Anna Carranza: IPL Fitness Angels Pro
“I was feeling a fallen angel vibe and felt that I nailed it.”

Anna Carranza was ethereal in the Fitness Angels division at the 2018 3rd Annual IPL Arizona Championship & Tawnya Cline Natural Bikini Magazine Classic on May 28 in Mesa, Arizona. From her sleek physique, to her stunning suit, wings and head wear, Carranza commanded attention. Needless to say, Anna nabbed 1st place honors in Fitness Angels Open and the accompanying IPL Pro Qualification. Shout out to Holly Wilson (2nd) and Mary VanAlstyne (3rd) who rounded out the top three.
Not only did Carranza crush it in Fitness Angels, but she also earned 2nd place in Bikini Open Class C and made her IPL Pro Evening Gown Debut, placing 2nd there as well. Then, shortly after this contest, Anna landed on the front cover of SEAM Magazine – Fall 2018 issue!

BEN YOSEF: Anna, congratulations on earning your Fitness Angels Pro Card in May and really on an incredible season overall! How are you feeling about your season and that win?
ANNA CARRANZA: Thank you, Ben! That entire season was awesome! I placed well in my categories and I landed the cover of SEAM Magazine’s first ever issue! Winning my Pro Card in Fitness Angels was another goal of mine, and I am grateful to have achieved that on my first try.
BEN: Yes! What a year! You were incredible in Angels at that show. And your outfit really stood out. What made you want to enter the Fitness Angels division and what inspired your outfit?
ANNA: I entered the division because it is so much fun creating your own unique look and it is also very graceful and beautiful. I wanted to stand out and picked a dark, mysterious theme for the show. I was feeling a Fallen Angel vibe and felt that I nailed it. Not only because I won, but because I heard I was being called “maleficent.” I was like YESSS!!!
BEN: Ha! Yes, well you definitely nailed it! Fitness Angels is such a unique division. What tips would you offer to girls out there who really want to excel in Angels?
ANNA: Definitely think about your look and how you want to present it on stage! Create a unique routine that not only enhances your Angel costume, but gives the judges an entertaining presentation as well. And most of all, have fun!
BEN: You also compete in and do very well in other divisions. At the Arizona Championship you competed in Bikini Open, where you placed 2nd in Class C. You had your Pro Debut in Evening Gown, where you placed 2nd as well. Then, five months later at the Grand Prix, you had your second Pro Evening Gown outing, where you placed 3rd. Oh, and you were even on the poster for the Grand Prix! [laughs] Do you do anything differently in terms of preparation or training for each of these divisions?
ANNA: Thank you! I do have to say, seeing myself on the poster for the Grand Prix show really did give me a boost of confidence! I pretty much keep the same routine when I compete, with the exception of the Grand Prix. For that show I was only competing in the Evening Gown division, so I was not too worried about looking lean. I wanted to look full and muscular and got to enjoy some bad carbs while I was at it! When I am competing in other divisions, having a lean physique is my top priority and that’s when I follow the strict Bikini Prep diet with lots of cardio, water and no bad carbs! [laughs]

BEN: You recently lost your brother. My deepest condolences. What impact has this loss had on you? I can only imagine.
ANNA: First Ben, I just want to say thank you for reaching out during this difficult time and to all of my family in the league who sent their love my way. I sincerely appreciate all of you. The impact of losing my little brother has affected me to my very core.
We lost him in such a tragic way. He was a victim of a senseless crime and is completely innocent of any wrong doing. His name is Bernardo Raul Marin Jr. Everyone called him Bernie. He was the light and joy of our large family. He was the sixth baby out of seven children and we are all hurting tremendously.
I’ve taken a step back to just re-evaluate my life and find meaning. As you and I have discussed before, I am taking a year off from competing. Not only because I am just not there mentally, but because I have a lot of work to do in my brother’s name and I want to get that going this year.
BEN: Wow, Anna. Again, my deepest condolences. While the stage will miss you this year, there are certainly more important things for you to focus on. I wish you the greatest strength as you heal from this.
ANNA: Thank you, Ben. We’ve pulled a lot of strength from our parents. My mother, who has been unbelievably strong, was inspired to create a non-profit called the Bernie Marin Living Foundation in honor of our precious brother. Our goal as a family is to take our minds off ourselves and reach out to other families who have been affected by homicidal and gun violence. We are crocheting blankets for the parents and will be holding toy drives for the children every holiday season. We eventually want to branch out to Children’s Hospitals and spread love there as well. My brother was a Father and an Uncle. He was loved by everyone, especially children, so we want to leave his mark there too!

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of Natural Bikini Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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