IPL Bikini Athlete Kelley Duncan-Halford

“I could live without clothes, but I love a nice timepiece, bold hat and comfy but stylish shoes.”

Nickname: K-Bird
Age: 38
Height: 5’6″
Ethnicity: Irish
Relationship Status: Happily Married

Name three music artists you’ve been listening to lately:

Simrit, JJ Cale and Rayland Baxter.

Favorite Books/Magazines:

Be Here Now by Ram Das and Leaf Cannabis Magazine.

Favorite Movies:

Star Wars.

What is the motto or mantra you try to live your life by?

Thoughts become things. Tend to your mind like a sacred garden.

What keeps you busy?

Three children and managing our Airbnbs in PA.

What is your view on tattoos?

I love tattoos when done by a professional artist.

What three clothing items can’t you live without?

I could live without clothes, but I love a nice timepiece, bold hat and comfy but stylish shoes.


  • Favorite Color: Yellow.
  • Favorite Food: Avocado.
  • Dream Car: 1960/70 Ford Truck, flat black, cedar wood bed, white wall tires, red seats.
  • Are you a fast or slow driver? If your not first you’re last. Fast!
  • Favorite part of your body? Back, Butt.
  • Favorite part of a man’s body? Hands, Lips, Butt.
  • Bars, clubs, both or none? Either, depending on the celebration.
  • Favorite beer, cocktail, and/or shot? Mint mojito, Bloody Mary, White Russian.
  • Favorite city/country to party in? Baltimore.

What is your dream job?

Being a Mother and managing properties.

What do you do to stay in shape, or are you just a genetic freak?

I meditate, stretch and workout every morning, Monday through Saturday.

Are you excited about the release of this issue of VIGOROUS with you in it?

I feel honored.

First thing that comes to mind when you hear…

…“Donald Trump”: America.

…”Winter”: Hibernation.

…”Spring”: Life.

…”Marijuana”: Medicine…Oh Thank Heaven!

What’s next for you?

The June 10th IPL HDG, MD show. I will be competing in the Bikini, Fitness Angels, Athletic and Evening Gown gown divisions with a goal of earning a Pro Card. VIGOROUS


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