IPL Pro Deanna Faulkner Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine

SEAM Magazine Fall 2024 Cover

Cover: New IPL Figure Masters Pro, Women’s Athlete Open & Masters Pro, Deanna Faulkner.
Photo by Ben Yosef
SEAM Magazine Fall 2024 articles and features begin dropping in September.
Cover image captured during Deanna’s Photo Shoot at August 2024 9th Annual IPL Southwest Grand Prix Weekend in Arizona.
Dee travelled from Florida to Arizona for the Grand Prix. She placed 1st in Figure Open, 1st in Shape Novice, 3rd in Shape Masters 40+, 3rd in Shape Open, 1st in Women’s Athletic Masters 40+ (earning her Pro Card), 1st in Women’s Athletic Open (earning her Pro Card). Then made her Pro Athletic Open Debut in a VERY CLOSE CALL, missing 1st place by just one point!
This marks Dee’s second magazine cover since first competing in the IPL last fall. Her first cover was for the Spring 2024 issue of INSPIRE Magazine.

“Wow! I’m both honored and flabbergasted to be gracing the cover of SEAM! When I decided last fall to compete in the Sunshine Classic I never would have dreamed of the opportunities that would come from saying YES to that show. I am so grateful for the opportunity to represent this magazine and this organization. It is so much more than just ‘show day!’”

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