to everything.”

Natural Bikini Magazine – Brittney Truman: IPL Fitness Angels Pro Champion
“…Brittney made her IPL Pro Debut in Fitness Angels and was incredible…physique, presentation, colorful, unique, eye-catching wings/outfit…”