Maddie McVane’s Gainz!

“…the Athletic division. It definitely is my jam! Even though I may not be placing the best, I have the best time during that division!“

IPL Athlete Maddie McVane is an exciting competitor! Three contests across five different divisions and she keeps coming back for more! No, Maddie has not earned Pro status in her divisions…yet. However, it’s fun to feature athletes who are not necessarily finding themselves in 1st place, let alone earning a Pro Card. McVane has been making consistent improvements over her contests and we wanted to give her some shine!

BEN YOSEF: Maddie, welcome to Natural Gainz Magazine! What was it like seeing your name on the cover? [laughs]
MADDIE MCVANE: I honestly couldn’t believe it! It was a huge surprise! I saw it and thought, “Hmmm, well this can’t be right!” I just kept looking at it and thinking, “Holy crap, that’s MY name on the cover of Natural Gainz Magazine!”
BEN: Ha! Awesome! So, your IPL contest history consists of three competitions. Your first was the 2018 California Championship. At that contest you entered two divisions. Bikini Open (placing 7th in Class B) and Women’s Sports Model Open (placing 4th). Since this contest you have not returned to the Bikini division. Why did you choose those divisions for your first show? What was it like competing for the first time? How did you feel about those placements? And why have you not returned to the Bikini division?
MADDIE: I chose Bikini to really step out of my comfort zone. All the jewelry, the make up, the hair.. the heels.. the bikini.. It just wasn’t “me.” So I thought why not? The only way to grow is being outside your comfort zone! Sports Model seemed to be way more my speed. I grew up playing soccer and at the time trained at the UFC gym in Rocklin so I thought boxing would be a great choice. Sports Model is such a fun category because you get to use your props and come up with your own routine.
     Thoughts on my first show: it was everything I thought it would be plus some! I had an amazing time throughout the day, got to meet some amazing athletes and learned A LOT! I was honestly happy with my placements. It being my first show I thought I did just fine and I really did it for myself, as all the competitors should. I haven’t returned to Bikini because I thought, “well I did it once and that’s enough.” Plus the Bikini posing is just not me, though I have given it some thought with regards to trying it out again in my next show!
BEN: Your second contest was the 2018 West Coast Pro/Am. At this contest you entered Sports Model once again placing 3rd in the Open. You jumped into Evening Gown for the first time placing 4th in the Open and Women’s Athletic for the first time placing 3rd in the Open. Why did you decide to enter two new divisions, Athletic and Evening Gown? And what was it like competing in those at that show?
MADDIE: I decided to do Evening Gown for the same reason I did Bikini. To get out of my comfort zone. Plus, I had my beautiful jr prom dress that I got to wear again. For Athletic I talked to my coach Marcia Hassman and we both agreed it would be more me. Flexing rather than posing on stage was a lot more fun and challenging to me. Truly showing off muscle and having to hold those flexes for the given amount of time is actually pretty tough! But I really enjoyed the challenge.
     Just as I did at my first show, I learned so much from the other athletes. Everyone has a piece of advice to give! All of the competitors are so nice. I remember before I went on stage for the Athletic class at Finals, Abigail Comstock gave me a few posing tips which really helped. And it made me realize some of, if not all, the competitors want you to do good!
BEN: So awesome! And I always love hearing stories like that about a really good vibe happening backstage at IPL shows. It’s really important for me to have that type of environment. Okay, so your final show was the California Championship this past May. At that contest you stayed in Sports Model placing 5th in the Open and you hit Women’s Athletic again placing 5th in the Open there as well. What is it about those two divisions that have you sticking with them? And is it just me or does it seem like Women’s Athletic is your jam? [laughs]


MADDIE: Those two categories are the most fun to me! They fit my personality! I’m into all kinds of sports! Hence my boxing, bands and hunting props! It is challenging coming up with a routine with the props, which is where I struggle the most. BUT that’s what keeps bringing me back to get better and really love and have fun with my routine!
     Ugh…the Athletic division. It definitely is my jam! Even though I may not be placing the best. I have THE best time during that category! Flexing>posing. Sorry bikinis! I love seeing the muscle gain during my prep as well as the fullness, symmetry and conditioning of my hard work! Knowing I’ll be competing in that division keeps me sooo pumped up during my prep. It’s just a badass category with badass women.
BEN: Well, it has been great watching you and your physique develop over the last couple of years. I’m excited to see how far you can go in the sport. What’s next for you?
MADDIE: What’s next for me…hmm good question! I was going to compete in the 4th Annual West Coast Pro/Am but my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer and passed away July 21st. So I had to put aside training to spend time with her and my family. I did a lot of thinking and revaluation. My next step will be to compete again in May 2020. My boyfriend, Mitch Corbett, and I are going to do prep together. He will be doing the Bodybuilding division! It will be his first show! So I’m super excited to be each other’s teammates and dominate the show! A true power couple! GAINZ

About the interviewer:

Picture of Ben Yosef

Ben Yosef

Ben is the Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of Natural GAINZ Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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