IPL APEX VII Masters Bikini Model, Angels & Sports Model Champion Lesley Beck
“That’s when the emotion comes in as well…just that feeling of accomplishment. I still sit back and can’t believe I’m an IPL Pro.”

Lesley Beck is currently the most decorated IPL Pro on the circuit today, boasting an impressive nine Pro titles. In this exclusive interview Lesley shares her experience as a Pro Bikini Model Champion. Fitness Angels, her love for the glamour of the division, and her creative expression. Additionally, Lesley provides insights into her experiences in Pro Sports Model, candidly discussing victories, challenges, and maintaining a champion’s mindset. As she looks ahead to the 9th Annual IPL Arizona Championship, just just over 2 months away, Lesley hints at her ambitious goal of clinching a new Pro Card in Masters Swimsuit Model.
BEN YOSEF: Okay, here we go! For this interview I want to go into each of your APEX VII divisions. But first, major congratulations to you for bringing it once again! I know that APEX VII was a show that you weren’t planning on doing, but decided to enter at the last minute. What’s your overall take on hitting the APEX VII stage and how things played out?
LESLEY BECK: Thank you! You know, I just felt like I had to do it being that it’s the pinnacle end of the year show. Coming off a successful August show, I decided I wasn’t going to put as much pressure on myself and just have fun.
BEN: The evening before APEX, you would make your first appearance on IPL PRESS PASS, press conferences with the Pros. What was that experience like for you?
LESLEY: PRESS PASS was a lot of fun. The questions were great and I loved kind of reminiscing on my journey through the IPL.
BEN: So, let’s break down each of your divisions. First up for you was Pro Masters Bikini Model. There, you would face off with new Pro, Renee Curzie, who had just earned her Pro Qualification earlier in the show and decided to hop in and compete as a Pro. You would end up taking 1st in that class, adding another Pro title title to your collection. I’ve always been meaning to ask you this…throughout your 9 Pro wins there are times when you are announced as the 1st place winner, where you appear to get emotional, almost like the win was a surprise for you. What was it like competing against Renee in that class? And were you surprised that you walked away with that victory?

LESLEY: As for being surprised and emotional when I win, I’m always surprised! That’s not to say I’m not confident, because I am. But the competition is always so on point. I can’t say that I’ve ever looked at another competitor and thought, “Oh yeah, I’ve got this for sure.” That’s when the emotion comes in as well…just that feeling of accomplishment. I still sit back and can’t believe I’m an IPL Pro.
BEN: Well, not only an IPL Pro, but currently the most winning IPL Pro on the circuit today. Nine Pro titles. What did you think about that new promo poster that went out with you at the top, with the most Pro wins?
LESLEY: Wow, I was stunned. I had no idea. Seeing that was definitely a new motivator for sure!
BEN: Next for you was Pro Masters Fitness Angels, where you would snag another Pro title. Taking your total IPL career victory count in this class to six. You have expressed that you are a big fan of this division. What is it about Fitness Angels that excites you? And what is it like basically being the queen of IPL Pro Masters Fitness Angels?

LESLEY: I’ve always loved the glamour that is Fitness Angels. I have so much fun picking out all of the accessories and being creative with it. There’s something special about being able to bring out your individuality and just owning it.
BEN: Finally, at APEX you would hit Pro Sports Model in both Masters and Open. Starting with Masters, you went up against Jiren Mosqueda who was making her Pro Debut. There you would walk away with the win and another Pro title. What was it like going up against Jiren? How were you feeling after snagging that win?

LESLEY: It was so much fun getting back into the Sports Model division after taking a break from it the past few competitions. I kind of made a last minute change with my theme, and I’m glad I did because I ended up loving my look and routine. Again, another category where we’re able to show creativity which I love. Jiren was a fierce competitor! It was not an easy win so I felt honored and humbled, as always.
BEN: Then, in Pro Open Sports Model, you would go up against Shelby Anthony, also making her Pro Debut. You had to settle for 2nd place there, as Shelby took the win. What was it like competing against Shelby? And did you have a feeling at any point that she might be getting the upper hand?
LESLEY: Shelby brought such a fantastic all-around package with her theme and routine. It fit her so well and her win was more than deserved. With that being said, I don’t know if I went in thinking she had the upper hand. I try not to think about that because I never want to get in my own head. But I wasn’t surprised with the outcome, nor was I disappointed.
BEN: Really great perspective. Love the champion mindset. At this point in your IPL career and your success at the Pro level you are one of our Pros who is basically competing for free because you keep placing in the money at all of your shows. I don’t think I’ve asked anyone this question in an interview yet, but what is it like for you basically competing for free?

LESLEY: Well, I’m certainly not going to complain! It’s a blessing. But if I didn’t do it for free, I would still compete without a doubt because of my love for the sport.
BEN: Being 41-years-young qualifies you to compete in the Masters classes, where you have earned several Pro Qualifications and Pro titles. You are also Pro Qualified in divisions within Pro Open. Yet, you normally do not enter the Pro Open classes. Many of us, including myself, think you would do damage in Pro Open as well. Why have you not made it a habit of entering Pro Open?
LESLEY: Well, I certainly appreciate the compliment! As empowering as this sport is, I can still acknowledge that I often struggle with self-doubt and insecurity at times. I’m sure there is a part of me subconsciously that thinks I can’t hang with someone in their 20’s or 30’s. But look, at the end of the day I’m proud to represent the Masters category. As someone who used to dread aging, that used to think it was all downhill after 40, that never imagined I’d have two magazine covers under my belt approaching 42, you better believe I wear it as a badge of honor! I would absolutely love to see more and more representation of women that are 40+ competing.
BEN: Love it. Finally, at this time you are registered to return to the stage this spring at the 9th Annual IPL Arizona Championship. What can we expect you to bring at that contest?
LESLEY: As for my next competition…as always, a “W” in every category is always the goal! And I’m beyond stoked to be going for a new Pro Card in Master’s Swimsuit Model! NMI

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of NATURALMAG and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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