Kelley Duncan Halford – New IPL Fitness Angels Pro

“Sacramento was a bucket list check off as a mom of three. But Maryland was the desire to become an IPL Pro Athlete and Cover Girl in the future.”

BEN YOSEF: Just wow! What a thing you did in Maryland in June! Not only did you deliver a fantastic look, but you were also one of the busiest athletes in that show! How are you feeling about what went down Maryland State championship weekend?

KELLEY DUNCAN HALFORD: In Maryland I learned the level of difficulty that comes with competing in multiple divisions. Making it a mentally and physically exhausting day. And then the wins add adrenaline and emotion to the mix, making it a roller coaster of an experience in the most excellent and unexplainable way that brings the athletes back for more. It’s hard to be disappointed when 4th and 5ths are just points away from 1st. That made Maryland exciting!

BY: Love it! And yes, a lot of classes were very close in placements and points! To be honest, I felt that you should have or could have placed higher in some of those lineups, but what do I know? I’m only the photographer these days. [laughs]

     One division that you returned to for Maryland was Fitness Angels. In Sacramento last fall you placed 3rd in a competitive lineup. And that lineup also included your girl, Megan Roark! This time around you would compete again in Fitness Angels and this time in a larger and arguably even more competitive lineup! Taking the 1st place win and earning your IPL Pro Card. What did you do, if anything, differently with regards to your preparation for the Fitness Angels division? Anything different in how you approached your posing and presentation? How you approached your outfit and wings?

"Sacramento was a bucket list check off as a mom of three. But Maryland was the desire to become an IPL Pro Athlete and Cover Girl in the future."

KDH: 4th in Athletic and 3rd in Evening Gown was hard to swallow, if I’m to be completely honest. But it’s a part of the competition. Always keeping in mind what the judges are looking for overall. Always learning.

     From Sacramento to Maryland, I focused on stronger workouts and being more consistent with meals. Sacramento was a bucket list check off as a mom of three. But Maryland was the desire to become an IPL Pro Athlete and Cover Girl in the future. I’ve learned presentation, aka your swagger or confidence, on stage matters big time. Funny thing, I did the same wings and same suit. So the workouts, mindset and confidence really made the difference. I will say though my next suit, gown and wings are gonna be fire as far as quality and uniqueness.

BY: Yes! Kind of hard for me to swallow as well! [laughs] Again, I definitely thought you should have been placing a bit higher. On that note, I do not want to take anything away from any other athlete in those classes. Everyone was awesome. I just felt that you stood out a bit more. Anyway…so very cool regarding your perspective and goals. And it all makes total sense. As far as becoming a Pro Athlete in the IPL, you got that in the bag! And I have a feeling that Cover Girl status is not too far behind! You already kind of touched on this, but what specific tips would you give to girls out there who are aiming for success in the Fitness Angels division?

"Find stage confidence that is sexy, but graceful. Strong, but sleek. Fitness Angels is an awesome category of beauty and strength."

KDH: Find stage confidence that is sexy, but graceful. Strong, but sleek. Fitness Angels is an awesome category of beauty and strength. Well balanced. I am honored to be an IPL Pro Angel.

BY: Well said! And we are honored to have you in the Fitness Angels Pros! So, I was running around like a madman, as usual, at the Maryland show. Grabbing as much media as I could. Photography, videos, etc. I was able to capture a super fun moment on video with you backstage. You really seemed like you were having a great time and totally in your moment. Describe for me what it was like backstage for you before hitting the stage for Fitness Angels. Also, were the feels in that division different for you compared to the other divisions you entered?

KDH: Yeah, actually being a Victoria Secret Angel has always been something I’ve lusted for. IPL Pro Fitness Angels gets me as close in this life as I probably will experience, so I’m grateful. Also my kids seeing the win was the cherry on top of of the entire experience.

BY: Sweet. This next question may be obvious…or maybe it isn’t! [laughs] Which IPL division is currently your favorite? Also, when will we see you making your Pro Fitness Angels Debut?

"There is something powerful about those wings. Makes me feel like our creator's got my back, always."

KDH: Fitness Angels is my favorite. Because of best swagger on stage! There is something powerful about those wings. Makes me feel like our creator’s got my back, always. Gives the feeling of walking with wings beside a lion. My Pro Debut will be at the next MD show.

BY: Love it. Kelley, it’s always such a pleasure chatting with you and getting to learn a bit more about you and your journey. You are a beautiful human. Inside and out. And I get the feeling that this is just the beginning for you! Any final thoughts for NATURALMAG?

KDH: Thanks, Ben! You are quite the leader yourself, running so many aspects of a great league. I’m grateful. Yes indeed! I thought it was a one time thing, and now that it’s in MD it will likely be an annual challenge for many years. I am grateful for NATURALMAG featuring all the men and women that work so hard to be recognized and celebrated. Capturing the memories, discussions and photos is essential to capturing the history and promoting the future of the IPL. Thank you. NATURALMAG

About the interviewer:

Picture of Ben Yosef

Ben Yosef

Ben is the Publisher of NATURALMAG and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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