IPL Pro Danielle Pela Delivers Career Best!

“I did change up my training slightly, backed off of my normal crossfit schedule and focused more on bodybuilding as well as steady state cardio. I also made sure to start practicing my posing at least 6 weeks out.”

Interview & Photography by Ben Yosef

It is safe to say that Danielle Pela brought her best look to date in the spring of 2023. Heading into the IPL Arizona Championship Danielle had already achieved top IPL Pro status in several divisions. Up to this point she earned IPL Pro status in Sports Model, Athletic and Bikini. Including Pro titles throughout these divisions. However, for the Arizona Championship, Danielle had her sights set on a couple of new divisions and one of them was Bikini Model.
     In the division Danielle would take 1st place in Masters 40+, earning her IPL Pro Card for the class. She would also enter the Open, placing 3rd in a very competitive class. And finally, for this division, she would make her Pro Debut in Masters, placing 2nd.

"I wanted to try something different. And it looked fun because the posing is less restrictive compared to the traditional Bikini division..."

BEN YOSEF: So, let’s get into it! First question…what compelled you to give the Bikini Model division a try?

DANIELLE PELA: I wanted to try something different. And it looked fun because the posing is less restrictive compared to the traditional Bikini division, which I had already mastered, so to speak. I saw Bikini Model as a division that was new, where I could be a bit more creative.

BEN: Very cool. And you definitely describe the Bikini Model Division accurately! At the Arizona Championship you were absolutely on fire in this division. Was it the division that brought this out of you or would you have been so smokin’ in any division that you entered? [laughs]
DANIELLE: I loved doing Fitness Angels too, but I think it was the division! It was totally my jam! [laughs]
BEN: Love that! So let’s talk about the physique you brought! In my opinion this was your best look to date. Would you agree? And what did you do in order to bring this look as well as presentation? Did things change in your training, nutrition? Did you practice posing a ton?

"Going back and watching my videos helped me to fine tune my poses."

DANIELLE: I would agree! I was very happy with the package I brought to stage this time. This time around, I knew I needed more support and accountability, so I hired a nutrition coach who works specifically with physique athletes. Her insight was especially helpful when I needed advice on how to get through my diet plateaus. I now have more tools in my toolbox when it comes to macros and calories and how to tweak them.
     As the show got closer, I did change up my training slightly, backed off of my normal crossfit schedule and focused more on bodybuilding as well as steady state cardio. I also made sure to start practicing my posing at least 6 weeks out. And made sure to incorporate a few minutes a day. Then on weekends I would practice at the gym, where I had a larger space and could also film myself. Going back and watching my videos helped me to fine tune my poses.
BEN: Well, it all paid off. Culminating in not only another Pro Qualification for you, but also a Pro Debut and another Pro title! Speaking of that, were you surprised at all at how far you shot to the top of the Bikini Model division? And what was it like winning that Pro title?

"I was honestly surprised because I try not to go into a show with the expectation of earning a Pro Card the first time I compete in a new division."

DANIELLE: I was honestly surprised because I try not to go into a show with the expectation of earning a Pro Card the first time I compete in a new division. and I had some really tough competition! Having done 7 or 8 shows now…I’m losing count! [laughs] 

     I’ve realized that when my focus is on having fun because I really love this sport, the wins sort of fall into place. Of course, I want to win but these shows are more than just about winning a medal for me. I do them to prove to myself that I can do them, that I can be a better version of myself, and that I always have room to grow and get even better! Earning the Pro title the first time competing in a new division was just icing on the cake for me! [smiles]
BEN: Love this! And love your perspective! You truly approach this sport with a champion mindset! So, it’s no surprise that you are having such success. So, back to Fitness Angels! You were also fantastic in this division! What is about Fitness Angels that compelled you to enter the division, and how are you feeling about how you delivered there?

"I've always wanted to do that division, and I'm not really sure why I didn't do it sooner...it's beautiful, sexy, fun, and creative!"

DANIELLE: I’ve always wanted to do that division, and I’m not really sure why I didn’t do it sooner. I absolutely love the angel wings concept because it’s beautiful, sexy, fun, and creative! I was going for elegance in my delivery, and I think that was a great way to break into the division. Next time, I’m going to get more creative with it and really have fun with my suit and wings!
BEN: Well, I look forward to seeing what you bring next time around! In all the divisions you enter! As this interview goes live, we are just a week and a half away from the 8th Annual IPL Southwest Grand Prix contest. Where you will be joining the judge’s panel once again! Thank you so much for being not only such a big part of this league as a top Pro Athlete, but also sitting on the judge’s panel for several shows now. What is it like for you serving as a judge, sitting on the other side of the table?
DANIELLE: It’s been an invaluable experience to sit on the other side. I’ve gained a whole new perspective on what the judges see and what they are looking for. I also have the utmost respect for judging because it’s not as easy as it might look. Having said that, I’m still grateful that I get to do it.
BEN: Awesome that you are taking away so much from it! And we are honored to have you! So we’ll be seeing you very soon! Any final thoughts for Natural Bikini Magazine?
DANIELLE: Yep! I’m excited to see everyone and judge again! Final thoughts…If you’ve ever thought about getting on stage, just go for it! The sense of accomplishment and empowerment you will feel after doing your first competition can change the trajectory of your life and open doors you never thought possible! NATURAL BIKINI

About the interviewer:

Picture of Ben Yosef

Ben Yosef

Ben is the Publisher of Natural Bikini Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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