New IPL Figure Open & Masters Pro Danielle Pela Lands Cover Of Natural GAINZ Magazine

Natural GAINZ Magazine Summer 2024 Cover

Cover: New IPL Figure Open & Masters Pro, Danielle Pela.
Photo By Ben Yosef
Summer 2024 interviews & features begin dropping in June.
Cover image captured on stage at the April 2024 IPL Arizona Championship in Phoenix. In AZ, Danielle placed 1st and earned Pro Cards in both Figure Open & Figure Masters 40+. She also earned her Women’s Athletic Open Pro Card and made her Pro Debut, placing 2nd.

Winning 1st in both Figure Open and Masters 40+ as well as earning my Pro Cards the first time competing in this division was an absolute shock and dream come true! I literally cried on stage! Since first competing in the IPL back in 2019, I’ve always secretly dreamed of being on the cover of one of the league’s magazines. So learning that I landed the cover of Natural GAINZ Magazine was another dream come true! I am so grateful to this league and what it has done for my confidence as well as being able to share my passion for this sport with others and have some of my friends join me in the league. I am so appreciative to Ben for creating such a wonderful league that truly supports its athletes and maintains a high level of integrity for natural bodybuilding.

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