Q&A With IPL Pro Christina Wilson
“Go after your dreams, manifest what you want and truly believe that they will happen and they will come true.”

IPL Bodybuilding, Fitness Angels, Athletic, Sports Model and Theme Wear Competitor & Figure Pro
Who are some of your inspirations?
First and foremost I aspire to be the best person I can be as I know that is what God expects of me. Which I believe also leads to my purpose in life, helping others. My mother raised me and formed the foundation and taught me many life lessons that helped shape me into the person I am today. My sister, Jamie Wilson, being the strong resilient and compassionate woman she has become makes me so proud of her and truly blessed how supportive she is to me. My coach Kat Ryan. After my friend Cora Albers convinced me to compete in 2019 I met Kat and I was completely blown away by her results. I was thrilled that she was not only willing to coach me to obtain amazing results, but also teach me how to coach others.
What’s the best life advice you’ve ever been given?
From a young age I learned the importance of hard work, which meant for me to never give up. To this day I do not quit anything. I always see things through. Even if I fail it teaches me to try harder the next time or try something different for better results. Also to always be honest, no matter who’s feelings I may hurt. I would rather hurt someone’s feelings telling the truth than lie because lying will only catch up with you in the end. So it’s better to be honest. Not just for the other person but also for yourself.
Which fashion trends do you think should come back and which ones should die?
I honestly love when old trends come back because some of the newer trends that come out are hideous, which is why they do not repeat themselves like the older trends. Some of the ones that I do feel should die are “mom jeans”, bellbottom jeans and shoulder pads in jackets.

In what sort of clothing do you feel most comfortable?
Really anything that is comfortable. I love coming home and throwing on my sweat pants and tank top. Even my clothing during the day for work that has to be business casual I can usually get away with wearing leggings and a cute but comfy top.
What is next for you?
The next chapter for me…It will always involve competing, as it’s something I’m now passionate about and also helps me to have a goal to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, I am looking forward to also starting a family so there may be some pausing in between some shows. But I will always plan to return. I am also taking on my own team and coaching. As of the last show I trained three athletes with one of them (Vicki Daniels) obtaining her Pro Card with the assistance of my coach Kat Ryan. This year I will be on my own and I feel confident with everything that Kat has taught me. So I’m ready to take on more athletes and do it again. I have my returning athletes who will be competing this year and my boyfriend Justin Williams will be competing for the first time. So if your reading this and need a coach and want to compete let me know.
Any final thoughts?
I just want to share my gratitude for how grateful I am for being considered for this magazine. It’s definitely something I aspired to as I believed if I worked hard enough and obtained even better results this year I would make it in a spread in a magazine. I manifested it and it came true just like most of the things I set out to do this year. Go after your dreams, manifest what you want and truly believe that they will happen and they will come true. SEAM

About the interviewers:

Our team pens fun, interesting, informative articles and collaborates to create compelling questions for our interviews.
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