The GAINZ-Worthy Progression
Of IPL Pro
Lesley Beck's Physique
“I wanted that IPL Pro Card, that 1st place finish, those accolades everyone else but me was getting.”

BEN YOSEF: First, congratulations to you on the amazing progress you have made with your physique over these past few years since competing in the IPL. You should feel very proud and accomplished! And congratulations on your success on that stage! Let’s take it all the way back to the very beginning. The October 2019 Southwest Grand Prix. What got you interested in competing for the first time and entering that contest? And what was your prep like leading up to that show?
LESLEY BECK: Thank you, Ben! I can vividly remember several years before 2019, seeing some girls at the gym practicing posing and being completely fascinated, but thought that could never be me. Fast forward to 2019 and I met my now friend Danielle Pela, a fellow IPL competitor. I started picking her brain about competing and finally got up the nerve to try it. The rest is history.
Prep leading to that show was a new experience for sure. I followed a strict diet of course, and continued with CrossFit which I was already doing. The most difficult thing for me for the first prep was learning how to pose. It is so much harder than it looks, and not something that comes naturally for me.

The most difficult thing for me for the first prep was learning how to pose. It is so much harder than it looks, and not something that comes naturally for me.
BEN: Well, we are all so glad that you took the leap and joined the IPL! I hope you are too! In that first contest you entered Bikini, Athletic and Evening Gown. Why those divisions?
LESLEY: I felt like Bikini was a natural choice given that amongst the women’s divisions it’s certainly the most popular. As far as Athletic and Evening Gown, they were just two very unique and different divisions from Bikini. I decided to give them a try. I especially loved the glamour of Evening Gown!
BEN: When the dust settled on that first show you would end up with a 3rd place finish in Athletic Open as well as 3rd in Evening Gown Open. And you did not make the top five in Bikini Open. Obviously just getting to that stage and being in shape was of course a great achievement. How were you feeling after that show and what were you feeling with regards to your placements?
LESLEY: I was proud of myself of course for getting up there and getting out of my comfort zone. But after thinking about it I was like ok, if I can do that, why can’t I potentially win a division or even get a Pro Card at some point? That was my goal moving forward.
BEN: Your next show would come exactly one year later, in October 2020. The year of COVID! What kind of impact did COVID have on your health, fitness and competition plans? And with regards to the show in October, I am happy and feel very fortunate that we were even able to get a show done during that year. What an incredibly stressful time. What was your prep like leading into that show?

This is the show that ended up being my worst in terms of my physique, but in the end a huge life lesson.
LESLEY: This is the show that ended up being my worst in terms of my physique, but in the end a huge life lesson. I unfortunately let the effects of COVID get to me mentally. With everything shut down, I essentially gave up and did not give 100%. The lesson learned was to not make excuses, regardless of what life throws at you. I promised myself moving forward that anything less than 110% going into a competition was not acceptable. I wanted that Pro Card, that 1st place finish, those accolades everyone else but me wes getting.
BEN: True, you may not have delivered the package that you wanted, but you made it to that show when the entire world was in chaos. And you didn’t look as bad as you say! [laughs] You looked good. I think you have a lot to be proud of. You have no idea how many people bailed out on competitions during that year. I am proud of you. At that show you competed in the same three divisions, but this time you added the Novice classes. As opposed to your first show where you entered all Open classes. Why was this? Was it because you weren’t feeling as confident this time around?
LESLEY: Well, thank you for saying that. A lot of people did bail on shows and I didn’t. So I am proud of that. As for competing in the Novice classes, I felt as if I may have a shot of placing a bit better in these classes, and I did! When I got called back out in the top 5 for Bikini Novice, I was on cloud 9! It made me feel much more confident after going into a show where I wasn’t feeling the greatest.
BEN: Your next show was the 2021 Southwest Grand Prix in September. This show is where you really took off! In so many ways! Where do we even start?! [laughs] Between your first three shows there would be a year of time. Why the year between each show? Second, at the 2021 Grand Prix you competed in a lot of classes. Ten, to be exact. I think it’s safe to say you were the busiest athlete in that show. At that show you added Fitness Angels as well as Sports Model. Why did you decide to go for these new divisions? And what was it like being so busy at that show?

