Glam Gal: IPL Pro Jiren Mosqueda

IPL Masters Sports Model & Swimsuit Model Pro

"Modelling boosts up my confidence."

What do you like most about modeling?

Modelling boosts up my confidence.

What is your greatest weakness, as a model? What are you doing to improve on it?

My greatest weakness is being nervous when I’m on stage, I am working to improve it by focusing on me and not the people around me.

When it comes to modeling, what are your goals?

To be much better than I was the last time.

What is your favorite clothing style to wear?

Always my work out clothes. They are the most comfortable.

"I am just thankful for this opportunity I was given to show what I can do."

What are your favorite jeans?

Skinny jeans.

What are your favorite shoes?

Red heels.

What is your fave store?


When it comes to wearing makeup, are you light, medium, heavy or none?

I’m more light make up. I wanna look natural as much as possible.

If you could only apply one makeup item for a month, what would it be?

Eye liner.

If you had $5,000 to spend on any one fashion item, what would it be?


Anything else you would like to add?

I am just thankful for this opportunity I was given to show what I can do. I am also thankful for the people that surround me for all their support. I wouldn’t be in this league without my kids, my coaches and my friends who have been there for me. Special shout out to my son and my daughter bf(Jordan). The have been so supportive. My best friends Jeffrey, Lyn and MJ. My coach Samantha England and of course my trainer that wakes up early mornings to train me. Thanks Bee! And to Rosie and Danny, Darren and Nancy, Victoria and her hubby. So many to mention! Lastly, to the founder of the IPL, Ben Yosef. Thank you for creating such a wonderful League. SEAM

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