Cover Story:
Deanna Faulkner’s inspiring journey is a testament to resilience and determination. Overcoming numerous challenges, including age, distance, and physical discomfort, Deanna found a community, a coach, and an activity she enjoyed. What began as tentative steps turned into a transformative three and a half years of consistent commitment.
In this exclusive interview Deanna describes her remarkable experience at the October 2023 IPL Sunshine Classic in Destin, Florida, detailing the emotional and physical challenges faced during preparation for the competition. Her story encapsulates not just a fitness journey, but a narrative of empowerment, resilience, and the transformative power of embracing challenges.

"It was a complete surprise and I got really emotional and found myself crying throughout the day because I knew where I had been and what it took for me to get here."
INSPIRE MAGZINE: Congratulations on landing the cover of INSPIRE Magazine! Can you share your initial reaction when you first saw yourself on the cover?
DEANNA FAULKNER: Thank you! My initial reaction was, Oh my goodness, NO WAY! What? I was totally shocked when I opened up my social media that Sunday morning to see myself on the cover of INSPIRE! It was a complete surprise and I got really emotional and found myself crying throughout the day because I knew where I had been and what it took for me to get here.
INSPIRE: Reflecting on your fitness journey, what motivated you to return to the gym in 2020, and did you have any specific goals in mind at that time?
DEANNA: My daughter. She’s the one who tried Militia Fitness first and she told me, “Mom, I think you’d really like this place.” She knew all my struggles and reasons for not sticking with anything else the past couple of years. She knew weights were my thing and I think she knew how desperate I was to get back to some version of my pre-back injury self.

"When I started I didn’t have any specific goals because I wasn’t sure what was possible or if I’d be consistent. I think my only goal at that time was to get there and walk through the door."
I went with her to a class Friday August 14, 2020, and she was right, I liked it. I returned on Monday August 17 and I signed up, but only for three months. I wasn’t ready to commit totally yet because I wasn’t sure I’d stick with it. But here I am three and a half years later, still showing up. When I started I didn’t have any specific goals because I wasn’t sure what was possible or if I’d be consistent. I think my only goal at that time was to get there and walk through the door. Many people find it challenging to stay consistent with their fitness routine.
INSPIRE: Can you elaborate on the difficulties you faced in the beginning and how you managed to overcome them to keep showing up at the gym?
DEANNA: Oh my, there were so many. I was tired, out of shape, overweight, embarrassed, the oldest person there, not motivated, in pain daily, lived 30 minutes away, had to pay a $4 bridge toll each way. You name it, I had an excuse. The deck was definitely stacked against me. But, I think the big things that kept me going back were, I found an activity I enjoyed, a community that I loved, and coach who actually cared.
I scheduled my workouts into my day like it was a meeting. I didn’t just go if I had time or felt like it. I made time and I showed up even if I didn’t feel like it. I knew if I could get myself through the door, even if I told myself I’m just going to sit there, that I would feel better when I left. I also would mark off my calendar with a big M each day I went to the gym. It was like my own little gold star for doing something for myself. I still do this today.

"My first emotion was fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of failure, fear of what people would think about me. I only told my family and a few close friends that I was doing it."
INSPIRE: Your journey led you to the stage at the October 2023 IPL Sunshine Classic. Can you describe the emotions and challenges you encountered while preparing for that competition, both physically and mentally?
DEANNA: My first emotion was fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of failure, fear of what people would think about me. I only told my family and a few close friends that I was doing it. I didn’t want anyone discouraging me once I made up my mind. I didn’t have time for anyone’s negativity. I had enough of that in my own head.
Throughout the process, emotions were up and down. Am I going to be ready? What makes me think I can do this? Is my body going to do what I think it needs to do to be ready? By the time week ten rolled around I was ready to throw in the towel. I was exhausted. I had to really dig deep and remember my “Why”.
I went back and looked at where I started and how far I had come and had to reset my thought process. Physically, I have to be careful of certain movements and exercises due to previous injuries and hyper mobility. I know which exercises are triggers for me, so I had to adjust my movements or scale the exercise or weight. I tried not to let it bother me that other people were lifting heavier or doing more than me. But I knew I had to be smart and not injure myself again.

"...the first few weeks, the scale was not budging!...But my weekly photos were showing changes, so that was a positive. The entire process was new to me and it was such a great learning experience."
Also the first few weeks, the scale was not budging! The other girls in my group were losing and here I was, stuck. But my weekly photos were showing changes, so that was a positive. The entire process was new to me and it was such a great learning experience.
INSPIRE: It seems like you had a positive experience with the IPL community during the competition. What aspects of the IPL community left a lasting impression on you?
DEANNA: From the beginning I had only heard good things about the IPL. My friend Kimmy, who brought the IPL to our area had raved about her experience with the organization. Kimmy has been a mentor to me over the past year so she was my first impression of the IPL and her influence will always be one I cherish.
From the show weekend, the tanning process with Danielle, it was my first spray tan ever and I was a little nervous. But Danielle made me totally comfortable and at ease, and the tan was so pretty. The day of the show, all the volunteers were so welcoming. Lanet and Teresa backstage helped calm my nerves before walking out for the first time.