LESLEY: I think when I first started competing I was just shooting for one show a year. In my third show, I just decided to throw my hat in the ring and try a bunch of different divisions. Kind of like a “why not” mentality. I had nothing to lose and only experience to gain. I joked with everyone and said that I did so many divisions so I wouldn’t have time to be nervous backstage. And you know what? It was kind of true! It was just go go go that entire day. It was a whirlwind for sure, but in a good way.
BEN: At this, your third contest, you also finally found yourself in the winner’s circle for the first time. Out of your 10 classes you took home 1st place hardware in eight of them! Just amazing! Included in these wins were two Pro Cards. One for Sports Model Open and the other for Evening Gown Open. And that was your first time competing in Sports Model! What was it like being such a winner that day and finally earning Pro Qualifications?
Also, you made significant strides with regards to your overall physique. What was your training and preparation like leading up to this show? And how was it different from your previous two preps?

LESLEY: It was beyond amazing. A feeling a can’t really describe actually! Just relief, accomplishment and awe. It was surreal. In terms of training, I started to transition out of CrossFit and more into strictly weightlifting and low intensity cardio. CrossFit was a great starting point, but it wasn’t exactly building the physique I wanted and needed to be competitive.
I started following a lot of Professional Bikini Competitors on Instagram and really studied their workouts. As far as nutrition, really I just kind of started playing around with different foods and meal plans and found what worked for me. It’s a lot of trial and error and can take time. Patience and consistency are key!
BEN: What was the nutrition strategy that finally worked for you?
LESLEY: Mainly high protein, low carb. Lots of lean protein like white fish, chicken and egg whites. Eggs are my jam and definitely my go to protein! It also helps that I’ve finally developed a taste for fish. I went from hating it to loving it, especially tilapia and cod.
BEN: Interesting! And awesome that you finally found a formula that worked! Your next show would be the following year, the 2022 Arizona Championship, about 7 months after the 2021 Grand Prix. At this show it’s safe to say that you stepped up your game even more, and quite significantly I might add! First, what did you do differently between September and April? Was it just a matter of doing the same things and through time you improved, or did you have an updated strategy heading into the April show?

LESLEY: I think after the April 2022 show with earning Pro Status, I had a new found confidence and perspective. It finally hit me like, hey, you can actually do this. It just inspired me to step up my game even more. So I would say overall, the same strategy with a bit more intensity. The one thing I love about this sport is constantly learning and improving.
BEN: At that April show you would hit ten classes once again. It seems like ten was starting to become the magic number for you! Also, you would place at the top of each class you entered. Either landing in 1st or 2nd place. You would snag four more Pro Cards at that show and hit the Pro stage again in two classes. At this show you really started being looked at as a top IPL Athlete, and even a top Pro! And one of the biggest milestones to come from that show was landing the cover of NATURALMAG for becoming the IPL’s first ever Bikini Model Pro. So much hype and so much happened surrounding that weekend! Describe for me what that weekend and the results from it was like for you?
LESLEY: So this show was hands down my favorite and I think my best look overall. It’s when I really started to feel like a true IPL Pro. And to be on the cover of NATURALMAG and interviewed for it was the icing on the cake! It’s still surreal to me.

