20-year-old IPL Novice Bikini Champion Summer Chandler
“It was phenomenal! I felt very accomplished and proud of myself. But it only made me want to work even harder.”
Interview & Photography by Ben Yosef

IPL Newcomer, Summer Chandler was a stand-out athlete at the October 2023 Sunshine Classic in Destin, Florida. At this contest 20-year-old Summer competed in the Bikini and Athletic divisions and earned 1st place wins in both Novice classes. And came close to snagging herself some Pro Cards in the Open.
"...I wanted a challenge for myself. I wanted to see how far I could push past my limits and achieve goals I wouldn’t ever think I would achieve."
BEN YOSEF: Congratulations on your success at the Sunshine Classic in October! You were definitely a highlight of that show and of that contest weekend! If I’m not mistaken, this was your first time competing, right? Also, what got you interested in hitting the stage?
SUMMER CHANDLER: Yes, The Sunshine Classic was my first show and definitely one I will not forget. I was inspired to step on stage because I wanted a challenge for myself. I wanted to see how far I could push past my limits and achieve goals I wouldn’t ever think I would achieve. Stepping out of my comfort zone and gaining so much self discipline has really changed me and made me a better person today.

SUMMER: I’ve never been a partier or drinker myself. I’ve never really found it fun or enjoyable to do alcohol or drugs or anything like that so I’ve never done it. The part that I find challenging is working two full-time jobs, going to the gym, staying on track with my nutrition, and also being a full-time student. There’s never enough time in a day to get everything done. But I try my best.

"That’s a good question! [laughs] I set big goals for myself and I don’t stop until I achieve them! I’m the type of person to get things done, right here right now."
BEN: Sweet! [laughs] So of course this is Natural Bikini Magazine, so our focus for this interview will be on your performances in the Bikini division at Destin. But I wanted to ask you something… During our photo shoot the day before I asked you what your favorite division was, after learning that you were entering a couple of divisions. You told me that it was Women’s Athletic. For some reason I was actually surprised at that answer. I thought for sure your favorite division would be Bikini. Why is Women’s Athletic your favorite? What is it about that division?
SUMMER: I love being barefoot! The heels and the sparkly suit are fun, but I want to be on stage barefoot! I love Bikini just as much though. Just the feeling of being able to do both is great and balances it out. Both divisions I equally enjoy.
BEN: Okay, so let’s do a Bikini Breakdown! [laughs] You entered two Bikini classes in Destin. Novice and Open. In Novice you placed 1st. Basically winning your first class at your first show ever. What was it like hitting the stage for the first time and what was it like taking a victory your first time on stage?
"It was phenomenal! I felt very accomplished and proud of myself. But it only made me want to work even harder."
"It made me so upset with myself almost to a point of tears. But it’s made me work even harder for my comeback."

I gave it my all for both of the classes I was in. But I just keep reminding myself that it was my first show, and from here on out it’s grow/grind time. It made me so upset with myself almost to a point of tears. But it’s made me work even harder for my comeback.
BEN: Spoken like a true champion. I think you were very impressive in Destin and you were one of the most exciting athletes at that show. Following the show so much has happened. First you became a contracted IPL Athlete which comes with it so many perks, including interviews and features like this. We don’t have very many amateur athletes that are contracted. Typically, this is reserved for our Elite Level Pros. But amateur athletes who do well and appear to be great ambassadors for the sport and the league do have contracts extended to them.
You also popped up on an amazing video that the IPL has published. That’s one of the most popular videos we’ve posted all year. Now this Natural Bikini Magazine interview…the goods just keep coming! [laughs] I don’t know if you have been watching the new IPL Tutorial Series, but you also have a little cameo in one of those videos. Have you seen that yet? How are you feeling about what has come your way after your first IPL contest?
"I am feeling like I am going to be in the IPL for some time and I can definitely see a future with the league."
"This comeback for Arizona is going to be tough, but I’m coming in hot for that Pro Card."

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of Natural Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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