Cover Story – IPL APEX VI Pro Bikini Champion Maggie Mckeaver
“It’s an honor to be number one. But at the same time, it’s hard to be number one because I feel like the judges are expecting more from me every time I compete.”
"Your platform helped to boost the confidence that I lost for a long time. And I thank you for that."
MAGGIE: It’s overwhelming, yet exciting and an honor to get all of the attention. I never really expected it. Especially because I am a very shy person and also a newbie in the IPL and the sport. I am glad that there’s a stage and platform like the IPL for people like me who have low self-esteem or lost motivation. Your platform helped to boost the confidence that I lost for a long time. And I thank you for that. And again, the front cover is a dream come true. Who doesn’t want to be on the cover of a magazine?! [laughs]
BEN: You are very welcome! And this is all very well deserved! In the IPL you don’t have to be here for years in order to be celebrated. We recognize talent, even in our newbies! And you presented like a Pro at your first show, earning your Pro Cards in Bikini and Evening Gown and winning Pro titles in both! You were incredible! And you were even better at APEX!
On that note, I find it quite fascinating that you have issues with self-esteem, motivation or confidence. You seem so polished on stage. When you are on stage you have been the standout athlete in terms of confidence and presentation. Explain to me what happens? How do you just “turn it on” when it’s time to hit the stage?
"I get really nervous so easily, and when my anxiety kicks in, I can forget my routine. That's why I practice as much as I can. So that when I get to the stage, it feels natural."
MAGGIE: I am a perfectionist and a very competitive person. When I know I have to present something or compete in something, I can’t help myself but to over-prepare. I practice over and over again, every day if I can. I get really nervous so easily, and when my anxiety kicks in, I can forget my routine. That’s why I practice as much as I can. So that when I get to the stage, it feels natural. It probably helps as well that I used to be a theatrical dancer when I was a teenager back in the Philippines.
BEN: This is just so interesting. And like I said, I am absolutely fascinated by this phenomenon. Quite a few athletes have actually expressed that they are incredibly nervous or have anxiety when it comes to the stage. But many of these athletes actually end up appearing to be the most confident and have the best presentation out of all the athletes in the entire show! Katy Stanton, INSPIRE Magazine cover girl, explained in her cover feature about her anxiety and how nervous she gets. But every time she hits the stage she scores the highest points when it comes to presentation. Do you still get nervous when you hit the IPL stage? Or, like you said, you’ve practiced so much that the nerves just go away?
MAGGIE: Yes, I still get very nervous. Even if I practice almost every day. I guess it is just the nerves! [laughs] And trying to make sure I do everything right and trying not to make mistakes. I know I am really hard on myself. That’s why every time I step on stage, I want to show a different routine and better package compared to the previous show.
BEN: As you know, IPL APEX is our year-end championship event. Athletes who earn Pro Title there are technically at the top of the food chain when it comes to that division. So, at this moment, you are the number one girl in the IPL when it comes to Pro Bikini. What is that like for you to be number one?
"It's an honor to be number one. But at the same time, it's hard to be number one because I feel like the judges are expecting more from me every time I compete."
MAGGIE: It’s an honor to be number one. But at the same time, it’s hard to be number one because I feel like the judges are expecting more from me every time I compete.
BEN: On that note, at this very moment you are just two weeks away from arguably your biggest challenge and test to date on the IPL stage. You will be facing off with Toma Salari, who has two IPL Pro titles. The same as you. And Alex Hackett, who has one Pro Masters title, but not Pro Open. You have never competed against these two Pros before…and it’s safe to say that they are both very good. [smiles] And for good measures you are all cover girls! [laughs] How are you feeling as you are heading into the Grand Prix contest on August 12th?
MAGGIE: I am very scared and anxious. Oh my! Those two girls are very good in their own way and both very beautiful. Their physiques are really on point as well. I am definitely scared! [laughs]
BEN: Well, you shouldn’t be THAT scared! Just call it nervous excitement! [laughs] Your physique is up there, and your posing and presentation are almost unmatched, so I think you are going to do well! I’m excited to see that line up in action!
Let’s take it back to APEX. You also competed in Pro Evening Gown, aiming for your second Pro victory in that division as well. But at APEX, you would have to settle for 2nd place. I thought you were spot on in Pro Evening Gown, same as Pro Bikini. How were you feeling about the results of that Pro Evening Gown lineup? And what do you think it was that kept you from the win there?
"Thank you so much, Ben! I'm doing okay. I can be sore loser sometimes." [laughs]
MAGGIE: Thank you so much, Ben! I’m doing okay. I can be sore loser sometimes. [laughs] It’s just my competitive side. I know it all came down to muscularity. Lanet has a really great, undeniable physique. I really do look up to her and she is fun to watch on the stage.
BEN: Well you seemed gracious in defeat at APEX and you still seem gracious, so that’s good! You’re a good sport! And yes, Lanet is fierce! We love her! And I’m sure you’ll get another shot at her! Maggie, it has been a pleasure once again to chat with you and congratulations again on this awesome cover and on all your success in 2022! And now your season is just getting started for 2023, kicking off in just a couple of weeks! I am super excited for this show and the lineups we have on the schedule! It’s such an honor to have you as part of this league…at the top of the league! Maybe you’ll even snag some more Pro titles in Phoenix next month! Any final thoughts for NATURALMAG?
MAGGIE: I hope so. But I will try my best to give you all a great show and hope for the best. Thank you so much again Ben for creating such a great platform for us athletes. And it is a pleasure as well to be part of the IPL and to be a cover girl for NATURALMAG. I am beyond grateful for all the blessings, love and support I have had received. Thank you again! NATURALMAG
About the interviewer:
Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of NATURALMAG and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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