IPL Bikini Pro Alexandra Hackett Lands Cover Of VIGOROUS Magazine

VIGOROUS Magazine Fall 2023 Cover!
Cover image captured on Sunday, August 13th, the day after Alex competed in the 2023 8th Annual IPL Southwest Grand Prix in Phoenix, Arizona.
The Grand Prix was Alex’s return to the stage after a 1-year absence. At the Grand Prix, Alex placed 4th in Pro Open Bikini.
Alex is also the star of “The Real IPL” reality series episodes 9 & 10.
This marks Alex’s second magazine cover since competing in the IPL. Her first was SEAM Magazine’s Winter 2022/2023 issue. One of the most popular covers and issues in SEAM’s five-year history.
Fall 2023 VIGOROUS interviews & features will began dropping in September.
“I feel honored to be featured on yet another magazine cover! I had no idea, and the surprise was overwhelming. I'm grateful for the IPL and its community of supportive athletes. I'm excited to see what the future holds for me as a part of this great organization!”
Alex Hackett - IPL Bikini Pro
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