Cover Story: Lesley Beck

Forties Are The New Twenties


In a world where age is often seen as a limiting factor, Lesley Beck emerges as a beacon of inspiration, boasting an impressive nine IPL Pro titles and proving that forties are indeed the new twenties. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the mindset that propels her relentless pursuit of success, exploring the motivation behind her unparalleled achievements and the unique approach she adopts towards fitness and competition in her fourth decade. As she graces the cover of SEAM Magazine, Lesley reflects on the significance of this recognition, shares insights into her training regimen, and offers valuable advice to aspiring athletes who may doubt their potential to achieve greatness later in life.

"It’s an accomplishment I never fathomed I would achieve, and it constantly keeps me striving for more."

SEAM MAGAZINE: Congratulations on your nine IPL Pro titles! What drives you to continue achieving such remarkable success in your 40s, and how do you stay motivated?

LESLEY BECK: This! Seeing myself at the top of the list of IPL Contracted Athletes keeps me 110% motivated. It’s an accomplishment I never fathomed I would achieve, and it constantly keeps me striving for more.

SEAM: Being featured on your second magazine cover is a significant accomplishment. How does it feel to see yourself on these covers, and what does this recognition mean to you?

LESLEY: I gotta say, the magazine covers are extra special. Being on the cover of a magazine is something I’ve dreamed of since I was a little girl. It’s really surreal to wake up every morning and see the framed NATURALMAG cover I have on a wall in my house. It reminds me every day that no matter what happens along my competition journey, I’ve already won.

SEAM: The title of this cover story is, “Forties Are The New Twenties”. Can you elaborate on how you approach fitness and competition differently now compared to earlier in your life?

"In my 20’s it was more of something to check off a list like, ok I went to the gym today. Now, I have a clear plan each and every day that’s aligned with my goals."

LESLEY: Well, obviously I think it can be harder to achieve your dream physique as you age, but not impossible of course. It’s hard work, but I think it’s something that I appreciate more as I’ve gotten older. I feel like health and fitness is something that people start to neglect as they age. For me it’s the exact opposite. In my 20’s it was more of something to check off a list like, ok I went to the gym today. Now, I have a clear plan each and every day that’s aligned with my goals.

SEAM: Many athletes face challenges as they age, but you seem to be defying that trend. Can you share some insights into your training regimen and lifestyle choices that contribute to your sustained success as an IPL Pro?

LESLEY: So, kind of piggybacking off my previous answer, I think there’s too much emphasis in our society put on the idea that everything goes down hill as we age. Certainly things change in our body… metabolism, hormones, etc., but that should never be a barrier or excuse to being in shape. Focusing on my nutrition, specifically, prioritizing protein at every meal, and lifting heavy weights have both been game changers. But the reality is you can do it at ANY age!

SEAM: Reflecting on your journey, did you ever envision such a successful career in your 40s? What advice would you give to aspiring athletes who may doubt their potential to achieve greatness later in life?

"Absolutely not! But, with that being said, I have loved my 40’s thus far for that exact reason."

LESLEY: Absolutely not! But, with that being said, I have loved my 40’s thus far for that exact reason. We are aging so much differently nowadays, and it should never stop anyone from achieving anything you set your mind to. 

SEAM: Balancing a successful competition career with personal life can be challenging. How do you manage your time effectively to excel in competition while maintaining a fulfilling personal life?

LESLEY: Thankfully I have a very supportive husband who wholeheartedly respects my goals and knows how important competing is to me. We make time for date night every Saturday. It certainly helps not having children. The competitors who do this with being full-time parents as well, my hats off to you! I don’t know how they do it.

SEAM: With nine IPL Pro titles in your collection, how do you set new goals and challenges for yourself to ensure continued growth and improvement?

LESLEY: I try to come up with a new goal for each competition. For my next show I’m trying out a new division, so I’m excited to see if I can snag another Pro Card!

"As always I hope to bring my best look yet and bring home a W in each division, as well as a new Pro Card in Swimsuit Model."

SEAM: As a seasoned professional in the fitness industry, what changes have you observed in the perception of fitness and competitions over the years, and how do you think your success contributes to shaping those perceptions?

LESLEY: I think for women in particular there has been more of a shift in getting away from the super skinny, lean as you can get physique to a more muscular and healthy look, which I love. I hope it stays that way! I’ve certainly tried to achieve that aesthetic for myself and I hope it shows.

SEAM: Finally, you are currently registered for your next IPL competition which is just two months away. What can we expect from you at this competition and what are your goals for this show?

LESLEY: As always, I hope to bring my best look yet and bring home a W in each division, as well as a new Pro Card in Swimsuit Model. I can’t wait to hit the stage for my 2024 debut! SEAM

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