"I’ve been sort of in disbelief. I keep thinking wow, I said yes to one thing a couple years ago and here I am now. 'What if I had let fear stop me?'"
The atmosphere of show day and seeing the other athletes was inspiring. My photoshoot on Sunday with Ben was an incredible experience and I’m so thankful this was offered. And overall, I feel like the IPL is a bigger version of my Militia family. All working toward their own goals while making lasting impressions and inspiring others to be their best.
INSPIRE: Being a Contracted Athlete for the IPL is a significant honor. How did it feel to be asked to represent the IPL, and what does this role mean to you in terms of sharing your story and experiences?
DEANNA: I am extremely grateful and honored to have been asked to represent the IPL. I’ve been sort of in disbelief. I keep thinking wow, I said yes to one thing a couple years ago and here I am now. “What if I had let fear stop me?” And I think that’s what my role is and has been. Helping people see that by not letting fear stop you or doing things because you are scared, no matter your age, set backs, obstacles, ability, can change your life and have a ripple effect. When raising my kids, I told both of them, “you have to be willing to fail, in order to succeed”, and I saw them both do incredible things.
INSPIRE: When your magazine cover was released, you spoke of the IPL digging deeper and showcasing the human side of athletes. How do you believe the IPL differs from other platforms in its approach to highlighting the personal and relatable aspects of athletes?

"Giving the athletes a platform to share with others so that people can see that obstacles can be overcome and that we are not alone in our struggles, our successes, our hopes, dreams, jobs, families, the daily grind."
DEANNA: I think by asking questions. Reaching out, paying attention, following on social media and engaging. Wanting to learn more about your athletes. Not just what they look like on show day, but what makes them who they are. How did they get here? What’s their story? And then showcasing it, publishing it. Giving the athletes a platform to share with others so that people can see that obstacles can be overcome and that we are not alone in our struggles, our successes, our hopes, dreams, jobs, families, the daily grind. By listening and learning from others who have walked a similar road, one can be inspired to put themselves out there and carve out the life they want. People often have preconceived notions about the sport and its participants.
INSPIRE: How do you think the IPL challenges these stereotypes, and what message do you hope your story conveys to those who may have misconceptions about fitness competitions?
DEANNA: I want people to know that the showy part of the sport, competition day, is only the tip of the iceberg and really only a tiny part of the process. For me, I didn’t decide to do my show for the show itself. I wanted the training and the nutritional information. I wanted to challenge myself and see what I was capable of. I knew I wouldn’t do what was required without the end goal of stepping on stage and I needed that finish line.
Even though it was about “how I looked”, it was more about how I could change my mind and thought process and what I believed I could do. I wanted to learn to change my body with proper nutrition and specific workouts geared toward body building and every week I was able to see changes. It was an amazing process. It was hard, but it was worth it. The actual show and getting to experience my first Figure competition with the IPL has been icing on the cake. I love that the IPL takes the time to get to know the athletes.

"I think there is a place for anyone who is fitness minded and wants to showcase their successes. I believe that’s what we all want. A place to shine and a community that believes in and encourages us."
When I started getting follow requests from people in the IPL community, other competitors, and I started following them, I was able to see a glimpse into their daily lives. People putting their heart and soul into their families, their work, their hobbies, their passions, and making time for their fitness. We’re all here to grow, and share, and be a part of an encouraging community.
I also appreciate the variety of divisions within the IPL from Pro qualifying to Exhibition. I think there is a place for anyone who is fitness minded and wants to showcase their successes. I believe that’s what we all want. A place to shine and a community that believes in and encourages us.
INSPIRE: Looking ahead, you express excitement for future growth and your next time on stage with the IPL. Can you share any specific goals or aspirations you have for your continued journey in fitness?
DEANNA: I’m currently looking ahead at the IPL schedule of events for the year. I’m excited for the Sunshine Classic again and I am trying to schedule one more show this Fall. I’d really like to add another division in addition to Figure. I’ve learned so much in the last year about so many things related to fitness and nutrition, I want to continue to learn and share the information I’ve been given.
INSPIRE: Finally, as someone who has had a profound impact on others, what advice would you give to individuals who may be hesitant to start their fitness journey or pursue their passions later in life?
DEANNA: Just start. Be willing to be a beginner. Start over again as many times as you need to. Reset and reevaluate constantly. Be willing to fail. Look at everything you’ve done as experience and a stepping stone to the next level. And surround yourself with positive and like-minded people. People who believe in you and encourage you when everyone else thinks you’re crazy. INSPIRE

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