Megan Roark

IPL Bikini Pro Champion, Fitness Angels Pro, Evening Gown Pro Champion, Natural Bikini Magazine Cover Girl, SEAM Magazine Cover Girl, & The Real IPL reality series star.

INSPIRE Magazine – Ed Harden Collects More Wins!

“I was pretty shocked really! I hadn’t given much thought to any of it during the process because it had been such a long journey. I spoke about it with other friends who have competed, and they told me I didn’t have anything to worry about and I’d be fine and encouraged me to get on stage. I stopped putting so much stress on where I place at and decided to enjoy the process.”


2023 IPL APEX VII RESULTS Score Cards are available for every class/division. Please click here to request scorecards. Score Cards will be posted at the bottom of this page within 48 hours of your request. INSPIRATION & TRANSFORMATION Jennifer Stading – TOP TRANSFORMATION Dana Murray Jamie Palmisano PRO MEN’S BODYBUILDING MASTERS 1st           Steven Kendrick + […]


2023 IPL SUNSHINE CLASSIC RESULTS Score Cards are available for every class/division. Please click here to request scorecards. Score Cards will be posted at the bottom of this page within 48 hours of your request. INSPIRATION & TRANSFORMATION Ed Harden – Top Transformation Jennifer Christensen – Top Transformation WOMEN’S BODYBUILDING NOVICE 1st  Rachel Davis WOMEN’S BODYBUILDING […]