Vinyette Ervin’s Amazing New Physique!
“My goal for my 36th birthday was to be in the best shape of my life. Not just for me, but also for my three beautiful kids.”

After completely recreating her health and bod, Vinyette Ervin was a Top Transformation Winner at the February 2022 IPL Southern Championship in Houston, TX.
Then She reappeared on the IPL stage at the Illinois State Fall Championship in Park Forest, IL in September. With an even more phenomenal look!
This is her story.
“My goal for my 36th birthday was to be in the best shape of my life. Not just physically, but mentally as well. I promised myself that I would start to live a happy and more healthy life. Not just for me, but also for my three beautiful kids. I started my weight loss journey at 288 pounds and 48% body fat. In the beginning I could barely do a squat or lunge, let alone any cardio.
Being a Private Chef, single Mother of three and a business owner I was always on the go, putting myself last. I was on the highest blood pressure medication dosage that I could take for my age. I had two breast surgeries that left me in the hospital sick for weeks at a time. I knew quitting or giving up WAS NOT an option. I needed this change!
With the help of my trainer Alisha Gray and my coach Jerry Hill, I came down to 172 and 14% body fat in a little less than a year. I could not have done it without their support, keeping me accountable, never letting me quit and waking up the inner beast in me!
My goal is to inspire and motivate women and show them that if I can do it, it’s possible for them too. To show that once you change your mindset, your body will follow. To be the best version of ourselves, for ourselves! It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come and I’m so excited for my future in fitness modeling!”
BEN YOSEF: Congrats on your incredible transformation and success on the IPL stage this year! How are you feeling about all that you have accomplished?
VINYETTE ERVIN: Thank you, Ben! Oh wow! I honestly don’t think there are enough words to describe the feeling! I still look in the mirror in awe of my transformation! I’m so incredibly proud of myself! Looking back, I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life, in one of darkest times of my life. To now living my best life, an IPL Sports Model Pro Champion, Personal Trainer, inspiring and motivating other women! This year for me has been amazing! The best way to say it is, I FOUND ME!
BEN: Love it! You are such an inspiration. You have so much to be proud of! What is it about the stage that attracts you to it?
VINYETTE: Well, Ben, for me it’s not just about the stage. It was the process of getting to the stage. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. As a child I never was an athlete, nor did I like to workout. Fast forward…I’m 36 years old, a single mom of 3 kids, running 5 miles a day, working out 2 to 3 times a day, 6 days a week!
I’m in the prime of my life, an ATHLETE! Doing a show was giving myself a bigger goal to go after. Something that I knew would push me harder and bring out the beast in me. Then, once I got a taste of the stage, it has become an addiction. The hunger to be better, to learn and grow.
BEN: What have been some of your biggest challenges throughout your journey? What roadblocks have you had to push through?
VINYETTE: I would have to say staying consistent was a challenge. Of course there are days that I didn’t want to workout, days where I wanted to just give up, days when the motivation just wasn’t there. But I had to sit and remember all the health issues I have overcome and how far I’ve come. So, QUITTING IS NEVER AN OPTION.
BEN: Love it. You are a Chef by profession? Do you have a specialty, in terms of the cuisine that you prepare?
VINYETTE: Yes, I am a Chef. Or I would say, a Private Chef. I guess you could say my specialty is seafood and soul food. I like to take an old recipe and add a modern spin to it. For example, Deep Fried Deviled Eggs, Crab Stuffed Hennessy Glazed Salmon. My Deep Fried Lobster is a huge hit. Or my Smoked Hennessy Wings.
BEN: OK, now I’m hungry! I assume that most of what you cook is not conducive to your diet? How do you manage to stay on plan while making such scrumptious foods?
VINYETTE: One of the services I offer for clients is meal preps. Small, protein heavy, light carb, low sodium meals that are catered to each client’s diet. I have meal preps and meal plans for someone wanting to bulk up, lean out, eat vegan. You name it, I got it.
Being a Chef, I’m around scrumptious food all day. But, when you have a goal in mind, I couldn’t let a fork have the upper hand. Like I often say to my clients, you can’t let food control your life. Being that 90% of weight loss is nutrition, and your meals don’t have to be bland and boring.
So, I wanted to test out my meal preps and plans on myself first before I offered them to the public. I wanted to be my own commercial. To show that, with proper nutrition and hard work in the gym, anything was possible. Take it from me, down 125 pounds!
BEN: Wow, this is all so interesting and exciting! So great learning more about you. You have inspired and continue to inspire so many with your journey, physique and success. I am sure this interview will generate even more excitement!
So, I am bummed that you will not be hitting the APEX stage next month. But I do look forward to seeing you back on the IPL stage, hopefully soon! Any final thoughts?
VINYETTE: Thank you so much! That’s my goal, to inspire and motivate women from all walks of life. To show them that it’s possible, without surgery or crazy diet pills and teas. I did it completely natural. No cheat codes. Just hard work, good nutrition and being consistent!
I have an amazing Trainer, who continues to push me out of my comfort zone and into greatness! Shout out to one of the best trainers in San Antonio, Jerry (Pluck) Hill!
Yes, of course you will definitely see me next season in February for the show in Houston! Trust me, this isn’t the last of me. I’m just getting started! I also want to say Thank you to IPL for the opportunity and Thank you, Ben!

About the interviewer:

Ben Yosef
Ben is the Publisher of INSPIRE Magazine and the President & Founder of the International Physique League.
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