Top 10 Tips For Success As An Athlete, On & Off Stage

By 5X IPL Pro Champion & Head Judge Marc Monaco.


Book A Photoshoot And Order Stage Pictures:

Whether you are only competing once, or you plan to make competition a regular occurrence, it’s important to capture each moment. After all, how often throughout the year will you look this sharp? Stage pictures capture your poses and movements at their finest and also show you things you may want to improve upon in the future, especially if you plan to compete in this sport or be involved in the fitness industry for the long haul!    

     Photo shoots are a great way to celebrate all of your hard work and have lasting pictures for the future. On top of that, they are great to market yourself and your physique and may open up several doors for you in the fitness world (including sponsorships, ambassador opportunities, modeling opportunities, etc.).     

     They are also a lot of fun, and your personality can really come out if you’re working with a good photographer! In addition, the IPL uses some of these photos for magazine features. Who knows, maybe you will be the next cover model for one of several magazines?!


Don’t Let Yourself Get “Out Of Shape” In The Off-season:

I’m going to be very direct, and some may disagree. I DO NOT believe in a “dirty bulk” in the off-season if you’re serious in this sport! Don’t get me wrong, you can eat some of the foods that you were depriving yourself of during your preparation and cut, but it should always be in moderation. I’ve tried an extreme surplus of calories and tried to bulk between shows in the past. Yes, I added weight and size, nearly 35 pounds to be exact! But the result was a much smoother physique in my next contest, and that was even with a more vigorous weightlifting program and more cardio. Our bodies aren’t meant to consume an abundance of unhealthy foods. As a serious Physique Athlete, the main idea is to live a healthier lifestyle throughout the year, not for a season. Like I said earlier, consume the food your body craves in moderation, but don’t overdue it! You may not need to track every macronutrient or it’s amount in the off-season, but make sure your body is getting ample nutrition from healthy foods.


Remember That You Can’t Look “Stage Ready” All Year-Round:

One of the most difficult things after a show is to see your competition physique slowly smooth out. Many competitors (including myself) have difficulty accepting that the human body is not meant to operate on a deficit for a long period of time, and it certainly is not meant to be “dried out” for long. Living this way for a long period of time is simply not sustainable!

     Once you rehydrate, get back into a normal daily routine that includes a greater caloric intake, replenish some of the minerals the body was missing, etc., you will fill back out to an extent, depending on the individual. Striations may not be as extreme, vascularity may disappear, and abs may go into hibernation (at least those bottom abs we get to enjoy for a short time)! The important thing to remember is that it’s not healthy to walk around all year on such a drastic deficit and such little body fat.

     Remember, you probably look better than you think, and you’re not being judged for every imperfection off-stage! Be kind to yourself and your body, and do not let your mind create a distorted self-image.


Don’t Skip Your “Cheat Meals” During Prep:

Earlier, I mentioned the importance of consuming good nutrition and not “letting yourself go” in the off-season. On the other hand, it’s important to reward your body once or twice during the week with a high calorie, not-so-clean meal! I prefer to consume this meal on a day I train either my legs or chest.  Take it for it’s worth, but I see drastic improvements in my physique directly after I consume one of these meals, mainly because my body doesn’t recognize it. My muscles become fuller and my vascularity looks crazy!

     I see too many athletes (sadly, with advice from their trainers) deprive themselves of these coveted meals during their competition prep. They look and feel miserable. Remember, the key is moderation! And it’s only 2 meals (not days) throughout the week to “shock your body” and to provide extra calories for your body to operate and perform. At about 2 weeks out from competition, I eliminate these “cheat meals.”


I eat a piece of cheesecake the evening before a show, which rounds my muscles and improves my vascularity!


Practice Your Posing Like It’s A Performance:

Posing is one of the most underrated aspects of bodybuilding! You can have the perfect physique, but if you do not know how to showcase it on stage to the judges, it will only look average at best! In addition, we all have strengths and weaknesses in our physique. The key to effective posing is to overshadow the weaknesses with your strengths! During judging, the physique is being judged entirely, not just the pose that is called out. Treat your posing and your routine as if it’s a performance. Own that stage, stand tall, smile at the crowd and judges, and have fun. You worked hard to get to this point. All of these things should come naturally if you practice your posing on a daily basis, whether it’s with a posing coach, or even in your bathroom mirror.


Surround Yourself With Positive People:

This tip applies to every area in your life! Negativity will rub off on you if you surround yourself with people that are not pumping you with encouragement and positive vibes. While you are prepping for a show, your mood will change from week to week, and eventually from day to day while on a caloric deficit. You need people to motivate you and give you energy, not drain you of it. Surround yourself with friends and family that can support you, and do the same for them! Apply this principle to every avenue of your life!


Develop Thick Skin: 

You have to develop “thick skin” and ignore the doubters and non-supporters if you plan to be in this fitness industry for the long-haul! Undoubtedly, you will lose “friends” and even family members’ support on your journey. People may support you in the beginning, but when they see your determination and the sacrifices you make to reach your goals, they will become jealous, even if it’s subconsciously. Human nature is to feel threatened when someone can achieve something that we cannot achieve. Remember, it’s not your fault that your drive exceeds those of others. This is your journey, not theirs. Ignore the negative criticism. It’s ok to be “abnormal.” Your true family and friends will always be happy for your success, and never feel threatened or belittled by it.


Don’t Back Out Of A Show:

Once you have made the commitment to compete, hold yourself accountable and see it through! We all doubt ourselves and our abilities at times, but sometimes the greatest thing we can do is believe. More often than not, you will be thankful when you follow through with the original plan. Sure, we all experience setbacks, but if we can overcome adversity, it strengthens us and gives us more confidence in the future. You are much stronger than you think, and this fitness game is more mental than physical.


Stay Humble:

This tip may or may not resonate with some, but I feel it is one of the most important principles to live by. We often take success for granted once we achieve it, ignoring the fact that we got our chance and took advantage of it. In other words, we were granted an opportunity, whether it was earned or given. Regardless, it’s essential to remain humble and always remember where you came from. I see a lot of people in the fitness industry forget their past, the very motivating factors that guided them to their current success. Nothing should ever be taken for granted in this life, especially if it’s something that required sacrifice and effort. Be proud of your achievements (it’s okay to speak about your accomplishments, because after all, you’ve earned them), but never degrade another person. Remember your “roots” and help others to be successful as well.


Believe In Yourself:

God believes in you. Your friends can believe in you. Family can believe in you. But at the end of the day, if you don’t believe in yourself, no one’s belief will make you successful. This is your journey, and you need to believe in your heart and soul that you are untouchable. If the mind can dream it, the body can achieve it! ATHLETIC

About the Author:

Picture of Marc Monaco

Marc Monaco

Marc is a Second Degree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blackbelt, as well as an IPL Athletic and Sports Model Pro. He has competed throughout the United States in BJJ since 2004, and has won Gold at the highest level, most notably IBJJF competition. He competed in Bodybuilding from 2002 until 2004, before taking time off to pursue his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu career. In 2020, at the age of 40, Marc reentered the sport of Physique Competition and won his Pro Card in both Masters and Open Athletic. He recently won his Pro Card in Masters Sports Model and has won five Pro titles with the IPL to date. He was also featured on the cover of the very first issue of ATHLETIC Magazine in 2021, one of his greatest accomplishments. He now serves a Head Judge for IPL competitions. Marc is a proud father of three boys and incorporates fitness into their daily lives, something he is proud to share. Marc is also a veteran of the United States Army.


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