New IPL Shape Pro Megan Salonic Talks Shape & Bikini

In this exclusive NATURALMAG interview, we chat with Megan Salonic, the IPL’s first-ever Shape Open Pro. Megan reflects on the monumental achievement of setting the standard for a brand-new division, sharing insights into her rigorous training and the mindset that fuels her passion for competition. As she prepares for her Pro Debut at the upcoming IPL APEX VIII, Megan discusses the unique challenges of balancing both the Shape and Bikini divisions, the significance of her goals, and her commitment to continuous growth in the sport. 

"To set a standard for anything in life I think is quite an achievement. To have been chosen as the standard for this new division truly made me feel like I could accomplish anything."

NATURALMAG: As the IPL’s first-ever Shape Open Pro, how does it feel to set the standard for this new division?
MEGAN SALONIC: To set a standard for anything in life I think is quite an achievement. To have been chosen as the standard for this new division truly made me feel like I could accomplish anything. The preparation for that show was long and a ton of work and consistently reminded me of my “why.” My why has always been to not only prove to myself that I can do something extraordinary, but to hopefully inspire someone else to go for it!
NATURALMAG: You mentioned focusing on specific muscle groups for both the Bikini and Shape divisions. How did your training regimen differ between preparing for Shape and Bikini, particularly in terms of aesthetics and conditioning?
MEGAN: I lift heavy to develop my muscles. It really had to do with coming in with a fuller, more shapely physique for Shape. I prepared to win for this show, and I was very excited about the Shape division because I felt my athletic build as well as natural curves aligned with the Shape look. I still plan to compete in Bikini as well and continue to see how far I can take my physique.

"I needed my mind and body prepared for competition. I trained my mind to prepare for success and it was me versus me, regardless of the division."

NATURALMAG: Can you share a specific instance where your training or mindset for one division helped you excel in the other?
MEGAN: I needed my mind and body prepared for competition. I trained my mind to prepare for success and it was me versus me, regardless of the division.
NATURALMAG: What advice would you give to athletes who may be unsure about competing? What should they consider when making their decision?
MEGAN: I think it is so important to find a coach that can help you not only with training properly and meet you where you are at, but also know how to push you to achieve those goals. I think mindset is important and focusing on positive affirmations towards yourself and what you’re about to put yourself through. I can honestly say preparing for a physique competition has challenged me more mentally and physically than any triathlon, marathon or IRONMAN has. I also would consider proper planning and time to give yourself for the competition. Additionally, I would say don’t be AFRAID to just go for it. Do it and commit and give it your all. You will be transformed by the entire experience. And not only that, but also the community you will meet through the entire process will be unlike anything else.

"If I were to earn a Bikini Pro Card that would be yet another incredible victory and goal I have set for myself."

NATURALMAG: Right now, we are eight and a half weeks out from IPL APEX VIII. You are scheduled to make your Pro Debut in Shape and have entered the Bikini Open class once again. As of now, we do have some impressive competition in Amateur Shape Open. There will most likely be a new Pro who will join you in Pro Shape. What would it mean to you if you were to earn your first Pro Shape title at APEX?
MEGAN: I am ecstatic to be a part of APEX. To achieve a Pro title as a Shape athlete would mean so much to me because I’m giving this prep my all, just like the previous show. I have another opportunity to get better, overcome obstacles mentally and physically, compete against amazing athletes, and continue to level up in this sport. It would be a reminder that continued efforts and progress, and never quitting no matter what the odds are, is where true transformation happens.
NATURALMAG: If you were to earn your Bikini Pro Card, would you choose to enter the Pro class, making another Pro Debut? What would it mean for you to earn the Bikini Pro Card? And if you were to enter the Pro class and win, what would that victory mean for you?
MEGAN: If I were to win a Bikini Pro Card, I would absolutely choose to enter the Pro class with zero hesitation because it would be yet another amazing transformative process to go through. If I were to earn a Bikini Pro Card that would be yet another incredible victory and goal I have set for myself. It would mean that the work put in paid off. It would mean another opportunity to only get better and see how far I can take this sport. The opportunities are endless.

"...if you have a goal to compete, go for it and I promise you will never regret the experience and transformation that happens inside and out."

NATURALMAG: Do you see yourself specializing in one division more than the other moving forward or do you plan to continue competing in both? Also, are there other IPL divisions that you are considering entering in the future?
MEGAN: As of now my plan is to continue to build my muscular development to evolve further in this sport and continue to grow in Bikini and Shape. We will see where that takes me. I want to thrive in both.
NATURALMAG: Finally, as a trailblazer in the IPL Shape division, how do you hope to inspire the next generation of athletes? What message do you want to convey about the sport, the IPL, and its divisions?
MEGAN: I would say to them, if you have a goal to compete, go for it and I promise you will never regret the experience and transformation that happens inside and out. The IPL has inspired me in ways I never thought possible. The people I have met, the stories shared between athletes only motivates me more to continue in this sport. The IPL offers so many divisions, which is what I think really sets the league apart. Go for your goal and find an experienced coach. NATURALMAG

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