New IPL Men’s Athletic Masters Pro Patrick Curtis Lands Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine!
INSPIRE Magazine Winter 2023/2024 Cover
Cover image captured during 2023 IPL APEX VII Weekend in Phoenix, Arizona on November 11.
At APEX 52-years-young Patrick earned his IPL Athletic Masters Pro Card, then hopped onto the Pro stage to make his Pro Debut right after earning the PQ, placing 2nd.
Today, as I stand on the cover of INSPIRE Magazine, I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share my story. I am deeply thankful to the IPL for providing a platform to amplify my voice, allowing me to inspire others by proving that transformation is within reach for anyone who dares to believe. This honor is a testament to the boundless potential that resides within each of us. A reminder that with perseverance, faith, and unwavering determination, we can conquer the seemingly insurmountable, and emerge victorious.
Patrick Curtis - IPL Pro
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New IPL Men’s Athletic Masters Pro Patrick Curtis Lands Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine!
“Today, as I stand on the cover of INSPIRE Magazine, I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share my story. I am deeply thankful to the IPL for providing a platform to amplify my voice, allowing me to inspire others by proving that transformation is within reach for anyone who dares to believe.”
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“My story is a living testament to the fact that love and faith can change the very air we breathe. And I am grateful to have found both in abundance.”
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New IPL Men’s Athletic Masters Pro Patrick Curtis Lands Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine!
“Today, as I stand on the cover of INSPIRE Magazine, I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share my story. I am deeply thankful to the IPL for providing a platform to amplify my voice, allowing me to inspire others by proving that transformation is within reach for anyone who dares to believe.”
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