New IPL Men’s Athletic Pro & Top Transformation Winner Johnny Mattern Lands Cover of INSPIRE Magazine

INSPIRE Magazine Summer 2024 Cover

Cover: Top Transformation Winner & New IPL Men’s Athletic Open Pro, Johnny Mattern
Photo by Ben Yosef
Summer 2024 interviews & features begin dropping in May.
Cover image captured on stage at the April 2024 IPL Arizona Championship in Phoenix. In AZ, IPL Newcomer Johnny Mattern earned a Top Transformation Award and placed 1st in Men’s Athletic Open, earning his IPL Pro Card. He also placed 2nd in a stacked Men’s Athletic Novice class.

Make change in your life by taking action. Pray to God and always be grateful. Your faith will help you overcome all obstacles. Remove all bad habits, even if it’s just one at a time. Your quality of life will greatly increase, and you will live with a sense of purpose. Be determined and strive for your goals. Everything that the IPL has done to acknowledge my dedication is on a new level of notoriety. Thank you so much!

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New IPL Men’s Athletic Pro & Top Transformation Winner Johnny Mattern Lands Cover of INSPIRE Magazine

“Make change in your life by taking action. Pray to God and always be grateful. Your faith will help you overcome all obstacles. Remove all bad habits, even if it’s just one at a time. Your quality of life will greatly increase, and you will live with a sense of purpose. Be determined and strive for your goals. Everything that the IPL has done to acknowledge my dedication is on a new level of notoriety. Thank you so much!”

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New IPL Men’s Athletic Pro & Top Transformation Winner Johnny Mattern Lands Cover of INSPIRE Magazine

“Make change in your life by taking action. Pray to God and always be grateful. Your faith will help you overcome all obstacles. Remove all bad habits, even if it’s just one at a time. Your quality of life will greatly increase, and you will live with a sense of purpose. Be determined and strive for your goals. Everything that the IPL has done to acknowledge my dedication is on a new level of notoriety. Thank you so much!”

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More INSPIRE Magazine

New IPL Men’s Athletic Pro & Top Transformation Winner Johnny Mattern Lands Cover of INSPIRE Magazine

“Make change in your life by taking action. Pray to God and always be grateful. Your faith will help you overcome all obstacles. Remove all bad habits, even if it’s just one at a time. Your quality of life will greatly increase, and you will live with a sense of purpose. Be determined and strive for your goals. Everything that the IPL has done to acknowledge my dedication is on a new level of notoriety. Thank you so much!”

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