Cover: IPL Bikini Mommas & Evening Gown Novice Champion Megan Roark & Daughter Amelia.
Cover image captured by renowned photographer, Michael Brooks, during the weekend of the 2021 5th Annual IPL California Championship contest on May 22nd in Sacramento, CA.
At this contest Megan placed 1st in Bikini Mommas 0 to 1 (gave birth to a child less than one year ago) and won Overall Bikini Mommas. And placed 1st in Evening Gown Novice.
Megan also placed 3rd in Bikini Novice Class B, Bikini Open Class A and Evening Gown Open.
More Megan Roark

SEAM Magazine Winter 2021 Issue
COVER: IPL Bikini Mommas & Evening Gown Novice Champion Megan Roark & Daughter Amelia.

SEAM Magazine – Cover Story – Fitness & Family: Megan Roark – IPL Bikini Mommas & Evening Gown Novice Champion
“My daughter loves to sit on my yoga mat with me and ‘stretch.’ Soon enough she will be working out with me!”

New IPL APEX VII Pro Bikini Champion Megan Roark Lands Cover Of Natural Bikini Magazine!
“Five years ago, I started this journey simply to lose weight. However, I didn’t know how much of a lifestyle change it would be for my family and I. I am honored to be a part of the IPL and honored to be featured on the cover of Natural Bikini Magazine!”
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“…I have made a point to try new things and step further out of my comfort zone. I’d rather look back and say, ‘wow, I can’t believe I did that’, rather than ‘man, I wish I had.'”

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“I realized that this was not about losing weight anymore. It became a passion and desire to be the best I can be!”

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“It’s a sign that I’m growing and evolving as a person. As I’ve gone through different phases in my life, my interests and tastes have changed.”