3X IPL Pro Masters Bikini Champion Alex Hackett Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG

NATURALMAG Fall 2024 Cover
“I am so humbled to not only be a part of a great organization, but also to be featured on another magazine cover! Competing for IPL has helped me grow on so many levels. If you're looking to compete in a natural league that supports their athletes, ask me about IPL! Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of such a fun league!”
Alex Hackett - IPL Pro
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More From NATURALMAG Falll 2024 Issue

NATURALMAG: New IPL Shape Pro Megan Salonic Talks Shape & Bikini
“I needed my mind and body prepared for competition. I trained my mind to prepare for success and it was me versus me, regardless of the division.”

NATURALMAG: Lesley Beck – The IPL’s First Masters Shape Pro!
“Well, having a new Pro Card and being the first ever Shape Masters Pro made it a beyond amazing experience to say the least!”

3X IPL Pro Masters Bikini Champion Alex Hackett Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“I am so humbled to not only be a part of a great organization, but also to be featured on another magazine cover! Competing for IPL has helped me grow on so many levels.”

NATURALMAG: New IPL Shape Pro Megan Salonic Talks Shape & Bikini
“I needed my mind and body prepared for competition. I trained my mind to prepare for success and it was me versus me, regardless of the division.”

New IPL APEX Pro Bikini Champion Maggie Mckeaver Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!
“Thank you! This is something that I have been inspired by and desired to achieve since I joined the IPL. It’s a dream come true…It is also a blessing and an honor to represent Filipinos. Mabuhay!”

NATURALMAG – Ten Meal Prep Tips For The Traveling Athlete: Featuring IPL Pros Sunny Miller & James Niezen
“I learned the value of meal prep through my three competitions last year and the results I got just by following my meal plan and the foods I prepped.”