Alex Hackett Earns Pro Masters Bikini Title #2!

Photography by Ben Yosef

Alex Hackett, recently crowned with her second Pro Masters Bikini title at the April 2024 9th Annual IPL Arizona Championship, shares her journey and insights with us, attributing her success to a balanced approach of dedication and enjoyment. As a seasoned competitor and single mother, Alex discusses the challenges of balancing personal life with rigorous training, highlighting the mental fortitude required in both pursuits. She candidly shares her dietary regimen and mental preparation techniques, stressing the importance of confidence and self-acceptance in the competitive arena. 

"It was such an honor! Honestly, I was just going out there and having fun, so it was surprising to hear I had won..."

NATURAL BIKINI MAGAZINE: Congratulations on earning your second Pro Masters Bikini title at the IPL Arizona Championship! How does it feel to achieve this milestone in your career?
ALEX HACKETT: It was such an honor! Honestly, I was just going out there and having fun, so it was surprising to hear I had won against two amazing competitors.
NBM: You’ve been competing for several years now. What drives your passion and motivation to continue?
AH: Competing gives me a goal to shoot for in my fitness journey. It keeps me grounded. It helps me stay disciplined.
NBM: You have prepped for stage in the past while managing stresses and challenges. Reflecting on your journey leading up the Arizona Championship, were there any significant challenges you faced?
AH: It’s pretty much the same stressors. Running businesses, kids around to everywhere they need to go, balancing all the things you need to do as a working single mom on the go. I was in a better place mentally overall this time, and I was determined to just do my best with the time I had to put into it.

"...I try to put myself in a place of confidence...feeling good with what I bring regardless of what anyone else is doing."

NBM: Nutrition is crucial in any athlete’s routine. Could you share some insights into your diet and how it supports your training and competition goals?
AH: I do macros. What that means is I have a gram goal for proteins, carbs and fats for a total of 1,300 to 1,400 calories. I don’t restrict myself, but I’m very intentional about eating high protein, limiting fat, and having at least 100g of carbs. I stick to the same meals for the most part.
     Protein-packed oatmeal, chicken, rice, wraps, protein shakes. Because I’m on the go a lot, I try to find chicken salads and wraps. I cut out dairy, eggs and gluten the last three weeks to prevent bloating issues.
NBM: How do you balance your personal life with the demands of being a Pro Bikini Athlete?
AH: My whole thing with competing is if I’m not having fun on some level, competing isn’t worth it. So even though I cut out alcohol and limit my foods, I go out and dance and have a good time. It’s funny because friends or even strangers ask, “You’re not drinking? How are you just dancing?” I don’t need alcohol to have fun, but enjoy it responsibly when I’m not in prep. I’m old. I want to live life and not let it pass me by. Being the “best” on stage isn’t worth my happiness or what I feel brings me joy.
NBM: Doing the work that is takes to win titles requires not just physical strength, but also mental toughness. How do you prepare mentally before a competition?
AH: So, mentally, I try to put myself in a place of confidence. What that means is feeling good with what I bring regardless of what anyone else is doing. Picturing myself performing well, confident, and secure with the package I bring to the stage.

"...understand this is a mental game. It is very taxing on your mind and emotions, so understand you need to mentally get strong."

NBM: What advice would you give to aspiring bikini athletes who look up to your success and want to pursue bikini competitions?
AH: My advice is understand this is a mental game. It is very taxing on your mind and emotions, so understand you need to mentally get strong. Comparison is a killer. Bring your best and know you’re your only competition.
NBM: In addition to being a title-winning Bikini Pro, you are also a fitness, health, and wellness coach. Looking forward, what are your goals and aspirations in your career as both an athlete and a coach?
AH: My goal as a coach is to help women reach their potential. What does that mean? Realizing that they are capable of anything they put their mind to and they are the only ones that limit themselves in what they can accomplish. My hope is women of all ages understand there is no age limit to bettering yourself. You just have to want it and work for it.

"My hope is women of all ages understand there is no age limit to bettering yourself. You just have to want it and work for it."

NBM: Right now, you are registered to compete in your fourth IPL contest, aiming for your third Pro Masters Bikini title. Rumor has it that Theresa Bartels will be joining you on that stage for a rematch! What are your thoughts on Theresa? And what can we expect from you at this contest?
AH: I think Theresa is amazing! Her body is incredible! I’m honored to be going up against her again. I have no expectations. Just know I’ll be up there having fun as usual.

"I hope this time around I can do better in those areas. But again, I just want to have a good time up there, strutting my stuff!"

NBM: Looking at the score card from the Arizona Championship…you placed 1st ahead of Theresa by eight points. So, across the six scored categories, you placed a point or two higher than her. You won four categories: Muscularity, Symmetry, Posing & Presentation, and Model Walk at Finals. She won the Conditioning category, and you tied in your suit score. What can you tell us as you reflect on those scores? Also, are the scores and scorecards something that you pay attention to?

"I'm just grateful to be a part of IPL and bringing others to the league because it has so much to offer. Thank you for making it fun!"

AH: I honestly didn’t know that’s how I scored against her, so no, I don’t pay attention! [laughs] She was extremely lean and definitely well conditioned. She’s an inspiration. I hope this time around I can do better in those areas. But again, I just want to have a good time up there, strutting my stuff!
NBM: Lastly, what does being a part of the IPL community mean to you, and how has it affected your health, fitness and competition journey?
AH: The IPL has been a positive influence in my fitness journey. It’s been inspiring and encouraging in regards to my competing. I love what the league is about and can’t say I haven’t had fun in every competition I’ve been in. I love the natural aspect of the competition as well since I do not want to venture into PEDs. I hear so many competitors complain about hormonal issues after competing and I’m simply too old to deal with or want to deal with those issues, especially being peri-menopausal. I’m just grateful to be a part of IPL and bringing others to the league because it has so much to offer. Thank you for making it fun! BIKINI

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