Danielle Pela - New IPL Women’s Athletic Open Pro

For the latest installment of NATURALMAG, we’re thrilled to catch up with Danielle Pela, who’s been making a big splash on the IPL scene! Heading into her most recent IPL contest she had already amassed an impressive collection of Pro Qualifications in her five years of competing. Those PQ’s included Bikini Model Open & Masters, Bikini Open & Masters, Sports Model Open & Masters, and Athletic Masters.
At the April 2024 9th Annual IPL Arizona Championship in Phoenix, she would add three more Pro Qualifications…AND make a Pro Debut! First earning Pro Cards In Figure Masters & Open before heading into Athletic. Danielle’s love for the Athletic division really shined as she snagged her Pro Card in the Open class, then made her Pro Debut minutes later, placing 2nd.
In this exclusive feature we chat with Danielle about her awesome Pro Debut and her experience sharing the stage with top competitors like Kayla Guzman. Danielle’s story is as inspiring as it is down-to-earth. Juggling family life, work, and competitions, while also gracing the cover of Natural GAINZ Magazine. With exciting future plans and a genuine passion for fitness, Danielle is definitely one to watch!

NATURALMAG: Congratulations on your impressive achievements at the IPL Arizona Championship! How does it feel to have earned your Pro Card in Athletic Open?
DANIELLE PELA: Athletic is one of my favorite divisions, so it felt amazing to earn my Pro Card in the Open class.
NMI: Making your Pro Athletic Debut at that very same contest and placing 2nd is a huge accomplishment. Was the decision to make your Pro Debut right after earning the Pro Card an easy one?
DANIELLE: Yes, because I feel like if I’ve brought my personal best and won 1st place in the Amateur class, there’s no reason not to go for it and compete with the Pros.
NMI: What was it like in that Pro class and what was it like competing against Kayla Guzman?
DANIELLE: Kayla brought an amazing physique so I knew it wouldn’t be easy competing against her. But the thing I love about our league is that we all support one another, even in competition. I was honored to share the stage with her, and I had a great time!

NMI: Following that contest you graced the cover of Natural GAINZ Magazine. What is it like to receive this level of recognition?
DANIELLE: It’s hard for me to describe in words how honored I am to have made my first magazine cover. It almost feels surreal!
NMI: How do you balance your competition career with other aspects of your life, such as work or family commitments?
DANIELLE: Great question! I balance it all with perseverance, discipline, and consistency. Keeping my mindset in check is the most important element of having the privilege to be able to be a successful competitor, while also being a good wife, mom, and mortgage professional.
NMI: What advice would you give to aspiring athletes who are looking to make a mark within the work of physique competitions?
DANIELLE: Just go for it. Shut out the negative voices in your head and definitely tell perfectionism that it doesn’t serve you. So, it might as well go away too because you have a goal to achieve! I have to add that I started this journey because a friend of mine inspired me! I thought to myself if she can do it then so can I. I have since seemingly inspired a few of my friends to do this, and I am humbled that they see me in that way that I saw my friend who inspired me.

NMI: What are your thoughts on the current state of the IPL Women’s Athletic division? Are there any changes you would like to see?
DANIELLE: I see this division as one of an opportunity for women to show their power and their strength. You don’t have to be super jacked or work for years on end in order to get a taste of bodybuilding. I think that’s what I love about the division! I don’t know that I want to see any changes for it. I love that we have it in the first place. I would encourage anyone who wants to work toward bodybuilding, but may be intimidated by it, to go for the Athletic division!
NMI: Beyond competitions, do you have any other personal goals or ambitions within the realm of fitness?
DANIELLE: Ooh, that is a good question! I have had some thoughts of offering some coaching in the realm of posing and nutrition. I have developed a genuine love for fitness and I’m just grateful to have been able to share that with others. So perhaps taking it to the next level will be my next goal.

NMI: Are there any upcoming competitions or other projects that you’re particularly excited about?
DANIELLE: Another great question! I’m really excited to judge at the next IPL competition in Arizona! Other than that, my focus right now is on my family and mortgage business. My oldest son just graduated from high school, my daughter joined her high school band, and my youngest is starting middle school. There’s a lot to juggle right now in the Pela household!
NMI: When will we see you back on the IPL stage? And are there any other IPL divisions you plan on entering in the future?
DANIELLE: You probably won’t see me back on stage until next year unless life tells me otherwise! As for new divisions, I really love building muscle, so it is a dream of mine to compete in the bodybuilding division at some point. NATURALMAG

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