Cover Story – Tracie Fretty: New IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion
“…my prayers were answered as I worked hard to achieve that goal. It was so worth it!”

2021 IPL Texas State Evening Gown Masters Pro Champion, Tracie Fretty!
After taking 1st place in Evening Gown Masters 40+ and earning her IPL Pro Card, Tracie jumped into the Pro class and WON!
Complete list of Tracie’s Texas State Pro/Am placements:
1st Place & Pro Card Women’s Sports Model Masters 40+
3rd Place Pro Masters Women’s Sports Model (Pro Debut)
1st Place & Pro Card Evening Gown Masters 40+
1st Place Pro Masters Evening Gown (Pro Debut)
BEN YOSEF: Congratulations to you on the Texas State Pro/Am show! You were absolutely radiant! Is that how you were feeling on that stage?
TRACIE FRETTY: Thank you! I felt absolutely beautiful!
BEN: Love it! What was your prep like for this show?
TRACIE: Meal preparation every week, morning and evening workout for an hour and a half at least 5-6 days a week.
BEN: Nice. How long of a prep did you do? And were there any major challenges? Or pretty smooth the whole way?
TRACIE: For about 9-10 months. I found out I had a torn meniscus in 2020 when we first started our workouts. After the pandemic I wasn’t sure if I should start the process over and compete because it’s very painful. However, I prayed about it, worked really hard and as my lower body strengthened, the injury became less painful.
It was still a challenge. I had to change my workouts so I would not reinjure myself. I prayed for this to be my best competition and my prayers were answered as I worked hard to achieve that goal. It was so worth it!
BEN: What a comeback story! Good on you for sticking through! And thank god you were able to! As this is officially the “IPL Evening Gown Issue” with you on the cover looking stunning in your competition gown…let’s talk about the division. What is it about IPL Evening Gown that attracts you to it?
TRACIE: Thank you! I started this journey competing in Figure and Sports Model. When I discovered the Evening Gown division I switched to it so I could show my feminine side. I think it’s phenomenal for women who want to show the feminine side of Bodybuilding and don’t want to show a lot of skin. [laughs] I get to be feminine and show my hard work.
BEN: When training your physique for competition, is there anything specific that you do in preparation for the Evening Gown division?
TRACIE: I work on all areas. A bit more on back, biceps and triceps for upper body. And a lot on my quads, obliques and abs.
BEN: What tips can you offer Evening Gown Competitors with regards to choosing the right gown for their physiques?

TRACIE: Take your time when choosing the gown that compliments your body. Don’t start looking at the last minute. The color of the gown is important as well. It should go with your skin tone. Your jewelry is paramount as well.
BEN: What about budget, when it comes to buying a gown? Did you approach your gown with a budget in mind?
TRACIE: Not really. But I definitely wanted beautiful and inexpensive.
BEN: Well you obviously nailed it! What tips can you offer competitors when looking for a “beautiful and inexpensive” gown?
TRACIE: Don’t settle, or wait til the last minute. Go to several places and spend time trying on gowns to find that RIGHT one. Boutiques are great. They have a variety of gowns to choose from.
BEN: At this contest, after winning your Masters Pro Card, you decided to jump right into Pro Masters for your Pro Debut. Was that a tough division for you to make or were you all in right away? Also, what was it like going up against IPL Evening Gown Masters Pro Linda Berry, who is also a very talented competitor?
TRACIE: It was a bit tough. I did not prepare to compete in a Pro division at this point. Yes, she is. I was a little nervous, to say the least! [laughs]
BEN: Well, you handled that like a true Professional! And took home your first Pro title! Just AMAZING! And landed yourself on the cover of NATURALMAG. It was great seeing you at the Southern Championship this month! And it was great to have the framed cover presented to you at the show! Congrats again! What’s next for you?
TRACIE: Thanks! I’m still in Heaven! My plan now is to focus on finishing Med school!
BEN: So cool! Best of luck to you! Any final thoughts?
TRACIE: It was like a fairytale come true! [smiles] NMI

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of NATURALMAG and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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