Cover: IPL Bikini Model, Fitness Angels, Figure, Athletic & Women’s Sports Model Pro, Lexi DeCristofaro
Photo By Ben Yosef
Cover image captured just hours before Lexi took the stage at the September 2022 IPL Illinois State Fall Championship.
Lexi had a MASSIVE day at that contest, including earning her fifth IPL Pro Card!
Natural Bikini Magazine – Cover Story – IPL Bikini Pro Morgan Sims
“Prepping for the show taught me a lot of self-discipline. I pushed myself in a way I never thought I could, mentally and physically.”
Natural Bikini Magazine: IPL Bikini Novice Champion Emily Mack
“Shocking! Truly shocking…I was in the mindset of, ‘Let’s do this for the experience and to celebrate what my body has allowed me to do.’ Winning my division was the icing on the cake.”