COVER STORY – New IPL Fitness Angels Pro Kelley Duncan Halford
“My superpower is my divine femininity…I cherish the sensual sensitivity only a woman can offer.”

Images captured on Sunday June 11th, the day after Kelley placed 1st in Fitness Angels Open, earning her IPL Pro Card at the 2023 IPL Maryland State Championship in Havre de Grace, Maryland.
BEN YOSEF: Welcome back to the mags! And this time for a cover feature, no less! How are you feeling about this new SEAM Magazine action? And how are you feeling about the cover?
KELLEY DUNCAN-HALFORD: To be on the cover of a magazine is a surreal feeling that can only be earned with diligent determination. To make the cover is like the battle for myself and winning. Life has a way of chipping away at you with life lessons, creating a family and career. But at some point you realize all you have got. And you better make a hell of a run while you’re here on earth.
I prayed for these moments and God made me forge in the fire to earn it. I’m humbled and honored to receive the cover and the experience has only now ignited a fire in my spirit for more.
BEN: Love it! And all these accolades are so very well deserved! Congratulations again, on everything! So let’s talk about you! You seem to be a very spiritual being. How important is spirituality for you and have you always been this way?

"I flow with belief that I have gained experience from many lives, religions and methodologies shaping my soul as I journey the path..."
KELLEY: Yes, spiritually is so crucial to our consciousness and growth as a conduit for our creator. I was born Baptist, raised wildly on a farm, then found Christianity in my 20s which gave me curiosity for bigger questions about the Self and our connection to God, Universe, The Most High. Is it one religion? For me, no. Is it one book? For me, no. I Am also now very interested in Buddhism, but it does not separate my lessons with other religions or practices. I Am a Medical Reiki Master and Sound Meditation Practitioner.
I flow with belief that I have gained experience from many lives, religions and methodologies shaping my soul as I journey the path home to My Heaven. So spirituality has been a transformation from what I was, to what I am becoming infinitely. Spirituality to me is Christ consciousness.
BEN: So, I could Google this [laughs] but I would rather hear your explanation. What is a Medical Reiki Master?
KELLEY: A Medical Reiki Master is a practitioner that is trained to be a conduit of energy and bring it into professional spaces, like hospitals. Medical Reiki was created by Raven Keyes, a renowned author and spiritual beacon to the alternative health community.
Medical Reiki has been utilized to heal people from cancer, pain and mental/ emotional imbalances. Everything in this world is made from vibrational energy and we flow the energy that exists in the environments we function in daily. A great reason why it is essential to choose your community and home space very carefully. We are products of our environment. Medical Reiki Masters are the forefront of alternative medicine, bringing the power of energy to support western medical professionals.

"...It means a lot to me that the presence of my energy is recognized as unique."
KELLEY: Thank you. It means a lot to me that the presence of my energy is recognized as unique. To be trained and certified as a RKMRM Raven Keyes Medical Reiki Master, you would visit her webpage and enroll in an international training.
BEN: Very cool. You have described yourself as a tomboy. Which I find super interesting, considering you exude such femininity. Not just during our photo shoots, but on stage as well. I would assume that your tomboy ways were developed growing up on a farm? Also, how do you find balance between your feminine energy and tomboy side?
KELLEY: Tomboy, yes sir. I was raised by my Army Ranger Lt Colonel and my mama was an Army Captain. Farm-raised, barefoot, messy hair, dirty nails, rode horses bare back, ride a Honda F4i today, sky dive, scuba dive, won’t back down to a bully, animal rescuer, drive a jeep on 35s.

"My superpower is my divine femininity...I cherish the sensual sensitivity only a woman can offer."
My superpower is my divine femininity. God made us the conduits of life. We bare creation and that is mighty. I cherish the sensual sensitivity only a woman can offer. My masculinity grounds me and protects my empathic nature. It drives me to be a champion with my divine femininity at the helm. It’s a balance. An ebb and flow.
BEN: What role does competing on stage fulfill for you? Maybe the answer is a bit obvious, but I would love to hear your explanation. You compete in very feminine IPL divisions like Bikini, Fitness Angels, and Evening Gown. And you added Women’s Athletic, a “stronger” division, at the June Maryland show. Which seems like a natural path, considering your dual energies. What is the experience of competing on stage like for you, and getting to express your diversity? Also, in our photo shoots you seem like a natural. You seem to come alive in front of the camera. Tell me a bit about your vibes during photo shoots.

"Even though I'm tough, I still like to feel pretty. I'm definitely salty and masculine. But a little Sweet and feminine too!" [smiles]
KELLEY: The stage is to show everyone, including myself, that I’m mostly a masculine personality. But I’ll take the feminine crown in the same swoop. I actually challenged myself by not doing the Athletic division in my first show because I thought that would naturally be my best category. I really wanted to go for the beauty divisions. For my second show I did do Athletic and placed lower than all the beauty divisions. Even though I’m tough, I still like to feel pretty. I’m definitely salty and masculine. But a little Sweet and feminine too! [smiles]
I was Miss Teen Maryland when I was 16 and went on to compete in a USA competition in NY. That led me to do some modeling photoshoots. I am comfortable in front of a camera and on stage because of those experiences. The photoshoots make me feel powerful and all my hard work can be seen, for which I am grateful.
BEN: Love it. I knew you would have some fantastic answers for me. [smiles] And as we discussed in your NATURLAMAG interview, I definitely thought you should have placed higher in Athletic. Actually higher in all of your divisions, except for Fitness Angels. Considering you placed 1st in Fitness Angels and earned your Pro Card there! I definitely hope you do not give up on Athletic. You were awesome in that division.
Kelley, once again thank you so much for sharing more of yourself with us. I think people will really enjoy this interview and learning more about Kelly Duncan Halford. Normally, at the end of an interview, I like to ask athletes when their next show will be. And you have already informed us that you are doing Maryland next spring, which I look forward to! So on a final note, any last thoughts for this SEAM Magazine Cover Story Interview?

"...just make a start and the path will be laid out before you each step of the way."
KELLEY: Thank you, Ben! Always a pleasure discussing the IPL, personal goals and future plans with you. A final note to anyone out there considering this league, thinking you’re not fit enough or too old, my advice is just make a start and the path will be laid out before you each step of the way. As long as you stay determined to achieve your best self with no comparison to others. Stay Grateful! SEAM

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of SEAM Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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