New IPL Bikini Masters Pro Terri Bartels Lands Cover Of Natural Bikini Magazine

Natural Bikini Magazine Summer 2024 Cover!

Cover: New IPL Bikini Masters Pro, Terri Bartels
Photo by Ben Yosef
Summer 2024 interviews & features begin dropping in May.

Cover image captured on stage at the April 2024 9th Annual IPL Arizona Championship in Phoenix.

At the Arizona Championship 55-years-young IPL newcomer Theresa Bartels propelled her way to the top of a stacked Amateur Bikini Masters 40+ class earning her IPL Pro Card in the process.

Following that win, she would waste no time and hopped into the Pro Masters Bikini lineup at the same show to make her Pro Debut. Where she placed a very respectable 2nd.

A couple of weeks after the show Theresa appeared on episode #2 of The IPL Podcast, where she was joined by the other two Masters Bikini Pros who competed at the Arizona Championship.

I never looked at fitness as a punishment, but a worthwhile blessing. As a Type 1 Diabetic, I didn’t think I could push myself physically AND control my blood sugar. After years of trying other ways, my husband finally convinced me to go to the gym with him to lift weights. The positive outcomes from getting out of my fitness comfort zone and venturing into this arena have been immense. The best part is meeting so many like-minded, phenomenal women, several of whom compete in the IPL. I never planned on competing, but I am thankful. The people who are part of the IPL continue to inspire me and, hopefully, I can reflect that to others who come after me.

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