Cover Story: 55 Years Young New IPL Masters Bikini Pro Terri Bartels WOWS In Arizona!
Photography by Ben Yosef
At 55 years young and a Type 1 diabetic, Terri Bartels stands as a beacon of inspiration in the world of physique competition, her recent triumph at the IPL Arizona Championship catapulting her into the spotlight. In this exclusive interview with Natural Bikini Magazine, Terri opens up about her journey, shedding light on the motivations that propelled her to embark on this transformative path. While health was a driving force, Terri candidly shares that the mental solace and strengthened bond with her husband played pivotal roles, illustrating that this journey transcends mere physicality, delving deep into the realms of self-discovery and personal growth.
"My initial reaction was astonishment, combined with a surge of happiness. I knew about Pro Cards, but I was woefully unaware of how they were achieved."
NATURAL BIKINI MAGAZINE: Congratulations on your recent success at the IPL Arizona Championship! What inspired you to enter the world of physique competition at this stage in your life?
TERRI BARTELS: I would like to say it was the desire to be healthier that motivated me to begin this journey. But if I am being honest with myself, that was only a fraction of it. Life threw a few hardballs at me and working out kept me mentally healthy. It distracted me from negative thoughts and improved my self-esteem. My husband and I even developed a deeper connection by sharing in this journey.
NBM: Can you describe what it was like walking into the Arizona Championship as an amateur competitor to earning your IPL Pro Card and making your Pro Debut all within the same competition?
TB: Walking in as an amateur and walking out with a Pro Card was a combination of emotions and a bit surreal. My initial reaction was astonishment, combined with a surge of happiness. I knew about Pro Cards, but I was woefully unaware of how they were achieved. I was apprised the night before the competition that I could potentially gain a Pro Card by winning a division with enough points. As a nescient competitor, I think I liked the idea of not considering it as a possibility. Being oblivious helped not add to stress or stage fright. That being said, gaining that Pro Card gives me a profound feeling of validation and I proudly reflect on all of the work and effort that went into this achievement.
"It seemed like a lucky adventure. Like I won a golden ticket to the Wonka Factory!"
NBM: What was going through your mind when you stepped onto the stage for your Pro Debut? Were there any nerves or moments of doubt?
TB: I imagine I had similar thoughts that many others have had when unexpectedly showing up on the Pro stage. Gratitude. Competing with the other Pros was likely less nerve wracking that first time because it was unanticipated. It seemed like a lucky adventure. Like I won a golden ticket to the Wonka Factory!
NBM: What challenges, if any, did you face during your preparation for the Arizona Championship?
TB: Being a Type 1 diabetic is the biggest challenge I face when exercising, especially with significant aerobic activity. Insulin is a hormone that moves glucose from the bloodstream to your cells to create energy. Diabetics’ pancreases no longer work and don’t make insulin. To live, we must take insulin to eliminate excess glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream. If my blood sugar goes too high, I typically feel very tired. If I take too much insulin, my blood sugar can go too low and that can be very dangerous. Activity can lower blood sugar numbers rapidly. In extreme situations, you can lose thought processes and/or become unconscious. It is a balancing act with insulin and activity.
The low carb meal plan I was on significantly helped me keep my blood sugar numbers under control. In fact, I now try to stick to a similar macro ratio when I eat because it is so successful for me. During competition prep, I also started carrying around Pixy Stix to treat low blood sugar. I still do!
"My confidence has increased...Initially, it was a fitness journey...Now it is a lifestyle I am humbled by and I hope to continue."
NBM: Have things changed for you at all since earning your IPL Pro Card, making your Pro Debut, and landing the cover of Natural Bikini Magazine?
TB: My confidence has increased, and I reflect more on why I will continue to do this. Initially, it was a fitness journey. Then it was a goal to attain. Now it is a lifestyle I am humbled by and I hope to continue.
NBM: Could you share some insights from your experience on The IPL Podcast? How did it feel to be part of that conversation with other Masters Bikini Pros?
TB: This was my first ever participation in a Podcast. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I would absolutely do it again. I imagine the more you do it, the easier and better you will get at it. As a newbie, you have those anxious feelings and worry a little that you will sound incompetent or silly. Reflecting on it afterwards, it was fun and not at all stressful. Ben knows how to steer the discussion so all participants feel valued and part of the conversation. I do still feel the need to give veneration to the other Pros. Lesley and Alex exemplify dedication and have so much wisdom to impart about this sport! By the way, I highly recommend Podcasting with Ben!
"I want to motivate others to love fitness. Some of my best friends watched me do this and have started on their own paths to better fitness, health, and wellness."
NBM: As a role model for women of all ages pursuing fitness and wellness goals, what advice do you have for those who may be hesitant to enter the world of physique competition later in life?
TB: Sorry Nike, but Just DO IT. You aren’t getting any younger. If I could go back years and start earlier, I would. This isn’t something I had hoped for or planned 10 years ago, but I am so glad I found this sport. The women you enter these competitions with are on the same path and share a similar fitness journey. It is immensely motivating and I cannot wait to meet more women in my age group doing this.
NBM: What are your goals and aspirations now that you’ve achieved such success in the IPL?
TB: I want to motivate others to love fitness. Some of my best friends watched me do this and have started on their own paths to better fitness, health, and wellness. They tell me I inspired them. Although I haven’t spurred any of my longtime friends to get on a stage yet, that is fine because my path may look different than theirs.
NBM: Finally, looking ahead, what can we expect to see from you in the future? Are there any upcoming competitions or projects you’re excited about?
"Now that I have significant experience and knowledge in nutrition and fitness, I am considering getting certified in fitness, health, and wellness. It might just be an ideal transition."
TB: I was a teacher and coach for 20 years. Currently, I am an instructional designer and I create corporate training. Now that I have significant experience and knowledge in nutrition and fitness, I am considering getting certified in fitness, health, and wellness. It might just be an ideal transition.
I would love to compete more. If competing is not in the cards for whatever reason, I would love to help with the IPL organization when competitions happen in Arizona. BIKINI
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