Tammy Shuff: New IPL Bikini Masters Pro

“When I heard my name, I had all the feels…humbled, honored, grateful. But most of all, excited to become an IPL Pro!”

2021 IPL Arizona Championship Bikini Masters 40+ and Pro Card Winner, Tammy Shuff! At Finals Tammy was tied for 1st place on the score cards with Cara Bennett and it came down to a pose down to determine the winner. And Tammy took it! Tammy traveled all the way from Omaha, Nebraska to be a part of this show! And she still had three more divisions to go!


BEN YOSEF: First off, congrats on your showing at the Arizona Championship this past April. You were amazing! How are you feeling about the look you delivered to the IPL stage?
TAMMY SHUFF: There are always areas that I feel like I can improve, and I am continuously working on. But I feel as if my overall package was comparable, and I’m proud of what I brought to the stage.
BEN: Well, you have a lot to be proud about! Starting with Bikini Masters 40+, which brought one of the most exciting moments of the show, you and Cara Bennett ended up with tied scores at Finals. You would end up winning the posedown, taking 1st place. And with enough points earned your IPL Bikini Masters Pro Card. What was it like going up against Cara in that posedown? And how did you feel after being announced the winner as well as becoming a Pro Card recipient?
TAMMY: Thank you, Ben. Well, it was my first pose down, so I was actually very nervous. When I heard my name, I had all the feels…humbled, honored, grateful. But most of all, excited to become an IPL Pro!
BEN: And we are honored to have you in the Pros! Why did you not enter the Open? Surely you would have been a force there as well…
TAMMY: A few reasons…it was my first competition with the IPL organization, so I didn’t know what to expect, the budget factor…but mostly, I take pride in representing the 40+ to encourage other women that age is a just a number. Don’t hold back on the things you still want to achieve!
BEN: Love that. How long have you been competing?
TAMMY: I did my first show at 39, and I am 45 now. So six years, and I’m not finished yet!
BEN: Oh, wow…so somewhat of a late bloomer. Kudos to you for going after it! What made you want to compete?
TAMMY: I wanted to be in the best shape of my life at 40. To finally push through the plateau of always looking the same, and to really challenge myself. I  reached out to a local competition coach and he said, “why wait? Go for it now!”
BEN: Awesome! When it comes to your physique, what would you say are your strongest points? And which are your weakest?
TAMMY: That’s a tough question. I will say my abs are usually the first thing to tighten up, which is nice! My glutes are what I am really trying to focus on in my off-season, as well as overall muscle size.


BEN: I understand that you are married, with several children? How many children do you have, what are their ages, and how do you find balance?
TAMMY: I am! Chad and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary next year! My firstborn is 14 and my twins are 12. Time management is definitely a priority. Between family, jobs and everything else in between. Balance for me includes making my health a priority. It’s hard to take care of anyone else, if you’re not taking care of yourself.
BEN: Well said! And congratulations! I think you may have just answered this… -laughs- …but what tips can you offer to athletes out there who would love to achieve what you have?
TAMMY: I will tell them first, you have to dig DEEP! You have to want it! Dedication over motivation, because it is hard. Not only physically, but also emotionally. With that being said, I love it because it is a way to make you strong in both of those aspects. It’s amazing to see how you can transform your physique with nutrition, exercise and the right mindset. Don’t hold back out of fear. Plow through them!
BEN: BOOM! Spoken like a true champion! When will we see you back on the IPL stage?
TAMMY: Thank you. I don’t have a specific date right now, but just know, I’ll be back!
BEN: Awesome! Well, I look forward to that day! Tammy, it has been really great having you on the IPL stage and learning more about your story through this interview. Congratulations again on all of your amazing success, including this NATURALMAG cover issue and your IPL Pro Cards! Any final thoughts?
TAMMY: Thank you so much. It was a great honor to grace the IPL stage, and I’m so excited to be a part of this amazing organization. I look forward to the next time! God bless. NMI

About the interviewer:

Picture of Ben Yosef

Ben Yosef

Ben is the Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of NATURALMAG and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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New IPL Bikini Masters Pro Tammy Shuff Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!

“I am flattered to grace this NATURALMAG cover, because the world needs strong women. Ones that lift and build each other up. I hope that this photo represents hard work, determination, perseverance, sacrifices, age defiance, health and beauty. And that I inspire others to go crush their goals. I’m honored. Many thanks to the International Physique League!”

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