INSPIRE Magazine: HYDRATE – How Much Water Do You Need?
Water is life. It makes up about 60% of the human body, and every cell, tissue, and organ depends on it to function properly. But how much water do you actually need to drink each day?

INSPIRE Magazine – Mindful Eating: How to Transform Your Relationship With Food
By cultivating awareness around our eating habits, we can transform our relationship with food from one of guilt and anxiety to one of joy and nourishment.

INSPIRE Magazine: Holistic Approaches To Chronic Pain
If you’ve ever felt like you’ve exhausted all the conventional options, this exploration of holistic strategies might offer a refreshing new perspective.

INSPIRE Magazine: Nature Heals – Ecotherapy For Mental Wellness
…as urbanization and technological advancements have increasingly disconnected us from the natural world, the need to reintegrate nature into our lives for holistic well-being has become paramount.

INSPIRE Magazine: Six Foods That Boost Your Immune System
Maintaining a robust immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being…While lifestyle factors like sleep, exercise, and stress management play significant roles, our diet also plays a pivotal role in supporting immune function.

INSPIRE Magazine – How To Achieve Good Gut Health for Overall Wellness
Achieving and maintaining good gut health is crucial for a myriad of reasons, as it influences not only digestive functions but also plays a significant role in immune system strength, mental health, and overall wellness.

INSPIRE Magazine – How Your Environment Affects Your Mental Health
Understanding the impact of our environment on mental health is crucial for fostering a supportive and conducive ecosystem for well-being.

INSPIRE Magazine Cover Story – New IPL Pro Patrick Curtis – Perseverance, Faith, Love
“My story is a living testament to the fact that love and faith can change the very air we breathe. And I am grateful to have found both in abundance.”

SEAM Magazine – Beginners Guide To Meditation
Through meditation, we gain better concentration, spontaneity, creativity, happiness and peace of mind.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Why Training Is Mandatory For Adults
“There is age, measured in years. Then there is biological age. Two people at 60 may look entirely different.”

SEAM Magazine – 8 Reasons Why Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Laughter has got a major role in maintaining good health including a healthy mind.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Injury Prevention Basics
Here are some basic tips to help keep you safe and injury-free.

INSPIRE Magazine: Your Inner Critic And How To Use It
We all have that little voice inside our heads that is quick to point out our flaws and tell us we’re not good enough. But don’t worry, the good news is your inner critic can become your best friend.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Alcohol & Fitness Do They Mix?
We’ve all heard the saying, “moderation is key.” But when it comes to alcohol and fitness, is that really true?

INSPIRE Magazine Fall 2022 Issue
Cover: IPL Women’s Athletic Masters Pro & Evening Gown Masters Pro, Katie Acuna

SEAM Magazine – Self-care Bucket List For Fall
Are you ready to embrace a fresh start and create a fall you’ll love?

New IPL Pro Katie Acuna Lands The Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine’s First Issue!
“Being on this cover is a dream come true! Finding mental, physical and spiritual healing in fitness saved my life. I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing league with so many inspirational athletes!”

Natural GAINZ Magazine – Should You Stretch?
Stretching can be done at almost any time, but you should keep certain factors in mind.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Exercise For Mental Health
“There are many physical advantages of living an active lifestyle. But how many people actually consider the importance of exercise for the mental aspect?”

SEAM Magazine – The Secrets To Beautiful Spring Skin
If you feel you may not be ready to bare all, it may be time for a spring skin makeover.

SEAM Magazine – Face Facts: Why You Should Get Facials
Similar to getting a massage, a facial offers layers of benefits, not only outward, but also beneath the surface.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Five Moves To Keep Your Brain Fit
…the following five exercises can help you keep your mind strong and responsive.

SEAM Magazine – Health Coach, Kat Ryan: A Journey To Health
“One of my biggest passions is teaching people, especially women, about lifting. It gives you so much confidence and power.”

SEAM Magazine – Health Coach, Amie Beavers
“The most rewarding part of being a coach is seeing people reach their goals.”

SEAM Magazine – Recover With A Bubble Bath
8 Reasons why taking that bath could be just the thing you need.

SEAM Magazine – Eight Essential Advantages Of Yoga
Yoga is simultaneously a form of exercise, a way to stretch and increase flexibility, and an excellent means of relaxation.

ATHLETIC Magazine – Lights Out! Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Did you know that a good night’s sleep is vital to your physical health and emotional wellbeing?

SEAM Magazine – Can Drinking Water Benefit Your Skin?
“I always feel better when I’m adequately hydrated, but there are many additional benefits.”

Natural GAINZ Magazine – Why Recovery Days Are Crucial
If you’re not sold on taking a day off from the gym, read on to discover what benefits it can provide…

VIGOROUS Magazine – How To Prevent A Hangover
That one drink soon turns into a bottomless glass, and that dream of a quiet morning after is quickly replaced by a headache and a few trips to the bathroom. Fortunately, with a little planning, you can have your drink, and drink it, too.