61-years-young, 6X IPL Pro Champion Rob Tenerowicz Lands Cover Of ATHLETIC Magazine

ATHLETIC Magazine Winter 2023/2024 Cover!

Cover: 6X IPL Pro Champion, Rob Tenerowicz.
Photo by Ben Yosef
Cover image captured during 2023 IPL APEX VII Weekend in Phoenix, Arizona on November 11.
ATHLETIC Magazine Winter 2023/2024 articles and features begin dropping in December.

Cover image captured during 2023 IPL APEX VII Weekend in Phoenix, Arizona on November 11.
At APEX 61-years-young Rob earned the IPL Pro Masters Athletic title, defending his win from last year. This marked Rob’s sixth IPL career Pro win.
He also placed 2nd in Pro Masters Bodybuilding.

“I’ve had the privilege of being an IPL Athlete since 2019, and have experienced the overwhelming encouragement, support and motivation provided by the league and its athletes. To be chosen to represent the IPL and grace the cover of the ATHLETIC Magazine is a tremendous honor. I want to thank the IPL for affording me the opportunity to be a member of this amazing family.”

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