IPL Pro Bikini & Evening Gown Champion, Maggie Mckeaver
“…once I warm up a bit, that’s when my alter ego comes out.”
What has been your favorite photo shoot to date?
Definitely the photoshoot that we did last November during IPL APEX weekend in Arizona. I had so much fun!
How would you describe your personal style…where do you pull your inspiration from?
Right now I consider myself more on the sporty side. I honestly just keep buying more workout outfits than ever. [laughs]
Do you have any hidden talents?
My hidden talents is dancing. [smiles]
Do you ever get shy in front of the camera?
I am absolutely shy in front of the camera. But once I warm up a bit, that’s when my alter ego comes out.
Is modeling easy, or more strenuous than people realize?
It is hard, I think. Because it is not easy to hit the right angle. You kind of need to know what your best angles are and what poses look good on you. I think not everybody knows what’s best on them. You have to study your face and your body for that.
Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kind of happen?
Yes! I dreamt of it.
Give us 5 facts about you people may not know.
- I am an Entrepreneur.
- I was born and raised in the Philippines.
- I use to be a Professional Theatrical Dance Performer.
- I am one of eight siblings.
- I am a Nail Technician.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What’s next for you?
I am working to improve my physique and keep building it. I also want to make sure that every time I hit the stage I will present a different package. VIGOROUS
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