Natural Magazine International (NATURALMAG) from The International Physique League (IPL) is a celebration of drug-tested Physique Athletes. There are so many amazing drug-free athletes not getting the recognition they deserve, and we are changing that.
NATURALMAG features interviews with the biggest names in drug-tested competition, as well as newcomers on the rise. We also bring you contest coverage and highlights, workout tips, competitor spotlights, motivational inspiration, and much more. Natural Magazine International was launched February 1, 2013. It is a quarterly publication.


New IPL Fitness Angels Masters Pro Champion Angela Huckaby Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“Landing the cover of NATURALMAG is an exciting opportunity to represent not only natural bodybuilding but carnivore-based competition prep. Being relatively new to competition, with less than a year under my belt, this truly is an achievement and an honor!”

NATURALMAG: New IPL Bikini Model Pro Avril Straub
“Completing this first milestone was a great feeling…I think I was already planning what color suit I wanted to have for the next show before I walked off stage.”

NATURALMAG: New IPL Fitness Angels Pro Kirsten Coté
“This whole experience has been unreal! I was astonished when I received the Pro Card for the Open class. Overall, just such a wonderful experience.”

2X IPL Pro Bikini Champion Brianne Cruz Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“I’m so grateful to be on the cover of NATURALMAG! Competing in the IPL Golden Heart Classic was a blast! Such a well-organized, fun, and great turnout of a show. I was so honored to win the Overall Pro title in every division that I competed in!”

NATURALMAG: New IPL Shape Pro Megan Salonic Talks Shape & Bikini
“I needed my mind and body prepared for competition. I trained my mind to prepare for success and it was me versus me, regardless of the division.”

NATURALMAG: Lesley Beck – The IPL’s First Masters Shape Pro!
“Well, having a new Pro Card and being the first ever Shape Masters Pro made it a beyond amazing experience to say the least!”

3X IPL Pro Masters Bikini Champion Alex Hackett Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“I am so humbled to not only be a part of a great organization, but also to be featured on another magazine cover! Competing for IPL has helped me grow on so many levels.”

NATURALMAG: IPL Pro Leann Kelly Is Bringing The IPL To Connecticut!
“My goal here in CT is to give east coast competitors a fabulous show with a personal touch and emphasis on making their experience stress free, fun, and empowering! This show will reflect my upbeat, positive vibe!”

NATURALMAG Cover Story: Will IPL Pro Ariana Rae Stewart Dominate The IPL’s New Shape Division?
“…growing up I was always considered the ‘fuller’ girl. This is something I used to dread and now it is something I love and fully embrace. And aligns perfectly with the newly added Shape division.”

NATURALMAG: Heather Brice Earns Her First IPL Pro Evening Gown Title
“This is such a fantastic division! I aim to bring an air of sophistication, grace, confidence, and femininity to the stage.”

NATURALMAG: Danielle Pela – New IPL Women’s Athletic Open Pro
“I see this division as one of an opportunity for women to show their power and their strength.”

NATURALMAG: Ten Top Contest Prep Tips From IPL Pro Champions
Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just starting your journey, these expert strategies will set you on the path to success and ensure you’re ready to shine on stage.

New IPL Pro Ariana Rae Stewart Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“I am so grateful for this opportunity! I have been blessed by this organization in so many ways…most of all, the fact I was able to compete AS ME. Can’t wait to compete in SHAPE!”

NATURALMAG – Rob Tenerowicz Snags IPL APEX VII Pro Masters Athletic Title
“…It feels great to be rewarded for putting in the work. And winning it for a second time makes it even more special.”

NATURALMAG Cover Story – IPL APEX VII Champ Steven Kendrick Is At The Top Of Pro Men’s Masters Bodybuilding
“…Being recognized for the countless hours and years that I’ve put into training and dieting have paid off. It is an amazing feeling. It’s not one that I even have the words to express.”

