Athlete Entrepreneur Magazine – Overcoming Setbacks: Resilience In Physique Competition And Entrepreneurship
In the worlds of Physique Competition and Entrepreneurship, “setbacks” should be looked at as opportunities for growth and transformation. Both pursuits demand resilience, adaptability, and the ability to turn adversity into a catalyst for success.

NATURALMAG – Keeping It Together In The Off Season By 5X IPL Pro Champ Marc Monaco
“In fact, these guidelines have allowed me to be stage ready in as little as seven weeks.”

VIGOROUS Magazine – The Minds Of Successful People
How do successful people think? What motivates them? And how can you apply their thinking to your own life for greater success?

INSPIRE Magazine – COVER STORY – Katie Acuna’s Journey To Health: From Near Death To Pro Athlete
“I wasn’t ready to die because I had not truly lived yet.”

INSPIRE Magazine – How To Make Training More Fun
Why most training programs fail, what you can do to make sure that yours doesn’t, and the steps needed to ensure your program sticks.

INSPIRE Magazine – Small Changes Create Lasting Results
No matter what your goals are, small habitual changes can lead to big improvements. This article dives deeper into the meaning of small changes in day-to-day living.

SEAM Magazine – Masters Athletic & Evening Gown Pro, Katie Acuna “Is Too Legit To Quit!”
“I had to make a decision and either live in pain or try to do something about it.”

New IPL Pro Katie Acuna Lands The Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine’s First Issue!
“Being on this cover is a dream come true! Finding mental, physical and spiritual healing in fitness saved my life. I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing league with so many inspirational athletes!”

Inspire Magazine! New From the IPL!
This is the seventh magazine from MiBoLife Publishing & the International Physique League! Inspire is dedicated to highlighting individuals who have overcome life changes such as disease, illness, cancer, trauma, and many other health disorders as well as major weight loss.

Natural Bikini Magazine – How To Get More From Your Workouts
With a few simple tweaks, you can make your workouts more effective and enjoyable.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Become More Active With Lifestyle Optimization (Part One)
If you’ve been feeling off mentally, physically and emotionally as of late, the odds are that one or more things in your lifestyle need some proper optimizing.

SEAM Magazine – Earn, Succeed, Enjoy In 2022
Technology has evened the playing field so you have no excuse if you have not yet joined the information superhighway.

Natural GAINZ Magazine – Ursula Nelson – 63 Years Young IPL Women’s Masters Bodybuilding Pro!
“I also really want to show women of all ages, but especially those who are older, that we can be fit and strong at any age.”

ATHLETIC Magazine – Habits Of Fit People
It’s not a surprise that people who go to the gym tend to be in better shape than those who don’t. And without a doubt, the reason why they are healthier and fit resides within their habitual life.

Natural Bikini Magazine – Five Tips To Get Bikini Ready
If you were planning to drop some winter pounds before summer hit but you just never got around to getting your act together this article is for you.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Five Moves To Keep Your Brain Fit
…the following five exercises can help you keep your mind strong and responsive.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Get Back On Track After The Holidays
…in this article, we will tell you exactly how you can get back in shape after the holidays if they took their toll on your body!

Natural Bikini Magazine – Cover Story – IPL Bikini Pro Morgan Sims
“Prepping for the show taught me a lot of self-discipline. I pushed myself in a way I never thought I could, mentally and physically.”

ATHLETIC Magazine – Cover Story – Fee Williams: Entrepreneur & IPL Pro
“You’ll often work more hours for yourself than any job would ever require you to. So, if you want to be an entrepreneur, make sure it’s something you’re really passionate about.”

ATHLETIC Magazine – Optimism, Confidence, Success: Ten Effective Actions To Build Self-Confidence
These ten practical tips will help you raise the self-esteem you need to achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

Natural Bikini Magazine – Overcome The Barrier (PART ONE)
7 Ways You Can Overcome Mental Roadblocks To Getting And Staying Fit.

SEAM Magazine – Cover Story – 25 Year Old IPL Pro Athlete, Marissa Burns: Ambition, Strength, Perseverance
“…take the leap of faith and invest in the best version of yourself.”

SEAM Magazine – How To Bring Travel Back To Your Life In 2021
In many ways, the pandemic forced devoted explorers to redefine how to travel. And with a new year comes new hope that travel will find its way back into the lives of those who miss it so. Here are five ways to bring travel back into your life in 2021.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Adonis, Danniel Giraldo: How He Bounced Back From Injury And Returned To Peak Form
“Around September of 2019 I was assaulted on the campus of Miami Dade College. I completely tore my pec major muscle. I was unable to do proper exercise for six months. Even squatting hurt my chest…”

SEAM Magazine – How To Be Happy With The Skin You Are In
Learning how to gain body confidence can increase your sense of self-worth.

Natural GAINZ Magazine – Get Back On Track After A Setback
…discover fun new ways to work out that will keep you motivated until you reach your goals.

Natural GAINZ Magazine – Revive Your Love Of Training
Here are six suggestions for accomplishing that goal.

SEAM Magazine – Top IPL Pro Doré Robinson & Daughter Sky Rose
“My advice for women who are pregnant or are trying to become pregnant is to eat as clean as possible and maintain your current fitness level as much as possible. This will make it easier for that baby weight to come off later…”

SEAM Magazine – Jen Enrich-Wills is 50+ & FAB!
“…age is just a number! If one truly sets a goal and commits to a plan, anything is possible!”

SEAM Magazine – Style And Confidence Tips For Women With Low Self-esteem
Is low self-esteem getting you down? Yes? Then use these style and confidence tips to empower you.