Cover Story - CRUZ CONTROL: New IPL Bikini Pro Brianne Cruz Took Over Arizona!

“I feel like everything went down exactly the way that it was suppose to. God knew that it was my time to turn Pro!”

Interview & Photography by Ben Yosef

What an amazing  run for Brianne Cruz in the Bikini Division at the April 2023 IPL Arizona Championship in Phoenix! But first, let’s recap! Brianne’s wins up to this point in the show:

*1st Bikini Mommas (1 to 3) & Overall Bikini Mommas
*1st & Pro Card Bikini Model Open

Next was Bikini Open, where she snagged another 1st place win as well as her second IPL Pro Card of the day! And she still had one more division to go! ANDDDDD, just weeks after the show Brianne landed on the front cover of Natural Bikini Magazine!

"This accomplishment sure didn’t happen overnight. Years of persistent dedication day-in and day-out led right up until that win."

BEN YOSEF: Here we go! Sooo…WOW! What a show for you this past April! What a weekend! Now that the dust has settled on 2023 IPL Arizona Championship weekend, how are you feeling about how things went down?

BRIANNE CRUZ: I feel like everything went down exactly the way that is was suppose to. God knew that it was my time to turn Pro! I have been competing since I was just 16 years old and now (13 years later) it finally happened and I could not be more grateful and elated. This accomplishment sure didn’t happen overnight. Years of persistent dedication day-in and day-out led right up until that win. And I’m already working towards my next goal!

BEN: Well, you were pretty amazing in Arizona! It’s safe to say that you were certainly one of the biggest highlights of that contest weekend. What was your prep like leading up to Arizona and did you do anything different in your prep that you feel led to such success? Or, like you say, it was just your time?
BRIANNE: Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! I remember being very impressed while looking around at the other competitors backstage. But instead of doubting myself, I just told myself that I was the winner. I truly believed that and was ready to give everything that I had onstage in hopes that the judges would believe the same.

"I knew that I had put in that hard work as well. And this prep in particular was especially testing..."

     Without a doubt, everyone works so hard to get to the point of stepping on that stage. I knew that I had put in that hard work as well. And this prep in particular was especially testing and different due to trials and tribulations in my personal life at the time.
     I truly knew how strong I was, both physically and mentally, knew that I had put in the necessary time and diligence, and knew that I could accomplish anything. Including being awarded my IPL Pro Card!
BEN: Let’s talk posing, presentation and confidence. Your posing and the way you move on stage was another factor that I feel really propelled you to the top. You just stood out. Talk about your skills in this area and where the energy comes from. Also, when it comes to stage presence, is this an area that you really push hard in practice and preparation to stand out like you do? Or does it just come naturally?
BRIANNE: Thank you! I really believe that stage presentation can “make or break” you, especially in the Bikini division. You can spend months and months dieting, working out hard and have an undeniable physique, but if you get onstage and don’t smile or don’t adequately showcase that physique, then you most likely won’t win. 

"Every single move that I make...from my choice of physique poses, to my facial expressions are choreographed and intentional."

     I always try very hard to exude having that “it-factor” while onstage. I want to make sure that the judges never forget about me! And I do think that this has always come naturally to me, as I have a background in twirling baton and was a cheerleader. 

     I think of being onstage for physique competition as just like a dance routine or performance. Every single move that I make…from my choice of physique poses, to my facial expressions are choreographed and intentional. Practicing your poses and stage presentation is definitely something that you don’t want to neglect in your competition preparation.
BEN: Love it! And that’s really great advice and perspective! Since we’re talking posing and presentation and choreography… the little video that we shot during your photo shoot the day after the show was fire! I’ve said this before, but it sort of feels like that was a little musical! It totally seemed like your movements were choreographed. I loved it! So much fun. What can you tell us about your performance in that video?
BRIANNE: It was very memorable! And I was just presenting as if I was onstage for the video shoot. I have so much fun on and off the stage with anything regarding the sport. That’s what it’s all about. If you’re not having fun with it and truly enjoying every part of the journey and process, then what’s the point of competing? I also felt like it was a “victory walk” of sorts and was a special way to document my accomplishments from that weekend. I appreciate that I always have that to look back on.

"I believe that isolated single-leg exercises are more effective for glute building. Indeed, I do think that my glutes and quads are my greatest assets."