NATURALMAG – IPL APEX VII Masters Bikini Model, Angels & Sports Model Champion Lesley Beck
“That’s when the emotion comes in as well…just that feeling of accomplishment. I still sit back and can’t believe I’m an IPL Pro.”

New IPL APEX Pro Champ Steven Kendrick Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“Competing in the IPL has been a privilege and a great experience. Making the cover of NATURALMAG is a huge accomplishment that no one should take for granted. I love what the IPL is doing for the sport.”

NATURALMAG – The League’s New Reality Series! “The Real IPL”
“The Real IPL” is the league’s new fitness realty series. It premiered on Friday May 19th, 2023.

NATURALMAG – Kelley Duncan Halford – New IPL Fitness Angels Pro
“Sacramento was a bucket list check off as a mom of three. But Maryland was the desire to become an IPL Pro Athlete and Cover Girl in the future.”

NATURALMAG – Keeping It Together In The Off Season By 5X IPL Pro Champ Marc Monaco
“In fact, these guidelines have allowed me to be stage ready in as little as seven weeks.”

New IPL Evening Gown Pro Megan Breza Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!
“It is an honor to be featured on the cover of NATURALMAG! And to represent what the body is capable of achieving as a natural competitor.”

NATURALMAG Cover Story – IPL APEX VI Pro Bikini Champion Maggie Mckeaver
“It’s an honor to be number one. But at the same time, it’s hard to be number one because I feel like the judges are expecting more from me every time I compete.”

NATURALMAG – New IPL APEX VI Athletic Masters, Evening Gown Masters & Evening Gown Open Pro Lanet Spence
“Every division was tough. I have so much respect for all the competitors who stepped onto the IPL APEX VI stage.”

New IPL APEX Pro Bikini Champion Maggie Mckeaver Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!
“Thank you! This is something that I have been inspired by and desired to achieve since I joined the IPL. It’s a dream come true…It is also a blessing and an honor to represent Filipinos. Mabuhay!”

NATURALMAG – Ive Fultz Wows In Evening Gown!
“I enjoy showing off the beauty of Bodybuilding in such an elegant way.”

NATURALMAG – Pro Sports Model Champion Megan Johnson McCullough
“…I was a point guard. That means I was in charge of running plays and leading my team to the W. Now on stage my team is me, so I know how to bring it.”

NATURALMAG Cover Story – Making History! Lesley Beck Becomes The IPL’s First Ever Bikini Model Pro!
“I really hope that this division is able to grow with more athletes bringing their creativity and flare to it. And have as much fun as I did! I love being able to be onstage in something that I would wear in everyday life, like on vacation or to the beach.”

NATURALMAG – Maggie Mckeaver Dominates Pro Bikini & Evening Gown
“Honestly, I am very surprised at myself and still can’t believe it. It is really mind- blowing.”

NATURALMAG – IPL Women’s Athletic Pro Champion, Lanet Spence
“Quite frankly, I was a little shocked about the sweep. You never know who’s going to be on stage with you, so you always always always bring your A-game in all areas.”

IPL Bikini Model Pro Lesley Beck Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!
“Screaming!!! It’s such an honor and privilege to be on the cover of Natural Magazine! And extra special representing the IPL as the first ever Bikini Model Pro! It’s such an honor to be a part of the IPL! I am beyond happy, humbled, and motivated. Thank you so much!”

NATURALMAG – Nikki Leary – New IPL Evening Gown Open Pro
“I love dressing up and showing that I can be both sexy and Athletic…It was the most amazing feeling to earn my Pro Card!”

NATURALMAG – Competitor Spotlight: Katy Stanton
“Taking care of your mental and psychological health is just as important as your physical. You should never stop developing your mind, body, spirit.“

NATURALMAG – Competitor Spotlight: Nicole Urbanski
“Getting up there and taking my physique to the stage was/is an experience of a lifetime!”

NATURALMAG – Merrill Norrdin: IPL Pro Masters Evening Gown Champion
“As soon as I put on that dress, there was a total transformation for me! I felt strong and sexy! I knew I could bring it on stage too!”

