3X IPL Pro Masters Bikini Champion Alex Hackett Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG

NATURALMAG Fall 2024 Cover
“I am so humbled to not only be a part of a great organization, but also to be featured on another magazine cover! Competing for IPL has helped me grow on so many levels. If you're looking to compete in a natural league that supports their athletes, ask me about IPL! Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of such a fun league!”
Alex Hackett - IPL Pro
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More From NATURALMAG Falll 2024 Issue

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“Well, having a new Pro Card and being the first ever Shape Masters Pro made it a beyond amazing experience to say the least!”

3X IPL Pro Masters Bikini Champion Alex Hackett Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG
“I am so humbled to not only be a part of a great organization, but also to be featured on another magazine cover! Competing for IPL has helped me grow on so many levels.”

NATURALMAG: New IPL Shape Pro Megan Salonic Talks Shape & Bikini
“I needed my mind and body prepared for competition. I trained my mind to prepare for success and it was me versus me, regardless of the division.”

NATURALMAG – Elli Nichole Wins APEX Pro Fitness Angels!
“A lot of time went into the costumes and posing for Fitness Angels. I think that’s what did it! I spent a lot of time and energy working towards my vision.”

NATURALMAG – Surfin’ Tahitian – New IPL Men’s Sports Model Pro, Teva Ah-min!
“I chose the surfer theme because I am surfer. I surf everyday and it’s my passion, my favorite sport.”

NATURALMAG Cover Story: Will IPL Pro Ariana Rae Stewart Dominate The IPL’s New Shape Division?
“…growing up I was always considered the ‘fuller’ girl. This is something I used to dread and now it is something I love and fully embrace. And aligns perfectly with the newly added Shape division.”