BEN: One area on your physique that really popped on stage was your glutes. And these days, as we all know, it’s a glute world! [laughs] What is your glute training like? Also, what do you consider some of your greatest assets? No pun intended, [smiles] with regards to your physique? And, on the other side of that coin, what would you say are some of your weak points or areas you are working to improve?
BRIANNE: Honestly, I credit my glute and lower-body development mostly to playing ice hockey since the age of 3. I am also a former D-1 Women’s college hockey player, so I have always had a great base to continue to build on and fine-tune. As far as training goes, I really focus on mind-muscle connection and technique, as oppose to lifting really heavy. Also, if I had to choose between squats or lunges, I would choose lunges every time. In my experience, I believe that isolated single-leg exercises are more effective for glute building. Indeed, I do think that my glutes and quads are my greatest assets. And I would like to improve on building my upper-body up a bit more. My shoulders in particular. I am currently working on that as we speak!
BEN: In Arizona you also competed in the Bikini Mommas division. You won the 1 to 3 class and took the Overall Bikini Mommas title. Congratulations again! And that was a pretty competitive lineup of Bikini Moms! How old were your children at the time of that contest? What was it like representing Bikini Moms and winning it all in that division? And, what is it like being a top Bikini Athlete while raising children?

"Winning that division was very special to me, as I wasn’t sure about competing after having children, especially twins!"

BRIANNE: Thanks so much! I have twin boys that just turned 2 years old. Winning that division was very special to me, as I wasn’t sure about competing after having children, especially twins! I guess it was just the unknown of how confident I would feel and how much my body would possibly change postpartum. But I believe that anything is possible when you put in the hard work. And I think I did exactly that.

     I love being able to prove to other moms that your body isn’t necessarily “ruined” after having kids. Sure, things may be a bit different than prior, but when you put in the time and effort a lot can be achieved, no matter what your body has gone through.

     My biggest inspirations are other fellow moms who put in that work! It’s very admirable to me, and I felt so honored to represent the embodiment of that. And it goes to show that there are no excuses as to why you can’t be a mom and a successful athlete at the same time. I typically workout around my twins’ sleep schedule. So, whether it’s 5:00AM or 10:00PM, I get it done. If something is truly a priority to you, then you will MAKE the time for it! Period.

BEN: Love it. You have already dropped quite a few gems in this interview, but before we let you go, what would be your top 5 tips for girls who are competitors or are looking to compete?

BRIANNE: I would advise current and/or future competitors:

1. Understand the level of commitment that the sport takes. It’s 24/7 dedication.

2. Nobody is forcing you to compete. If you aren’t enjoying the process and journey, then maybe it’s not for you, and that’s okay!

3. You will learn so much about yourself and be challenged in a way like no other if you choose to compete.

4. This sport is only about 10% physical and the rest is 90% mental (strength).

5. You can get so much joy and fulfillment from competing and have a lot of fun. And the best part about this sport is that there is no expiry date. You can compete for as long as you are able and willing!

BEN: Love this! All of it! You are such an inspiration and an exciting addition to the IPL community! You definitely gained a fan here! And from the looks of it, you have added quite a few more fans, from around the world, in addition to me!
     I appreciate you and thank you for being a part of this league. And congratulations again on all of your success! And this amazing cover! On that note, how are you feeling about the cover? When will we see you back on the IPL stage, making your Pro Debut? And any final thoughts for Natural Bikini Magazine?
BRIANNE: That means a lot to me, thank you! I am so grateful and honored. And I am very happy that I am now a part of the IPL. I love everything that it stands for and I appreciate you and all of the other staff and volunteers. None of this would be possible without everyone working so hard behind the scenes.
     In regards to the magazine cover, I still can’t believe it! I never would have dreamed it would be a possibility for me. And I am hoping to make my pro debut very soon! I am planning to compete this October at the IPL Sunshine Classic in Florida!

"I couldn’t think of a better titled magazine to represent. Being a lifelong natural athlete is definitely something that I am proud of."

     Finally, I couldn’t think of a better titled magazine to represent. Being a lifelong natural athlete is definitely something that I am proud of. The use of performance-enhancing drugs amongst athletes in other leagues is rampant and detrimental. Nobody’s health should be jeopardized just for a few minutes onstage. Natural Bikini Magazine is a representation of dieting and training harder, living longer and that of integrity. What’s better than that?! BIKINI

About the interviewer:

Picture of Ben Yosef

Ben Yosef

Ben is the Publisher of Natural Bikini Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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