Ten Top Contest Prep Tips From IPL Pro Champions

When it comes to preparing for a physique competition, the path to the stage is paved with dedication, discipline, and a strategic approach. To help you maximize your potential and achieve that coveted pro-status physique, we’ve tapped into the wisdom of some of the most decorated champions in the IPL. From mastering your posing routine to sticking rigidly to your meal plan, these top ten tips from IPL Pro Champions will offer invaluable insights. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just starting your journey, these expert strategies will set you on the path to success and ensure you’re ready to shine on stage.
La'net Spence
7X IPL Pro Champion
IPL Athletic Open & Masters Pro, Evening Gown Open & Masters Pro, SEAM Magazine Cover Girl & Coach.

During show prep, practicing posing early and often is crucial for success. Regular posing practice helps you become comfortable with required poses, enhances muscle control, and improves your stage presence. Consistent practice also allows you to fine-tune your technique and ensure you can showcase your physique to its fullest potential during the competition.

Getting distracted can set you back more than you know. During prep, staying focused on your personalized plan is essential for achieving your goals. Distractions and comparisons to others’ routines can lead to confusion and derail your progress. By adhering strictly to your plan, you maintain the consistency to ensure that your efforts are aligned with your specific objectives. Trust the process.
Marc Monaco
5X IPL Pro Champion
IPL Bodybuilding Pro, Men's Athletic Pro, Men's Sports Model Pro, 2X ATHLETIC Magazine Cover Guy, IPL Head Judge & Coach.

At first, it may seem difficult to be on such a strict and structured regimen. But after a few weeks of consistency, your body (and mind) will become used to the schedule. Your body will know when it’s time to eat. Your body will know when it’s time to train and when it’s time for rest. But before this can all be done, you need to have the initial discipline to get started and follow through with a structured course of action.

At first you may be full if you consume more macronutrients than you are used to. You also may not be used to eating so often. But remember, your body needs the correct amount of macronutrients to recover and use as it’s fuel. In most cases, your body will become accustomed to eating so often throughout prep, and you will be hungry! Trust the process.
Danielle Pela
3X IPL Pro Champion
Natural GAINZ Magazine Cover Girl.

When I prep my meals for the week, it is much easier for me to stick to my meal plan and hit my goals. Contest prep is 95% diet, so make it easier on yourself to stick to your diet.

Walking is the best way to get stage lean, along with the diet. I love CrossFit, but I have to dial it way back when I am in my cut and getting closer to show day. I either walk outside or walk on the treadmill at the gym. It’s an awesome fat burning tool!
Rob Tenerowicz
6X IPL Pro Champion
IPL Men's Athletic Masters Pro, Men's Bodybuilding Masters Pro and ATHLETIC Magazine Cover Guy.

Everybody is different. Balance the amount and timing of carb loading, fat, and protein intake to get your body looking both full and cut!

You’ve put in the time at the gym. You’ve modified your diet to get full and cut. So make sure you’re prepared to show off all of that hard work!
Brianne Cruz
2X IPL Pro Champion
IPL Bikini Pro, Bikini Model Pro, Evening Gown Pro, Bikini Mommas Overall Champion & Natural Bikini Magazine Cover Girl.

If you go off of your diet plan and/or skip too many days from the gym, just get back on track right away. Being consistent is key in the sport. Nobody is perfect and no prep is perfect. As long as you stay on track, you will succeed.

Whether it’s a 30-minute posing practice session with your heels on or just 5 minutes practicing in front of your bathroom mirror, every lit bit adds up and it will reflect come show day.
Preparing for a physique competition requires mental fortitude, strategic planning, and some serious commitment. By integrating these top tips from IPL Pro Champions into your contest prep routine, you can enhance your performance, from posing precision to dietary discipline. Remember, success in this sport is built on consistency and adaptability. Embrace these insights, stay focused, and trust in the process. With dedication and the right approach, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals and showcasing your hard-earned physique with pride. NATURALMAG

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