Competitor Spotlight - Ana Zambrano Klebau
“You can do anything you set your mind to and it is never too late to start!”

AGE: 48 | HEIGHT: 5’3”
STAGE WEIGHT: 109 lbs.
BORN: Mexico.
RESIDE: California.
CHILDREN: Three. Ages 18, 14 and 10 (2 boys and 1 girl).
IPL DIVISION(S) & STATUS: Amateur Bikini Masters, Bikini Open, Evening Gown Masters and Evening Gown Open.
Primary Proteins: Meat, fish, whey protein.
Primary Carbs: Rice, potatoes, protein pancakes.
Primary Fats: Avocado, cheese.
Off-season Calorie High: 2,100.
Prep Calorie Low: 1,400.
Favorite Exercises: Squats,
Most Impressive Body Part: My Quads,
Least Impressive Body Part: My Hamstrings/Glutes.

One Thing On My Bucket Is…I want to learn how to surf and then surf in different beaches in Australia, the US and Mexico.
Something That Either No One Knows, Or Would Be Surprised To Find Out Is…I played basketball in college for one year.
Words To Live By Or Personal Motto: You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to and it is NEVER too late to start!
I am excited to continue my journey in this sport! During these last couple of years I have learned so much about myself and about this process that has helped my passion and love for fitness grow to a new level. I will be taking the next few months into my off-season to work with my coach and make sure I bring a better physique and stage presence the next time I step on that stage!

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