Cover Story - IPL Bikini Pro Morgan Sims
“Prepping for the show taught me a lot of self-discipline. I pushed myself in a way I never thought I could, mentally and physically.”

The IPL’s first New Bikini Pro (AND Women’s Sports Model Pro) of the 2021 season was Morgan Sims! Morgan was AMAZING! After earning her Bikini & Sports Model Pro Cards at the February 2021 5TH Annual IPL Southern Championship in Houston Texas, Morgan landed on the front cover of this Summer 2021 issue of Natural Bikini Magazine!

BEN YOSEF: Congratulations again on your win! You rocked it! It has been a few months now since the show. How are you feeling about that day, now that the dust has settled?
MORGAN SIMS: Thank you and it still feels surreal that I won my first show. I just feel grateful that I had the opportunity to compete. It was a goal of mine. I told myself that after I graduated college, I would compete someday but I didn’t know how soon. All I can be is proud of myself and thankful for my coach Felicia Sexton and everyone who helped me get here. Now that the dust has settled and I’ve eaten all the delicious foods I craved for months, I am ready to compete again. I haven’t stopped training and am excited to enter another show soon.

BEN: Awesome! Well, you are officially the first new IPL Bikini Pro of the 2021 season. And you are a great representation of the IPL Bikini division. What was your prep like for this show? And how long did you prep for?
MORGAN: I prepped and trained for about eight months before the competition. My first time in prep was definitely a huge shocker for me. Before prepping for the competition, I was extremely inconsistent with my fitness journey. I would train extremely hard and stop after three months. It became a cycle for me. Prepping for the show taught me a lot of self-discipline. I pushed myself in a way I never thought I could, mentally and physically. There were times when I had to learn how to say no when it came to drinking with my friends or even going out to eat with family. I honestly enjoyed using the excuse that I had to train or that I couldn’t eat something because I was in prep. One situation that did scare me was being in peak week during Houston’s Winter Storm. I was afraid that I wasn’t doing enough with my at home workouts or getting in enough cardio. Other than being cold all the time because of the lack of body fat, I wanted to finish strong my last week and thought the storm would hinder my progress. I continued to have faith and my hard work truly paid off.
BEN: Great story and journey. And yes, paid off indeed! What was going through your mind on show day? Nervous? Excited? Confident?
MORGAN: I was surprisingly calm all day until I actually stepped foot on stage. I danced all my life, so performing on stage wasn’t a problem for me. The problem was making sure I didn’t fall or trip over my own two feet because I am extremely clumsy. My confidence grew as I started to pose and got over the small jitters. I thought to myself, “Well, you’re already here. You better work it, squeeze, toot and smile.” Although I was being judged amongst other competitors, I made sure that I was having fun and enjoyed the moment.
BEN: Awesome! And you did look like you were having a good time up there. Your toughest competition at that show was 2nd place finisher, Victoria Turner. She was actually ahead by two points going into Finals. Then she had some issues with her Model Walk and you pulled ahead by two points for the win. That was intense! What was it like competing against Victoria?
MORGAN: Yes, I agree. It was extremely intense, but I’m happy I was able to do my pose off with her because she did amazing. Competing against her really challenged me in a good way. Winning by two points actually pushed me to train harder as I’m training for the next competition.
BEN: To do so well in your first ever competition is truly amazing. And not typical. What advice or tips would you give to first-time competitors? Or even seasoned competitors who have done a few shows but have not yet achieved what you have?

MORGAN: Thank you! I would just tell them to enjoy the moment. My focus wasn’t necessarily on winning, although I trained extremely hard to do so. When a competitor takes a walk on that stage, they should think about how far they have come and what they have accomplished along the way and everything else will follow. Also, I would give advice not to focus on what the other competitors are doing on stage and try to switch up your routine. Stay true to yourself and do what you have practiced.

BEN: Love it! Spoken like a true Champion! Side note…it was great seeing you at the Texas show last month! And we had a lot of fun presenting you with the framed cover of this issue. We will be releasing this issue this week by the way! It has been a long time coming and it’s a big issue with a lot going on in it! Were you surprised when we pulled you out of the audience to come to the stage and receive this gift? Also, where is the cover now? Hanging up somewhere?
MORGAN: Thank you! And yes, I was extremely surprised. I’m excited to read the issue. –smiles- My mom has it hanging at home to show me off. –laughs-
BEN: Awesome! Oh, and how did you like the swag that you won at the February show?
MORGAN: I loved the swag bag, especially the sports bra!

BEN: Well, it has been great learning more about you and your journey. You are a great ambassador to the sport. What is next for you and when will we see you back on the IPL stage?
MORGAN: I got into the doctoral program I applied to for occupational therapy which starts at the end of August. So I won’t be able to travel and compete in the fall, but my goal is to compete again in the Houston show in February. I haven’t stopped training, so I’m excited to show what I’ve worked hard for.
BEN: So cool! Congratulations! I wish you the very best as you start that program. And I am excited to see you back on the IPL stage in 2022!
MORGAN: Thank you! I look forward to getting back on the stage as well! BIKINI

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of Natural Bikini Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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