Tammy Bub: Fifty-four-years-young IPL Bikini Open & Masters Pro, Figure Open & Masters Pro

“…work hard, be dependable and give 100%. For this you will have recognition and respect for yourself and for other people in your life.”

Who are some of your inspirations?

My friend and neighbor Tara was who inspired me to make a change in my health and regain control over my weight management. I am also surrounded by positive people at my work, my gym and my husband gives me support every day to work hard at my goals.

What’s the best life advice you’ve ever been given?

Best advice I get from my husband is to work hard, be dependable and give 100%. For this you will have recognition and respect for yourself and for other people in your life.

Which fashion trends do you think should come back and which ones should die?

Fashion that is fun to wear for me is wedge heels. I feel most comfortable walking in these shoes. Leather pants are very sexy. Fashion that could die and not reappear is the MOM jeans.

In what sort of clothing do you feel most comfortable?

My favorite clothing attire on my days off are my workout leggings, sports bra and tank top with my flip flop shoes.

What is next for you?

I am working towards the end of the year APEX in Arizona. This show is going to be the grand finale for me.

Any final thoughts?

I have had a very successful season with IPL. My confidence has changed and I have met many wonderful people along the way. Anyone who is considering competing, I encourage you to challenge yourself. SEAM

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