Top IPL Bikini Pro, Fitness Angels Pro, And 2X VIGOROUS Cover Girl, Kristen Davis
“I always loved photos and taking photos. I never knew I would be in a magazine!”

What has been your favorite photo shoot to date?
I absolutely loved the most recent one in Arizona because I had many different looks and the weather was perfect.
How would you describe your personal style…where do you pull your inspiration from?
I am simple. I do not go for very matched, extravagant looks. A high-waisted jean, body suit and a sexy heel is just for me. Most of my inspiration comes from my friends! They are the true fashionistas!
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can recite almost every WWE intro song!
Do you ever get shy in front of the camera?
I do! Mostly when the camera guy is silent. I always think, “is this pose odd.”

Is modeling easy, or more strenuous than people realize?
It is certainly strenuous. Holding poses, fixing your hair, holding a smile…it is fun though.
Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kind of happen?
I always loved photos and taking photos. I never knew I would be in a magazine!
Give us 5 facts about you people may not know.
1.I was a gymnast.
2.I played softball.
3.I loved WWE wrestling.
4.I was a huge tomboy! Never wore makeup until I was around 17.
5.I can nap anytime of the day, anywhere.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
100% tacos!
What’s next for you?
Continue my fitness journey! More competing and modeling!

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