NATURALMAG – Christyn Wright – New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro
“The Evening Gown division is by far one of my favorites. I’m excited to compete again at the Pro level.”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Tracie Fretty: New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion
“…my prayers were answered as I worked hard to achieve that goal. It was so worth it!”

NATURALMAG – Tammy Shuff – New Evening Gown Masters Pro
“We, as athletes, work so hard to get our physique stage ready. It’s a great opportunity to showcase that in another IPL category, feeling extra elegant in an evening gown.”

NATURALMAG Spring 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion, Tracie Fretty

New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion Tracie Fretty Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG!
“…I was on and off stage so many times and had so many wins, I could barely wrap my mind around it. When I saw that I made the cover of NATURALMAG, I knew my prayer was answered. This journey has been amazing, to say the least.”

NATURALMAG – Toma Takes All In Arizona Pro Bikini
“I knew that this year I was getting on the stage as a Pro and expectations were going to be higher. So I had to put in extra work.”

NATURALMAG – Competitor Spotlight: Brittany Barats
“Sitting at a desk all day makes it so much more important that I get up/out and exercise everyday.”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Tammy Shuff: New IPL Bikini Masters Pro
“When I heard my name, I had all the feels…humbled, honored, grateful. But most of all, excited to become an IPL Pro!”

NATURALMAG – Cindy Sanchez: Up & Coming IPL Bikini Athlete
“I wanted more people to see that they are capable of reaching for what they think they cant. Just try! Go for it! I did!”

NATURALMAG – Sabrina Collette: IPL Bikini Novice Champion
“I feel so proud of myself for accomplishing a goal that’s been on my mind for years.”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Gaby Marquez: APEX Pro Evening Gown Champ!
“Yay! It feels so good to be the IPL’s number one Evening Gown Pro!”

NATURALMAG – Katey Lara: APEX V Pro Women’s Athletic Winner
“I am pushing my training to new levels and working harder than ever…I’m looking forward to seeing the package I am able to bring to stage!”

NATURALMAG Competitor Spotlight – IPL Evening Gown Pro and Bikini Competitor, Victoria Rye
“Give your body REAL time and opportunity to reach your ultimate potential.”

NATURALMAG – Chameleon In Cali – Simona Nelson: New Fitness Angels, Athletic & Evening Gown Pro
“I have two favorite divisions. Fitness Angels because it’s such a gorgeous division and Athletic because it is a moment that shows all of your muscle.”

NATURALMAG – Cinthia Beltran Earns Pro Fitness Angels Title #2!
“I’m enjoying every moment and for me it’s all a dream come true. Oh my god! That day was very special and magical to me.”

NATURALMAG – Pro Women’s Athletic Phenom, Val Colon
“This was my first year competing and I fell in love with it. I never expected to place, let alone win…”

NATURALMAG – Karl Hall Wins APEX Pro Bodybuilding, Again!
“I believe it was good, but certainly not my best as I am still trying to reach my fullest potential!”

NATURALMAG – Elli Nichole Wins APEX Pro Fitness Angels!
“A lot of time went into the costumes and posing for Fitness Angels. I think that’s what did it! I spent a lot of time and energy working towards my vision.”

NATURALMAG – Lori Silva Impresses In Three Divisions: Angels, Athletic & Bikini
“Words can’t even begin to explain all the excitement, confidence and emotions that ran through my body…”

NATURALMAG – Cover Story – Abigail Comstock: New IPL Fitness Angels Pro!
“…make everything yours. Add your own twist and your own flair to everything.”

NATURALMAG – Elli Sigala Wins APEX Pro Evening Gown!
“I felt like I really got out of my comfort zone, and took some risks.”

NATURALMAG – Karl Hall Wins APEX Pro Men’s Bodybuilding!
“If you have an excuse, that is weak. And, if you are weak, that is an excuse.“