Lesley Beck: The IPL’s First Masters Shape Pro!

In this exclusive interview, IPL President Ben Yosef chats with with Lesley Beck, who recently made league history as the first-ever Shape Masters Pro at the August 2024 9th Annual IPL Southwest Grand Prix contest in Scottsdale, Arizona. With her infectious enthusiasm and remarkable accomplishments—including her previous title as the league’s inaugural Bikini Model Masters Pro—Lesley shares insights into her journey embracing the new Shape division, and her exhilarating experience on stage. As she prepares for IPL APEX VIII, Lesley reflects on her passion for the sport and the importance of stepping outside her comfort zone, inspiring fellow athletes to pursue their goals with confidence.

"Well, having a new pro card and being the first ever Shape Masters Pro made it a beyond amazing experience to say the least!"
BEN YOSEF: Congratulations on an amazing showing at the Grand Prix last month! Once again, you achieved so much inside of one show! But for this interview we want to celebrate you for your achievements in the Shape division. We’ll have to get into all of the other amazing things in another interview. So, let’s talk Shape! How would you summarize your experience in the league’s debut of the new Shape division at the Grand Prix?
LESLEY BECK: Thank you! Well, having a new Pro Card and being the first ever Shape Masters Pro made it a beyond amazing experience to say the least! Going in, I wasn’t really sure what to expect with it being a brand-new division, so I just decided to bring my best and let the cards fall. I will say though, as soon as I stepped on stage I felt really confident in the moment and loved every minute of it!
BEN: As we all know, you became the league’s first ever Bikini Model Masters Pro back in 2022. An incredible milestone and a part of league history. At the Grand Prix last month, you would of course enter the Shape division for its debut and would ultimately become the league’s first ever Shape Masters Pro. How important to you or how much do you think about these types of milestones heading into a show. Like, was the idea of possibly becoming the first ever shape Pro something you focused on or aimed for or again, like you said, do you just let the cards fall where they may?

"I was definitely focused on it for sure! Obtaining this pro card was the main goal for me for this show."
LESLEY: I was definitely focused on it for sure! These accomplishments mean so much to me and they are such an honor. Obtaining this Pro Card was the main goal for me for this show. As always though, I didn’t want to get in my head too much and come out on the other end disappointed.
BEN: In that division you seemed to exude a level of confidence that I felt was maybe a bit stronger than usual for you. You always look confident on stage, but I thought even more so at the Grand Prix in Shape. Would you say that you felt more comfortable in Shape? Also, with regards to posing, it seemed like you kicked things up several notches. Talk to me a bit about your approach to the posing and how you prepared for the division.

"...I’ve almost gotten to the point where I’m an entirely different person when I step on stage. I absolutely love it."
LESLEY: I was definitely feeling comfortable and in my element for sure. As for posing, it’s certainly something I’ve been working on more and more, just trying to create my own little flair and vibe. Again, I think it comes down to confidence and I’m trying really hard to work on that aspect of this sport. It’s easy to get down on yourself, but I’ve almost gotten to the point where I’m an entirely different person when I step on stage. I absolutely love it.
BEN: Well, your posing was definitely fire! It seemed like you were in the zone! So, I think it’s fair to say your front side is generally sharper than your backside. You are a high-level IPL Pro with more than a dozen Pro titles to your name, so I feel we can talk frankly about this. My point is, you seemed to have closed the gap or discrepancy, to a noticeable degree, between your front and back. I think your back pose at the Grand Prix was maybe the strongest I’ve ever seen from you. What’s your take on this? And, heading into this show, did you do work to focus specifically on bringing up your look from the back?

"Oh yes! I knew I needed to bring the booty and legs for Shape! [laughs] This time around with my training I focused quite a bit on lifting heavy, especially lower body."
LESLEY: Oh yes! I knew I needed to bring the booty and legs for Shape! [laughs] This time around with my training I focused quite a bit on lifting heavy, especially lower body. As for my back pose, shout out to Alex Hackett! I love her posing and tried to emulate her as much as possible. She’s a great one to watch if you want to learn stage presence and posing, in my opinion.
BEN: Awesome! And good on you! The new strategy obviously worked! And yes, shout out to Alex! So, at the Grand Prix you ended up competing in Amateur Open for Shape, aiming for that Open Pro Card. You’ve been very clear about the fact that you don’t really have too much interest in the Open classes, opting to just focus on the Masters 40+ classes. Even though you do have some Open Pro Cards. You spoke about this during your PRESS PASS interview, but can you share with us the idea behind your choice to enter Amateur Shape and compete in the Open? Also, just to note, in the Shape Open class you placed 2nd. Just six points behind 1st place winner Megan Salonic. So, it was close at the top of that class. In the Masters 40+ class the spread was much wider as you placed 1st, earning your Masters Pro Card. In 2nd place, Chrissy Jack was 17 points behind you. So, why Shape Open?

"I think I was just really excited and inspired by a new division, so I thought, why not? ...I’ve been trying really hard to push myself and go out of my comfort zone..."
LESLEY: I think I was just really excited and inspired by a new division, so I thought, why not? As I’m gaining more confidence and experience along the way, I’ve been trying really hard to push myself and go out of my comfort zone when it feels right. I’m glad I did it. Absolutely no regrets!
BEN: Very cool. Does this mean we might be seeing you hopping into Open classes in the future? As you become more comfortable and confident…
LESLEY: We’ll see! I’ll never say never!
BEN: [laughs] Okay, nice! The Shape division is definitely gaining some steam and interest, and your display is surely part of the reason why! As a top girl now for the division, what tips or advice would you give to girls who are considering entering it? And girls who have already entered the division for upcoming IPL shows.

"...I would say go for it and don’t be intimidated by something new! ...'building' for Shape, while challenging, was definitely a fun process."
LESLEY: Well first and foremost, I would say go for it and don’t be intimidated by something new! As we’ve discussed I think it’s great for those athletes that are a bit hesitant about being “lean enough” for Bikini. I say if you’re like me and especially struggle with getting and staying lean, get in the gym and build up that lower body! Honestly, “building” for Shape while challenging was definitely a fun process.
BEN: Awesome! Great advice! I do just want to say though for the girls who are going to be reading this interview, leanness is still a factor in Shape, as there is still a Conditioning score. It’s just not as big of a focus as the overall Shape and fullness of the body. As this interview goes live we are 9 weeks away from APEX VIII. You will be returning to APEX once again to defend your Pro titles in Masters Bikini Model and Masters Fitness Angels. Why aren’t you hitting the Shape stage for APEX? And also, I see that you entered Figure! Another new division for you! Super cool! Why Figure?

"Well it’s the end of the year so I wanted to go out with a bang, so I thought…why not try for another pro card?!?"
LESLEY: Well, it’s the end of the year so I wanted to go out with a bang. So I thought…why not try for another Pro Card?!? As for Bikini Model & Angels, these two particular divisions are my passion, so I had to. I’m not abandoning Shape though! I will definitely be doing this again in the near future for sure!
BEN: Awesome. Well, I’m excited to see what you bring to APEX this year! And excited to see what you bring to the Figure division! Lesley, it’s always a pleasure chatting with you and getting your perspective on things! Another interview in the books! 9 weeks out! Any final thoughts as we wrap this interview?
LESLEY: I’m always so humbled doing these. Thank you so much for the continued opportunities! See you in November! NATURALMAG

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of NATURALMAG and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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