New IPL Women’s Athletic Pro, Marissa Burns
“It’s just more me! It emphasizes the feminine badass in my core, and that is a euphoric feeling in itself.”

Marissa Burns first competed on the IPL stage five years ago at the 2016 California Championship in Sacramento. At that contest she placed 3rd in Bikini Novice Class A and tied for 6th place in Bikini Open Class A. She had not been seen on stage since.
Then, in October of 2020 Marissa burst back onto the scene at the IPL Arizona show in Phoenix, returning to the Bikini division. In Arizona she would place 1st in Bikini Novice and a very respectable 3rd in a stacked Bikini Open class. However, this time she added the Athletic division to her list of entries.
In shocking fashion, Marissa propelled herself right to the top of the division. It quickly became very clear that Women’s Athletic is where Marissa feels most at home. At that contest she placed 1st in Athletic Open, earning her IPL Pro Card, and went on to make her Pro debut, placing 3rd.
Following that contest Marissa landed on the front cover of SEAM Magazine and was featured in Natural Bikini Magazine. And now this GAINZ feature! What an amazing run for this young lady!
BEN YOSEF: First off, congrats again on all the magazine features! You are killin’ it! Are you like totally exhausted with all this yet? –laughs-
MARISSA BURNS: -laughs- Thank you! I’m soaking it all in.
BEN: We have talked quite a bit in the other magazines about your success on the IPL stage. In both Bikini and Athletic. You have expressed that the Athletic division is your favorite and your focus. And you really seem to come alive in this division. What is it about the Athletic division that excites you so much?
MARISSA: Yes, all very true! I have always had a naturally muscular physique and my body responds really well to this training style. I fell in love with building on a foundation that was already in place and pushing it to limits beyond what I can see in the present moment. I love the art of discipline and training hard; showcasing it on stage is a byproduct of that.
BEN: Why do you connect with Athletic more than say, Bikini?
MARISSA: It’s just more me! It emphasizes the feminine badass in my core, and that is a euphoric feeling in itself.

BEN: Love that. Will you ever return to the Bikini stage?
MARISSA: Never say never. –smiles-
BEN: Although Athletic is your favorite, you still seem to flow very easily and naturally from Bikini to Athletic. What tips would you offer to athletes out there who are either entering both divisions or are seriously considering it? And are there any other divisions that you would like to enter?
MARISSA: It was an easy flow between the two. I’d say go for it all! It was so fun training for two styles all in the same prep. You have nothing to loose. Just more medals to take home. There may be more divisions for me at some point. I am stoked to see how far I can go within the Athletic division first.

BEN: How familiar are you with the current crop of IPL Women’s Athletic Pros? And are there specific Pros that you would like to compete with?
MARISSA: I’m not too familiar, although there are a couple Pros who I walked away feeling inspired by that I was able to see on stage in Arizona.
BEN: Awesome. Once again, thank you for being a part of the league. It has been wonderful seeing your growth over these years. I look forward to having you back on the IPL stage! Any final thoughts?
MARISSA: Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am stoked to be back on stage! GAINZ

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of SEAM Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.

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