BEN: Yes! You crushed it at that show! And that is an interesting perspective, regarding your best overall look. Maybe it was that show or even APEX VI? But we’ll get to that later! [laughs] Your next show was the Southwest Grand Prix in August. You did pretty well there also! What was your prep like for that show? And how did you feel about the look you presented at the Grand Prix? Also, you dropped the number of classes that you entered significantly. Down to three. Whereas in your previous couple of shows you competed in ten. Why the drop?
The Grand Prix was also the first Arizona show where I took over photography for the IPL. And our first time shooting together! How did you like our photo shoot?
LESLEY: After receiving so many Pro Cards, finally!, I decided to take a bit of a break from doing so many divisions. Though I didn’t waver in my prep. Going in I felt great, but to be honest I was feeling a little deflated after taking 2nd in Pro Masters Bikini. I felt so much redemption though when I finally, FINALLY got that Athletic Pro Card which I had literally been going for since I started competing. When it was announced that I not only took 1st but earned enough points for the Pro Card I literally fell to my knees. It made the whole day worth it.
As for our photo shoot, I thought it was great! The day after photo shoots are so fun and such a cool way to round out the competition weekend.

BEN: So, let’s talk about APEX VI! I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that your biggest high point moment at APEX was earning that Bikini Pro Card. [laughs] am I right? [smiles] Describe for me what it was like to finally earn that Bikini Pro Card, after basically three years trying? Also, you would make your Pro Debut in Bikini, placing 2nd. What was it like hitting that APEX Pro Bikini stage? And finally, what were some other major moments for you at APEX and how did you feel after the show?
So, we’re going to have to put a cap on this interview! Like I said, I think this might literally be the longest one we’ve ever done in any of the magazines. [laughs] But I definitely wanted to be thorough with you and go over all of your shows. I am honored to have you as part of the league, especially for as long as you have been competing in the IPL and part of the community. I appreciate you!
As this goes live, we are four weeks away from your next IPL contest, the August 2023 8th Annual IPL Grand Prix. And you competed in Spring at the 8th Annual Arizona Championship. We are going to have to bring you back into the mags of course to talk about your 2023 season!
Final question! How are you feeling about what you’re getting ready to bring in August here in the next 4 weeks?

2019 October Southwest Grand Prix
Bikini Open 8th
Athletic Open 3rd
Evening Gown Open 3rd.
2020 October Southwest Grand Prix
Bikini Novice 5th
Bikini Open 9th
Athletic Novice 3rd
Athletic Open 4th
Evening Gown Novice 3rd
Evening Gown Open 5th
2021 September Southwest Grand Prix
Bikini Novice 1st
Bikini Open 2nd
Fitness Angels Open 1st
Athletic Novice 1st
Athletic Open 1st
Sports Model Novice 1st
Sports Model Open 1st & Pro Card
Pro Sports Model 2nd
Evening Gown Novice 1st
Evening Gown Open 1st & Pro Card
2022 April Arizona Championship
Bikini Model Masters 40+ 1st & Pro Card
Bikini Model Open 1st
Bikini Masters 40+ 1st & Pro Card
Bikini Open 2nd
Fitness Angels Masters 40+ 1st & Pro Card
Fitness Angels Open 1st & Pro Card
Athletic Masters 40+ 2nd
Athletic Open 2nd
Pro Sports Model Open 2nd
Pro Evening Gown 2nd
2022 August Southwest Grand Prix
Pro Masters Bikini 2nd
Pro Masters Fitness Angels 1st
Athletic Masters 40+ 1st & Pro Card
2022 November APEX VI
Bikini Model Open 2nd
Bikini Open 1st & Pro Card
Pro Bikini 2nd
Pro Masters Fitness Angels 1st

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of Natural GAINZ Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

IPL Bikini Model Pro Lesley Beck Lands Cover of NATURALMAG!
“Screaming!!! It’s such an honor and privilege to be on the cover of Natural Magazine! And extra special representing the IPL as the first ever Bikini Model Pro! It’s such an honor to be a part of the IPL! I am beyond happy, humbled, and motivated. Thank you so much!”

NATURALMAG Cover Story – Making History! Lesley Beck Becomes The IPL’s First Ever Bikini Model Pro!
“I really hope that this division is able to grow with more athletes bringing their creativity and flare to it. And have as much fun as I did! I love being able to be onstage in something that I would wear in everyday life, like on vacation or to the beach.”

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“I think just to keep doing it and continue to step out of my comfort zone. I’m a firm believer that age shouldn’t stop you from living out your dreams. It’s so much fun.”

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